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Archangelica - children German settlement

Chronicles of the ancient genus PEC (Paetz), little-known pages of history from the XIV century to the present day

Light memory of Evgeny Petrovich Bozhko, historian-researcher

Olin island — the so called special camp № Kemperpunkta

(Illustrations and text Ellen Gernet).

Instead of joining

In 1887, Arkhangelsk merchants Shergold and Surkov received the right to harvest wood in the state forests of the KEMA basin. Build a sawmill on the Yak – the island, the place of the dead plant Vyatskie millionaire Kondakova, they did not dare – a bad omen. And then Kem the city Council in January 1888 the first gave them a lease on Popov island, previously owned by the Solovetsky monastery. The place of construction turned out to be successful, over time, the island was connected to the mainland by a dam on which to pave the road and even the rails of pig iron; and delivery of fresh water and communication with the city of Kem much easier. Deep-water lip, which is located on the shore of the sawmill, allowed moored and large-tonnage ships, and huge reserves of virgin forests in the region and good, cheap rafting on the river Kem contributed to the rapid increase in the production of lumber. In декабре1888 year vosmitonny the sawmill was built, and after a few years of its production went for export to England, Germany, Belgium and other European countries. Many of our relatives worked (and still working) on that sawmill, and the initiative has given my great-grandfather Ingvar PEC, which after a long life in Germany, returned to Russia and received in the factory spot, from the Commissioner of the workpiece and the alloy of the forest. The plant Manager at that time was our cousin Wilhelm I. Hoevelaken,and a mechanic for a long time served Charles Gernet, married to Caroline Hoevelaken. In 1889 the couple of Garneton was born spirited girl, Clara Ellen (Olia), named according to the tradition, in honor of his living aunts.  On this island of the KEMA coast she took the first steps and spent her Golden childhood. He studied at the factory school for a few years the girl, the parents were taken to Arkhangelsk, where she happily lived the rest of my life (until 1968). Together with the children, "German settlement" Olga graduated from the Mariinsky school preferred; married a famous surgeon Alexander Arkhangelsky Thunder. In their family were born two boys and three girls, for which Ellen wrote the tale and this story, and she kept a diary, which is very interesting to read.















Long ago it was. 've seen a lot in his lifetime "Olin" island, especially when the Bank settled the infamous Kemperpunkta (Kem transit item) where all drove and drove to death the best men – the color of the Russian clergy, scholars, writers, merchants, officers of the Tsarist and White armies...there is no number. But forever in the memory of this little piece of the rocky firmament in the coastal zone of the White sea mother of pearl preserved noisy games, laughter and sonorous voice of her first little settlers.
Evgeny Bozhko.

Сад и контора









В те годы этот большой одноэтажный дом назывался просто” КОНТОРОЙ “, так как самую большую комнату дома занимала контора, почему и весь дом носил это имя. А две комнаты и кухня, выходящие окнами в сад составляли квартиру Оли и других членов её семьи. В конторе на высоких стульях за высокими столами (точно маленькие дети) сидели дяди, что-то записывали в толстые книги и щёлкали круглыми деревяшками на проволочках. Дядям нельзя было мешать, нельзя было заходить в контору и спрашивать о чём-нибудь интересном. “Они работают”- сказала мама, хотя Оля прекрасно слышала, что они иногда разговаривают и даже громко смеются, особенно, когда уйдет дядя Саша. Дядя Саша – самый большой человек на острове, он управляющий и он ужасно толстый. Оля даже слышала один раз, как пьяные парни с гармошками пели: “Вот идёт, пыхтит машина, управляющий – брюшина “. Но когда Оля попробовала спеть эту песенку дома, качаясь на своей маленькой качалке, ей здорово досталось. “Эти дяди работают” – сказала мама, но Оле все-таки казалось, что мама ошибается. Ведь они никогда не ходили на завод, не шли домой по свистку обедать и не торопились назад на завод, когда опять загудит свисток: “На р-а-б-о-т-у-у-у-у!” Они никогда не были в саже и опилках, как те дяди, которые приходи ли в коридор конторы, долго там стояли, потом заходили в контору и выходили оттуда, пересчитывая деньги. Это были рабочие, а дяди в конторе раздавали им деньги. Какие они добрые и богатые! Но всех богаче дядя Саша; у него на столе стояли даже два мешка с золотом, которые он потом прятал в железный шкаф – Оля всё это подсмотрела в дырочку для ключа.
Оля вышла с парадного крыльца и остановилась в нерешительности: куда идти? Мама не позволяла уходить одной далеко, а няня была занята с маленькой сестренкой. Кроме того, на улице стоял туман, даже завод трудно было разглядеть, и определить, где он находится, можно было только по шуму машин и визгу пил. Вода была “прибылая ” и Салма заполнилась до краёв. Салма! Как много было связано с этим маленьким заливчиком Белого моря у маленьких островитян, героев нашего рас сказа. Салма соединяла в себе все моря и океаны мира! Салма омывала своими вол нами все части света! Но к Салме нельзя близко подходить, потому что в ней можно утонуть, а щепки туда можно бросать только, когда гуляешь с мамой или с няней. Если щепка плывёт к заводу, значит, вода убывает, а если она плывёт к лавке, значит, вода прибывает. Оля передёрнула худенькими плечиками от сырости и пошла в сад. Трудно было назвать садом этот, обнесённый решетчатым заборчиком, участок дикого северного леса.
Тут росла тёмная мрачная ель, шелестящие своими листьями осинки, весёлые берёзки, кудрявая рябина и колючий можжевельник. Было тут и болотце, и скалистая гряда, на которую ещё не могла взобраться четырехлетняя Оля. Здесь можно было найти настоящий гриб, не говоря уже о множестве поганок, а на болотце можно было собирать в конце лета и осенью морошку, чернику и голубику. Стояло тут и несколько кустиков малины, чёрной и красной смородины, но эти ягоды редко когда дозревали в суровом климате и дети, Олины друзья, съедали их зелёными, когда мама не смотрит. Сад осушали, рыли канавы, перекидывали через них мостики. Она весело побежала к клумбам, где тётя Лиза, жена управляющего, насадила цветов. Эта часть сада казалась Оле такой прекрасной, что она всегда заходила туда с некоторым трепетом. Тётя Лиза, сидя на корточках, полола свои клумбы. Оля забежала сзади и закрыла ей глаза. “Конечно это Оля, от рук пахнет всякой дрянью и они мокрые!”- сказала тётя Лиза. Оля смущённо вытерла красные ручонки о пальтишко – и как это тётя Лиза всегда догадается? Правда Оля сейчас собирала поганки и давила их руками чего удивительного, что они стали мокрыми. “Вот что девочка, зови маму гулять после обеда, смотреть на новые дома.” “А я тоже залезу в новый дом по доске? Я не боюсь!” Тётя Лиза засмеялась: “Ладно, ладно там увидим. Так зови маму, видишь, и туман рассеивается”. Туман и верно стал исчезать, показались очертания завода, столярная мастерская и мост через Салму. А вот и завод загудел весело и коротко: “О-бе-дать!» Только один раз прогудел, а весь народ тут же высыпал за проходную, оживлённо переговариваясь друг с другом и торопясь до дома. После обеда гудок завода свистел протяжно два раза, поторапливая людей на рабочие места. Заторопилась домой и Оля. Сейчас придёт папа, и мама подаст обед, опаздывать нельзя. Оля хотела бежать по крайней дорожке, там росла большая ель, а под ней маленькие белые цветочки. “Нет, нет, не ходи туда, ноги промочишь, беги по средней дорожке “- остановила её тётя Лиза. Можно и по средней – она посыпана песком и на полпути есть мостик, и если сильно потопать по мостику ногами, то получается, как будто бежит лошадь.
















Оля так и сделала, при этом даже поржала немножко – вышло очень хорошо. Домой она успела прибежать только к самому обеду, все уже сидели за столом, и папа строго посмотрел на Олю.
В новый дом уже не надо было влезать по доске и Оля бойко бегала вверх и вниз по широким лестницам парадного и чёрного хода. С домом дяди Саши их дом разделяла только площадка, засыпанная опилками, как и большинство незастроенных мест рабочего посёлка Попов острова, что в 10 верстах от карельского городка Кемь. А контора осталась внизу под обрывом. Она теперь старая, такая же, как лавка, как дом дяди Саши и как казарма, где жили рабочие. Новый Олин дом был большой, двух этажный. Вверху, где жила Оля, было целых четыре комнаты, кухня, большой светлый коридор, просторные сени с окном и две широкие лестницы с перилами, по которым можно лихо скатываться, обжигая руки. Был даже балкон. Всюду на острове появлялись новые “балаганы” – домики для семейных рабочих.







Завод рос и расширялся, легенда о том, что дядя Саша при основании завода жил в большой бочке на пустынном острове, отошла в предание. Росла и Оля, она уже не довольствовалась компанией своих младших брата и сестры, а заводила новых друзей среди ребятишек, живущих в казарме. Олина мама не боялась разрешать своим детям играть с детьми рабочих, и Оля часто бегала в казарму и «балаганы» для семейных Папа работал на заводе механиком (машинным мастером), хорошо знал рабочих и также не запрещал своей бойкой дочери общаться с их детьми. Ребятишки тоже приходили к Олиному новому дому, играли в саду, очень любили забиваться в парадное крыльцо на большую лестницу.


Оле уже шесть лет, её брату Лёне четыре, а маленькой сестрёнке Зое – два. Была ранняя весна, дорога за пресной речной водой совсем испортилась, сегодня уехали в последний раз за ней. Скоро должны привезти воду для казармы. Предстояло интересное зрелище. Оля увидела, высланных на разведку (не везут ли воду) двух своих подруг – Саню Бугаеву и Еньку, дочь печника.
Вот выбежала из казармы шустрая Полька-карелка Оля присоединилась к ним и все вместе побежали по дороге, ведущей мимо балаганов к реке. Но по реке нужно ехать ещё вёрст 8-10, пока доедешь до пресной воды. “Едут”- закричала Оля, завидя какую-то лошадь вдали. Полька- карелка принялась хохотать: “Вот так вода, вот так вода! Это сам хозяин едет!”. Хозяином на заводе называли управляющего. Все стали смеяться над Олиной ошибкой и звонче всех Оля. Неужели дядя Саша такой толстый, что она его приняла за бочку!? Рассердится дядя Саша, если ему это рассказать. А ведь как смешно! “Вот теперь едут “- воскликнула Саня и стремглав бросилась бежать, сказать своей матери. Не отставали и другие девочки, и четыре пары ног быстро замелькали по дороге.















Olga ran to the porch and wanted to stay there, but thought better of it and climbed in. "Lenya, water is being driven!” Leon threw the dice and, together with Olga sat down on the window in the kitchen, waiting for water. From the barracks out women on the run palthe pulling and tying scarves. That seemed a horse with a large bucket of water. Next fled women with buckets, arguing about primacy. The horse stopped, the carrier tears, picked up a long ladle – a “couple” and began to disperse the crowd. Was unimaginable ruckus. Olga clung to the glass, nose flattened into a pancake. Water came to an end, and women, having pushed aside a water carrier, climbed in a VAT, scooping up water. Water remained only on the bottom and the tank was already sticking out of the female foot. It looked very funny and the kids laughed cheerfully. But here again was given the cries. A woman whose water has not got, as its the beginning of an empty bucket punch happy opponents. Was a real dump, and he called the Sergeant, and he somehow calmed down the dispute. The woman with the broken head was led to the paramedic, and part of water to the General annoyance appeared spilled. Expensive on the island valued river water stored on respeto (thaw). The river water went only for drinking and cooking, and for other necessities water could be received on a water-heating system which strenuously worked at this time. They filled a large cauldron with snow, constantly heated the furnace, and the snow slowly turned into water. From complete boiler snow the water was quite a bit, and you had all the time to add snow. The guys looked at Vodogray with interest. ” Let's make fotograma house,” exclaimed Olga. Mom approved Olin venture, but was told to take only pure snow. And the work began. In large baskets dragged the snow on the stairs to the kitchen, scattering some along the way. Cook grumbled, but still, the water turned out and the game was like work. Spring did its job, the ice was dark, it was a puddle of fresh water and she saw women carefully approached the puddle and scooped a ladle of this water. Aunt Lisa brought today the good news-in the upper reaches of the river Kem began ice drift. All amused-soon they will not be cut off from the world, the debauchery will end, mail will come, navigation will begin.

The Descent Of "Nymph»

All, who was is free, sought on the pier. The mood of all festive, lively and fun talking, people are waiting for an interesting spectacle. Today, the water goes down “Nymph” after a winter of hard work. Olga with her mother, warmly dressed, also in a hurry to the pier. Here they passed a garden, office, shop and wrapped to the stock exchange. Olga did not even pay attention to his friends, two huge stones lying in their way.
How can a simple stone be a friend? Yes, you can! Here he is, about the fat, large, smooth, dark gray. Olya tries to embrace him with his little hands, but captures a very small part. He was laying here when there was nothing: no factory, no office, no all these people. There was only Salma and a deserted island. Olya loves him and stroking him with a pen when the stone heats up from the sun. And when the fog hangs over the island, the stone becomes wet and she takes pity on him. The second stone lies near the stock exchange and there is a recess in the form of a chair. “Last one in is a fool! One, two, three!"- there is a team, and the flock of children rushes to a big stone. “I'm first! I am the second! “ they yelled, referring to the stone hand and stand, waiting for stragglers, and wait for new command: “first, the king! One, two, three!"All, as one, break away from the stone and rush to the second, and who was the first to occupy the chair, he was the king.













The game was repeated with almost daily walks, never losing interest. But today, passionate about the upcoming event, hosted by Olga your friends, just glancing at them. On the pier had already gathered a lot of people. The boys climbed on the piles of boards on the roof to see better. OLE and his mother managed to find a good place. Here it is, “Nymph!"Standing on land, it seems very large. "The nymph has just been repaired, recoloured, the copper parts are tinted. She prepared, as on celebration. On the deck there are a few people on the bridge the captain and Olin dad. Olja hard indeed. How she wanted to go with dad to “the Nymph”, and dad wanted to take the girl with him. But my mom disagreed, she was afraid of water. People began to fuss, ran, it seemed without sense, back and forth. Greased with fat boards on which the vessel has to move out on water. "Ready?"the captain screams from the bridge. Finally, all preparations are complete, the signal, let go of the rope that hold the “Nymph” and the ship is slowly and gradually creeping to the water. ” Come on, come on – cheering – come on mother, come on, poor thing."Everyone's faces are excited. Boys on stacks whistle, squeal with delight, throw up their caps. Olya excited, too, begins to shout and clap her hands. Hear a friendly “Hurray!""Nymph crashed into the water with his nose and lifting the fountains of spray, pumped on the waves! So she filed a whistle, greeted a new chorus of “Hurrah!"and walked in front of the audience, going to his pier, as if saying:" That's how I know how to walk, admire me!” In truth, everyone now looked at her with tenderness and excitement, as looks the mother on the first steps of their child.
He who has not lived in places that are sometimes connected to the rest of the world only by Telegraph, who does not know the dreary word “debauchery, debauchery”, lasting weeks, he will not understand the joy, the festive mood that covers the inhabitants of the Olin island with the onset of navigation.

Summer Sundays

Already "Nymph" went to Arkhangelsk and brought the products to the shop, foreign steamships have already come – giants and loaded with wood at the pier, Murmansk steamships brought mail, already started talking about when it will be possible to go to Arkhangelsk and the expected arrivals of guests have already begun. Every Saturday the children went to bed with the idea, some tomorrow will be the weather and will not come if someone special, unusual…
We got up this morning before the children were afraid to sleep, even though the ships come no earlier than 9 am or even 12 hours. From early morning people were sitting on the roofs, looked in the sea, some with binoculars and some just put a palm to shade the keen eyes. Olja sighed and looked with envy at the lucky ones: "Rather to grow up, then she too would get on the roof and, without stopping, would look into the sea and maybe the first would see the smoke of the approaching steamer and everyone would be surprised and would praise her." Just after drinking tea, hastening mom wore festive dresses and clean, lively, hurried to the pier, just hearing cries that seemed to smoke "Rubakov" (*Islands of the Kem at the White sea coast).
Today is an unhappy Sunday at Olya's, she has a sore throat and can not go to the pier. The house still have the good old nanny and Zoe, but that still, it is not even three years old, and she's not a pony took it. Dad put Olga in a chair by the living room window, explaining what a speck in the sea "Solovki", and a "Robaki". Showed smoke "Robakov" and told in which direction he should move. It was terribly exciting and she had almost come to terms with their grief and, not leaving, stood at the window.




























"Nanny, see, see, there's smoke!""See, see honey, you see faye Reagan" assured the nurse, though her old eyes did not see anything. Suddenly the smoke disappeared! Olya's heart even froze, what is it? Where did he go? Drowned? Pass by? "Nanny, nanny, where is he? Look, smoke's gone! What's the meaning of that?"anxiously asks Olga. "Well, enough of that you're fireman of wood not planted, or fog made that clear and we'll see.""No, nanny, no fog, what nonsense spoken...Here it is, here it is!"cried Olga, when he saw the smoke. "Nanny, nanny, masts, I see masts, pipe, oops, nanny, the entire steamship! Look, look, look, look!""Yes I see, I see – says the nurse – and you don't shout because you have the same neck pain". But Olya did not listen to her and said to herself: "Now you can't fool me, now get away, dad explained to me, and then seem your masts for the Yak-island". "What is it, it seems it's been ages!"Olina's lips are tightly compressed, in the eyes of anxiety. "And here is the mast, that I can see"- he heard the nanny's voice. "Where, where? Yeah, well, of course I do, too, you're not the first to see."Olya, happy, looks like the move for the Yak-island mast of the ship, as shown with the tip of the pipe. "Oops, see, see, goes, goes! What a great! Ah here is, again fled, I know, now he to customs is gone!"It's been five, ten minutes, an eternity, finally, it seemed the masts for piles exchange, finally, the whole ship went out and stayed on the roads. Now everyone at the Marina will be watching how passengers sit in the boat and of the boat, but Olga did not see her and immediately wanted to cry. "Well, let's go to the kitchen, see what there Marusa baked, and there we come, with the guests"- said the nurse.
But this time no one came to OLE: neither Maroussia nor Borya, cousin and sister, who spent almost every summer on the island. Arrived only Tatar, but it was very interesting. Our islanders did not know any trade, except the factory shop. Tatar was selling chocolates and, most importantly, delicious - pricesnew halva, the subject of dreams all the factory guys.
But not every Sunday was sick Ollie's throat, and she almost always Sunday hurried to the pier, first with mother, and, being older, and with my friends. Almost every Sunday someone extraordinary came. Once arrived the organ grinder. He was in a copper helmet with bells, drum back, in which he was beaten with rods attached to the elbows, and with one hand he spit the handle of a barrel organ. Isn't it a miracle! And another time a peddler came and laid their goods at the barracks on the porch. What charms wasn't there. And whistles, and clay pupae with baths, and dying cuttings, and balls and hooks for fish. Yes just not re-read! The guys ran their eyes, and they did not know what to buy on their accumulated pennies. But most liked OLE pictures of the: big, brilliant, bright. Particularly struck by Olya is where he painted two girls of extraordinary beauty, blowing bubbles. Olya put all their money and bought the picture. And in one thing Sunday arrived quite taken the unusual people. He was tall with Olga, and an adult. He had a long torso and very short legs, his knees were not at all, and were just shoes. He asked for a penny. Mom's not allowed to laugh at him, and called him to the kitchen and were fed lunch. The boys were amazed at the speed and agility with which he rose and descended the stairs. "And I hare able to jump, here uzho show!"smiling, he said, noticing the impression his dexterity had made on the boys. Called the little man a Stroke, he willingly showed the kids and adults magic tricks, and it was with regret that accompanied him on the steamer.

Summer Thursday

On Thursday night, left the boat in Arkhangelsk. Stood on the roof only those who have anyone left. Today on the island to Olya's parents came from the mainland from a small town of Kemi's two aunts of the boy of years of seven. They had to go to Arkhangelsk and waited for the ship. They seemed Ola is not the same as the islanders, and she curiously examined them. "Mom, let me also to wait for a ship" – asked Olya. "What are you, because the boat will come about one o'clock, and even later, you will want to sleep. Yes, you and the boy don't play at all." "No, no, mom, I won't want to sleep. I will not disturb anyone, I will only look." In the end, the mother allowed Ola to stay. But the game with the boy did not get along. He went out into the yard and began to collect wooden churbachki. Olga got to watch him from the window of the pantry. So the boy made churbachkov walls, and churbachki with a round hole inside laid on top and stuck in one of them the stick, playing the trumpet. "What a fool!"thought Olya, and, forgetting that she was hiding, shouted, "This is a wall I must be a round window, like a fairy-tale castle". The boy looked around with bewilderment and, having not seen who shouted it to him, kicked the building and began to build anew. "As in a fairytale castle," thought Olya, closing his eyes. Something happened with Her eyes closed themselves, when Olga doesn't want to sleep.
So the boy again started to build. "Yes, not, not want to say Olga, but the language doesn't listen and doesn't say anything funny," smiles the sleeping girl, her head falls to the window sill and the project continues to build in my sleep. Here is she takes churbachki, puts their on the pavement and they are worth firmly, as real wall. Then the pavement disappeared, and around was a green meadow and forest, and the wooden choirs in Olin hands turned into white marble. Olga easily turn their marble slabs, and puts them in their places, and the castle is growing by leaps and bounds, and by the minute. It's built. Night descended on the land, was the but but in the round Windows of the castle lit up colored lights. And Olga is standing alone and looking proudly at his creation. "Well, I did say sleep, because that's where got, arise, and go to bed"- Olga woke the mother. The girl struggled to open my eyes and muttering: "Mom, there's a see, marble ...there...with lights...I myself have built". "What is marble? Ah, there on the pavement. Duck, the boy was built and all scattered...Well, come to bed!"Olya tries again to open my eyes and look at your castle, but sees only a handful of churbachki. "Mom, where's my castle," she pulls capriciously. "Well, let me take you to bed, sleep, build your fairytale castle."

Trip to Arkhangelsk

At last mother told "on Thursday we will go to Arkhangelsk. Went cooking to my mother, sewed new clothes, hastily washed and ironed, made a list – what to buy in Arkhangelsk, which is not to forget to stock up for the long winter. Have guys, too, has been going preparations and talk. Remembered already experienced one argued whether to go to certain friends and whom they see. Some of the questions could not solve themselves and fled to her mother: "mother, Mother, as we will see in the Arkhangelsk king?"asked Leon. "Well, of course not – laughing mother – well, that may be of General or of the Governor will see on the street." "Here, here – ran to tell the joyful news to Leon - Mama said see generals and governors, they are there walking the streets, as we do men". And barely having time to finish, ran again: "Mom, Jogging in the streets you can run, don't get angry governors and generals?""No, the streets have to go quietly, only molochkom, and even the police to get you". "Mother, and to live we will again have grandmothers? Shall we go to the godmother? Will she give me a chocolate bar again-a cancer and a fish?"threw questions Olya. "And my grandmother is Natalia?", suddenly stretched out muzzle have Laziness. "What, Natalia?"that were repeated Zoe, nedoumevala looking at brother and sister. "Yes, such a terrible, terrible – making a scary face, said Leon – her hair disheveled and sticking out two large teeth, she's not real, she is Baba Yaga, only dressed and hired himself to the old cook" — with conviction added Olya. No assurances mom, that she is just an ordinary old woman like Babysitting, couldn't convince the guys, and to the delight of the trip was adding some kind of alarm.
Finally came the and Thursday. Brought a large suitcase into the bedroom, brought in linen, dresses and mother began to meet, sometimes stopping and listening, not raised whether the storm. She was very afraid of the sea. Children run, way, brought completely unnecessary things and ask whether we have forgotten the mother to take them. In the morning mom baked plantains, it was also interesting. And the main thing, the main thing is today they will not go to bed at the usual time, and will work together with all to wait for the steamer. Evening has come, everything has been folded and prepared. The dad came with a message that is visible to the steamer. All games were abandoned, all ran to the window to see where the steamer. Mom was visibly nervous, though it was quiet. "The tempest is not, in any case — said the Pope – but the fog, perhaps, something wet". In anticipation of the ship decided to have dinner. Finally had to get dressed and go to the pier.
















The ship stood at anchor, it had to be reached by boat. Skilled oarsmen deftly landed on the ladder, lowered from the ship and all in turn began to enter the ship, first daddy, then mommy leney, followed closely by Olga, Olga rowers did Zoya and finally, things. But I was on a big ship, and the deck and cabins, and the stairs which go down into the cabins, and the bridge and rescue boats, and circles, and a fat yellow tube. Children running around, all consider everywhere trying to get everything they ask and do not notice that are causing other passengers dissatisfaction and frustration. And the captain, in fact, I think almost a God. "Daddy, will you sleep in the boat again?", asks Olya. (Her dad isn't recognized for some reason sleep in the cabin, and always with the consent of the captain, was settling down for the night in a lifeboat.) My mother thought it was a miracle, and Olga heroism. Dad's expectations were met, the fog really caught the whole sea, only the ship moved away from the island. Then the steamer got up and all night gave disturbing beeps, and only in the morning, when the rising breeze scattered the fog, he again started on the road.











As a result, came to Arkhangelsk with a big delay when the city already went to bed, and on a pier there were absolutely a little cabs. Our travellers met aunt, cousin Olya's sister Mary and, horror of horrors, scary Natalia. Things drove the cab, all went on foot, and Natalia was asked to carry Zoe. Terror seized the little heart zoey: take this as Baba Yaga! "I don't want I, I'm on their legs will go," desperately screamed the little girl. Mom started to talk to her, but she very angry, the iron hands grabbed the child and quickly walked down the street, she and Lenya , holding hands, trying to keep up with the old woman to help poor Zoe, if Baba Yaga suddenly decided to eat it. And poor Zoe never stopped the whole way kicking and screaming.








The next day he started to go to relatives, shopping and just around town. Everything was magnificent and unusual in the provincial city. Painted the house seemed so elegant, and stone – the king's chambers. Stores and does affect the children, because they knew only one factory shop which sold only the most necessary things and simple treats. Children thought that in the city there live only one rich and were surprised, meeting the worker or the peasant. "They are, right, too, as we toured", decided guys.


















"Look, look, General!"pushes to the side Olga Leon, pointing at the policeman. «General?- questioned Olya – why is he in the middle of the road cost?". "Of course, General, look how important he is and all afraid of him, mother, because it is General?"- argued Lena. "Oh, you silly, it's only the policeman, which is even less than our Sergeant "Sergeant Less!?". Well, Leon, even the Sergeant is not afraid, because he's not drunk.
Went to the godmother and she gave OLE not only chocolate cancer, but straw hat and a new dress. One time I saw the parade were musicians and a lot of soldiers.
Then another went with mom, Mary and Boris walking in the Summer Garden. People there climbed on the pole for prizes, funny jumping in bags, and there was still a lot of interesting things. Played wonderful music, and my dad would buy candy and ice cream. All dressed up and cheerful. Yes, there will be something to tell, there will be something to surprise your friends on the island!








But here's dad's vacation is over, all seen, all purchased, and it's the day of departure to the island. How sweet it seemed to the native island after a ten-day separation. And exchange Commission, and Salma, and Salma stones, and the shop and office (which they were little during this time) — all seemed happy to return! And the house! He seemed to have opened his arms, meeting the children. But Watchdog really went crazy with joy.


News and changes

Again game with factory friends. With great pleasure on a rainy day, the children climbed into the front and, holding her breath, listened, embellished with Olina's rich imagination, stories about the wonderful Arkhangelsk. Sometimes Olya confessed that the passion and a little FIB, but the audience was not discouraged: "nothing, Nothing, tell, so even better!"But one piece of news, this OLE mom, and at the first event, told buddies, amazed everyone with his importance: "And the mistress of the soon to be little girl!"Is it born?"asked Polka. "No, not was born, and so!""Why so surprised Sasha - small children always are born". "But not always, and that's not always the case," exulted Olya. "Wasn will buy, rich after all" suggested Enya. "And will not buy", said Olya. The curiosity of the children were already at the limit, and Ola couldn't wait to tell. "They take to itself the education of the girl, the same as I am, her dad died and she has five sisters and she is they will have daughters, and they will love her as his"- blurted out in one breath Olya. This news made the guys a big impression, and Sanya said, "Now I want you to be friends with us you will not!". "What are you, Sanya!"'replied Olga. "She's right won't let us in his front porch! Important, I suppose, will be. Or maybe not, because Olya says she's from the poor." So discussed the children's message until the day of arrival of the mysterious girl. The weather was nasty and a stranger, completely prostrate from sea-sickness, brought into the house of uncle Sasha.
Only in the evening my mom called to Olga and went with her to aunt Lysa, to get acquainted with the girl. "Mama, what is she? Large? Bigger than me? Beautiful? What is the name?"- threw questions Olya. "Call Lesochki, and the rest you'll see for yourself, just remember that she was an orphan, took her from my mom and sisters and we need to be kind to her." "I'll be good I'll give her a watchdog, good mother!"– escaped at Oli. "Well, Barbosa can keep to yourself got a feeling mom and just love her."
Liza was a small, fragile-looking girl, tall with Olga, although she was older than Oli for the whole year. On a round face, pale from the painful road, and watched the large dark-gray eyes, and sticking out a little snub nose.















Olga was disappointed that she somehow expected that Lisa will be pretty as a girl, blowing bubbles in her picture. And Lisa turned out to be quite the same as Sasha and Polka and all the others. "But I certainly would love it, but such more" mentally decided Olya. And indeed, after about half an hour the girls had talked together, telling each other the events of his life. In the evening, lying in bed, she could not sleep, remembering a particular detail of a new acquaintance. "Mom, mom, why so weird she says her sisters name is Polinesia, Hatanaka, Mannanase, Catanese and yet somehow, I do not remember. However, what funny names, or in the city these are?". "Of course, such names there is no, this she was joking"- he was smiling, explained mother. "No, mom, she's not joking". "Well, she wasn't kidding, so she didn't tell the truth." "But to tell a lie a sin?". "Yes, of course, telling a lie is very bad, but don't judge so strictly Lisochku, remember what you often tell something and start to improve, which actually was not. So, right, and Lisa, she thought that it would be more interesting." Olya blushed, remembering their stories girlfriends. "Mother, I always, always say then, that I added ... accidentally." "That's good, but even better would be if you when you want to "posochinyat", said to the girls: "Well, girls, listen to a story". Olga was happy, kind and smart as she is good.
The convergence of Liza with Her girlfriends was very slow. She was very timid girl, could not long get used to his position "host" daughter of. Factory same children took her timidity for pride and considered it "master". Thus, the more Olga approached Lizochka, the further she departed from her girlfriends and the feeling of the Sled began to come true. Still, sometimes together, and played ball on the court between Olya and Lissoclinum houses, raising clouds crushed chips. Then uncle Sasha ordered the entire area to be leveled and laid with turf. Next spring this place was cheerful green meadow of the regular quadrangular form.

Why and why?

"And why snow white and cold, and respiration water in sea is salty, and in river fresh? And why have us often a, and in Arkhangelsk quite rarely? Why is uncle Sasha afraid? Why is he in charge? The Pope does not fear? Why and why, why and why???"- was falling without end with lip Oli. But not always, she received to your questions, reasonable answers. Mom in process of forces and possibilities to satisfy the girl, and uncle Sasha, whose house with the appearance of Liza Olya began to spend a lot of time, often annoyed by these persistent issues and to get rid of, he replied: "Because the moon on to a lot of cast iron". "Is the Moon made of cast iron?"Olya didn't let up. "Yeah, cast iron, well, go play with the Lick." Mother explained to OLE that the Moon is a planet made of cast iron and it has not been done, and uncle Sasha joked. «Joked? So when they joke, they tell lies?"- puzzled asked Olya. "Yes, very often joking tell a lie, but it is better to joke without a lie, it is correct to tell the truth always and joking, and seriously – mother told the girl – and try not to bother with adult questions, and before think, learn to think".
One day aunt Lisa had guests from Kemi. OLE and Lizochka, as the eldest of the children, were allowed to attend the guests. There was a rich old believer (*the old believers were much in Kemi). She even went to visit with her Cup. An important old woman was seated in the living room in an armchair. Strictly looking around the audience, her eyes fell on the two girls. "But there has to be a favourite of my husband? Come on, show yourself, come to me." (Her husband liked glib, talkative Olya , and Olya's parents coming to, he always affectionately joked with her). Olga modestly walked back to the chair woman. "Well, well, nice girl, humble girl," murmured the old lady, looking very earnestly at Olga. Ola it became annoying and zachatevskiy hands on the arm of the chair, she began rocking from heel to toe. «GM..GM – pursed-lipped old woman – you have brothers and sisters?""There, they stayed at home, brother, sister and even Watchdog", Boyko said Olga. "So, about dogs I don't ask...Well, why are your brother and sister didn't come?"the old woman continued her interrogation. "What a stupid – flashed through my head Oli – she doesn't want to think that they are small and I am big." Suddenly and unexpectedly blurted out: "But because the moon have a lot of cast iron!""Ah, here's the favorite of my husband"- strictly said the old woman, gave Olga from head to toe withering look and turned away. "It's a shame – excitedly whispered to my mom – shamed for all that now about you and me I think!"Mother, I was joking." «Joked! Stupid, cocky girl."
Mom is gone. Olga left, her thoughts were confused: "Why is one allowed to make jokes, while others can not?"She felt offended, she wanted to cry. "Here you are!"cried, in runs Liza. "Come, I'll show you what!"triumphantly she whispered, happy that she finally will surprise with something Olga.
Indeed, such a miracle, she hasn't seen: by the window, a lady sat and smoked, smoked like a real man. Olga was so surprised that he forgot his resentment, and that upset mom, and I wanted to cry. She came close to the lady and asked loudly: "Why do you smoke, are you a man?»
















It was the last drop that overflowed the Cup of Olin shame. Before she could gather her wits struck by her surprise, I heard my mother's strict voice: "Enough, Olga, you don't know how to behave, go home and go to bed." Olga was neither to apologize nor to cry and left, feeling terribly unhappy.

The moon and the gorge

Sometimes it happened that Olga did not get along with Lizochka or disappoint mom and feel lonely and very hurt. In such minutes, she embarked on a journey through the surroundings of the plant alone. One day she came across a huge pile of iron and iron scrap that was lying behind the stable. Olya sat down on some thick pipe and began to think: where did all these fragments and why do they so carelessly tossed. "Oh, it's probably remnants from the moon, when it was made of cast iron!", flashed in Olina's head. "But mom explained that one of the moon made of cast iron do...But sorry...much more interesting if it was man-made. Maybe mom was wrong, but that's not all, all the world knows? No, probably wrong." And so Olga wanted to mom was wrong, and the Moon was made by human hands that had almost convinced myself that. The trouble with Lizochka were forgotten and she rushed to her friend to share his discovery. "Lisa, get dressed soon, I found something interesting." "Where, away?"asked Liza. "No, not far, just need more"- hurried Olya, just cast iron scrap could suddenly disappear. "Well, put on your coat, here's your hat, don't look for galoshes, don't, well, let's go." "Why are you in such a hurry, unless it can escape?""There is no escape, but only..., you're here, you'll see... Well, what you copule!"Olya was worried.
Finally came on the dustbin of. «Here!"solemnly showed the wreckage of Olga. Liza with a puzzled looked at the trash, then stared at Olga. "Yeah, don't you know? You know what?"the tone of a strict teacher asked Olga. "Well, the rusty iron" – stretched helplessly Lisa.
"The rusty iron – mimicked Olya - and this is what?"- showed she is on heavy pieces of iron plates and pipes "I don't know. Is that your secret?"- frustrated with stretched lizochka.
















"It is solemnly rapped Olga is the remnants from the moon!""What of the moon?"I say to Liza. "From the, which on the sky!""Well, Yes!? Who told you that?"incredulous, handed it to Liza. "No one told me, I know!"- Olya continued solemnly. "What nonsense, let's go home and play with dolls, cold." "No, you listen, I'll explain." The girls sat down on the trumpet again. "You were in liteyke or in the smithy?"No, it was nowhere." "To the smithy we'll go Egorka let" Olga remembered a big, strong Ehorse blacksmith with his kind smile on her soot smeared face. The designer often ran to the smithy, admired the strength and dexterity of a blacksmith. "Agora, let me pack"- she asked. He took some thin wire, put it in hot coals, chose the light hammer, and Olga, gathering his strength, knocking the bright orange twig, and he didn't give in" "you see, a little porridge to eat again. Well, what do you do?""Oh, Agora, make me a puppet poker". "One, two" – hit Agora, and the twig took the form of real pokers, flew in a tub of water, hissing, remained there. Smith Ola seemed all-powerful sorcerer and was bound to take part in the construction of the moon. Very different was liteyke. And to get there one could not in any case, only with dad. And it was impossible, as in the smithy, to ask the caster of Basil, but only quietly to stand in the sidelines and closely monitor the actions of workers. Here they are carefully removed from the fire the vessel with molten metal, carry it to the prepared form and fill it. Fire-water seemed to be rained in the form of a metal casting and the room was filled with heat and light. "Enough," says dad. "Pretty – echoes Basil, and working carefully away from the box form. Of course, caster Basil was supposed to take part in otlipanie moon cast iron. Straying and confused, often correcting herself, Olya described to Lizochka the construction of the moon. Boring but seemed Lizochka intricate story. "Well, how can you not ashamed to lie, finally she interrupted Olya – the moon God did, not people!""I'm not lying – offended Olya - it's like that tale, and tales even to write books". "Well, the adults write – said Liza, let's go home." "I'm not going to stay here." Lizochka's gone. Olya was left alone, offended and disappointed. More she was not telling his own tale about the moon, but sometimes liked to come here and look at the remains of the "moon."
It wasn't the only secluded Olean corner. Once she is on the rocky coast of Salma at recess, curiously went down – it hid her head. Olya sat on the oblong stone on the bottom, like on a bench, and looked around. It seemed to her that she sits in the gorge, and its walls sparkle with gems as in a fairy tale. "Lizochka need to show. No, it won't, she again says that she is not interested or will bring shards and will be playing hostess, here, where, as in a fairy tale!". So gorge and remained Olina secret.

Friendship with Lizochka

When the cold autumn weather, rain and gray mist drove the children home, friendship Oli with Lizochka became stronger. Then Lisa came to Ola, and together they came up with fun games or sitting at the table and draw or something, cut paper, pasted and painted. Olya's mother was able to captivate the children. But more often Olya went to Lisochka. There, in a big house, they floated along a wide corridor and hall, depicting, wild horses, highwaymen, brave soldiers, undeterred by the fact that the fight they had with chairs and large flowers in tubs. Oncoming their fill, they went to Lisichkina room, asking aunt Lisa's all yummy, and arranged the dolls feasts. When that they were sick, and dolls with the girls, ate all the food, Lisa and Olga climbed into a corner and talked quietly. Lizochka recalled her sisters and mom, but these stories often led to sad results: no matter how well she lived with aunt Lisa, when she was remembered, she was covered with longing for relatives and the conversation ended in tears. So the children avoided Lisichkina stories and is attracted to Olga, took to the world of her fantasies. Olga talked about the wonderful gardens with fragrant flowers, beautiful, nowhere, rushing music, the boats sailing on the blue river, the children playing in these magical gardens. Olga spoke fervently, worrying and worrying their stories. Her eyes shone enthusiastically, and closely pressed against each other, the girls gazed thoughtfully before him. When Lizochka were allowed to go to sleep to Ola, then four children to come up with something interesting. Played in “Black Canary”: three plug his ears, and the 4th clearly uttered a word, ears were opened and each reported that he had heard. Often heard is quite different, and children cheerfully laughed, her face buried in the pillow so mom won't hear. Lyonya said, that he coined a new game. After running across the room, he stood at the chest in a strange position: bare feet tightly compressed, arms stretched along the chest in different directions, the head hangs sideways, eyes pumped under the forehead. Then the door opened and my mom came in. “And what are you supposed to be?"she asked. "Crucifixion" - confused slapped Lenya.















And girls, buried in a pillow, choking on laughter. Mom lightly slapped Leon on the soft spot and said, ” Well, now straight to bed” and the kids quickly fell asleep.

Should the chief do so?

After a long snowy winters when trees burst from the cold, and the children were not allowed outside, came spring days. Again went the steamers to the island and everyone cheered. Green garden and meadow between Lissoclinum and Olya's homes. In the garden for children built a gazebo, a house of hexagonal shape. Girls from the barracks dragged shards, and Olga and Liza toy dishes. And went to play in the “mistress”. But the relationship between children gradually changed. And on the swing in the summerhouse were admitted only those children who wanted Liza and Olga. The garden was transformed into a city in which "Housewives" went shopping, then at sea, and the husbands of the Housewives has set sail for fish in the forest, which was collected toadstools and berries. Sometimes the garden has become a garden and the girls, arranging the heads of the cap of headscarves, became the ladies, and walked there with the kids dolls. Once the children decided to build a steamer, but it is not very argued in their inept hands, and the construction was delayed. And suddenly, in the morning, at the construction site turned out to be the steamer with pipe masts, and benches for sitting. The ship was painted in grey color and on the nose in white letters is written the name “Boris”. This is uncle Sasha helping the kids. Captain “Boris” was assigned Leon, Liza became an engineer, and Olga wanted to be a sailor, and even Zoe was promoted to Coca. A real little steamer “Courier” every day he went from the island to Kemi. From there, he delivered mail, carried passengers back and forth, sometimes dragged on a tow boat – the water carrier filled with river water for the islanders.












Ran the “Courier” Grishka – the captain, who often visited not at the height of his post and after “yesterday's” put the steamer on one of the many river stones. Not just Olga and Liza witnessed as uncle Sasha scolded in the kitchen in the morning guilty Gregory: ” Back at the stone ran, the beast? Get drunk again?"– angrily shouted uncle Sasha. “Sorry, drank a little, Alexander A.... well, somehow the screw and broke... the Screw broke? the screw broke again, scoundrel, and what happened last week, huh?!” “I'm sorry, I accidentally ... I will try to get to...”- humbly swore to Gregory. “Accidentally? ! - uncle Sasha roared-here to you, you will remember how to get drunk, an animal”. Gregory head dangling from side to side under the blows of uncle Sasha. “Great, and fights” johnny whispered Olga Lisochka. "Why, Grishka fault," objected Lisa. “Still, fighting is bad”. "He's in charge of the factory, he can punish. Here we are with you, too...” “Yes, we are the main thought and confirmed Olya – and you think?” Olga even did not dare to utter the thought that came to her mind. "Of course, if our girls ruin anything and we punish them, we won't be taken away.” “Well, they would also like Grisha stand and will not change?"Sure, "will not dare" – confidently said Liza. "But mom will be very angry." “You can do it, so no one would know, we'll call her into the gazebo, put the guard and... come on, it will be interesting”- whispered Liz points. Although oline conscience and tells what they're up to something very bad, curiosity to experience his power took over and she agreed to one of the next days to beat some girl. But what? ” Well, let's at least Sanka Bugaev” Liza”. No, Sania is no way, she's very good” protested Olga. In the end, the fate of the beatings fell on Pasha, which is not so often played in the gazebo. Polka – karelka decided to put on guard to warn the girls, if there was Olya's mother. After beating decided to give Pasha toys in comfort, and polka for the honor. Olga slept anxiously that night. Finally, in the afternoon, unfortunately, managed to see a Polka, and all agree.
In the agreed hour came Pasha, Enya, Sanya, polka And a few girls in the gazebo. Began to reason, whatever game they pick. Polka suddenly blinked Ola with Lizochka and walked out the door. We must begin to act. ” You're more important, start!” whispered Olga Lisochka. She blushed, but still came to the Pasha and hit her on the back. She had looked round, puzzled. At this time, Olga punched her in the side. "Why you?"Pasha slapped in confusion. ” But why!”- as menacing as they can tried to shout to Lisa and hit her in the face. Pasha rushed to the door, the other girls frightened pulled away in astonishment and fear looked at Olga and Lisochku. “That's what, that's what!”- pale, cried the girl, and began to strike blow after blow. Pasha stood silently, her face big tears rolled down, she never lifted her hands to protect the face from blows. Her submissive form is brought Olga from itself, and with trembling she went on to beat the unfortunate victim, shouting: “You are silent, you are silent, why not give back?” ” Olga, that's enough, stop it” tried to persuade her Liza. ” Olga, Olga, don't, don't” timidly said Sasha. But Olga heard nothing, and again, and again struck the Pasha, then suddenly jumped back and his face buried in the wall, desperately sobbing. She cried as fervently as she had just beaten Pasha.














Lizochka approached her with the words: "Olya, stop, do not cry, Pasha is not angry, I gave her the dishes, no one will tell your mother.” ” Go away”- with some horror shouted Olga, continuing to cry. ” Well, don't cry, Olya, we'll forget everything and remember, I'll never”- put it to Sasha. Suddenly Olga was silent, suppressing sobs, decisive step toward the door. “Where are you going?”- scared Liza. "I'll go and tell my mom, let her punish me.” Olya's lips trembled again and her eyes filled with tears. She sat on the floor and helplessly wept quiet, bitter tears. To raise his eyes and look at her friends she was not, such a shame she had not experienced in his 7 years of life. ” Yes, Olga, come on, haven't we all made up, so Pasha ...Pasha, go, kiss Olga”. Pasha obediently fulfilled orders Lisochkin and kissed the wet cheek by Olina. But Olga still felt the irritation against the Pasha for her resignation and did not respond to her kiss. “Well, now let's go somewhere else to play, and that we still will look”. “I'm not going anywhere “ – in anguish whispered Olga. All gone... Olya was left alone with his thoughts. "Oh, if it was possible to fall through the earth, if it was possible to return yesterday, when there was not yet this terrible story. Go to mom and tell her? There is no need, and then it will have the same shame as Ola, since she has such a naughty girl. So let me be the only one unhappy”... Olga was still sitting on the floor, when he felt on his shoulders hands. “Sanya – thought Olga – sweet, good way”... “No more crying, faye Reagan – said Sanya – because Pasha is to blame, would change, you would soon come to their senses. You know what I say, here we have a father sometimes get drunk and nail, and then crying like you regret that nailed”. ” Yes, I was not drunk, Sanya”- sadly said Olga. "No, you like as drunk, as not in itself was... Olja. It was terrible” recalled Sasha. Olya shuddered and began to cry again, but clinging to Dignity. ” Sanya, ashamed that I like! Do you me to love you?” “I will, Olga, and everyone will love you. We all feel sorry for you. Perhaps it is Lisa up to?”- said Sanya. “No, we decided together to Sanya, and God will forgive you?"Olga whispered. “Of course, forgive you because you repent, and you pray there” advised Sasha. "Yes, pray. What a good, Sania ...” the Girls embraced and kissed. Olya knew now for certain: the thing was very bad, to do so they Lizochka shouldn't have, although they are ” main”. A few days passed and the children played together, but if the gazebo is left a dark stain on the bright childhood memories.


Olga did not have a fight with Lizochka and does not upset the mother, however, walked in the garden alone. ...Happened to her that suddenly want her to be a little girl, and some special person who could do many good things. Would be uncle Sasha with his bags of gold, or to be suddenly Egorka – Smith, with his immense, as it seemed Ola, force. And even better to become a Gulliver and get to the midget. She already fancied himself a Gulliver's travels and set off in search of the Munchkins, myself, deep down knowing that makes nonsense. She looked under the trees, spread the bushes, and even turned the stones. But no one, except insects and worms not precisely. She was annoyed at myself and wanted to cry. Olga was sitting gloomily on the newly turned stone when I heard Lenin's voice. She wanted still to be alone, and she pretended not to hear. "Olja, Olja ! Au!- shouted Leon - mother received the letter, Mary and Bob come!” “Mary with the Zephyr?!” Olga came to life, jumping out of their hiding place. Midgets were instantly forgotten, and fun Bouncing, ran Olya's hand with Lenya home. Finally came the resurrection, which Mary and Bob with his mother came to the island. Marusya was a tall, thin girl with a thick brown braid, and Borya, the same age as Olya, a strong, chunky boy with a swollen and always wet nose. Their father had already died, and the children were raised by one mother – a teacher. Marusya was in high school, and Bob in the autumn still needs to go to school, but he was literate, read a lot of books about travel, and the guys loved to listen as he tells the read. With respect and love Olga looked at Marusya, because she was a high school student, she was 11 years old, and she knew how to read well, as a mother, and Olya did not know all the letters. On marusyu Olya had high hopes, it is possible to handle all sorts of questions, she is not an adult and does not laugh at Olya, she is smart and will be able to explain a lot. Especially Ola wanted to show Marusya his “gorge”, in which she led her once they got away from “kids”. "Look here – worrying, said Olya – I found no one, show no one, because if all will see so soon it will be not "a", a very, very simple". Marusya understandingly and seriously nodded. “Isn't it?- glad Olga is also about the moon as I told Lizochka, now not so wondering about it to invent a better one...” “what about the moon?"asked Marusya. “Yeah... you laugh” – she looked Olya. “Honestly, I won't tell! Here we sit here and tell." The girls sat down on the rocks in the depths of the”gorge". “No, Marusia, about the moon, and in fact nonsense, then surely I was little I made up. So it is about a magic garden and about men “. “Well, let folly in fairy tales is not really writing, but interesting. You like fairy tales?"- cheered her Maroussia. "Yes, I love fairy tales terribly. Only in fairy tales it is not always written about me and not about those whom I know, but about myself it is very interesting to invent, right? And like I'm big, and like I'm smart, and like I'm good, and like I can... Maroussia, are you really good?” – suddenly interrupted himself to Olga. “I do not know – hesitantly said the Marussia – I think not always.""And I... I am often terribly bad, you know, the one that is the worst of all, I want to be good, always, and won't come out... And everyone would help...- whispered Olga - I'd like to find midgets and I would for them, all well arranged". Olga looked at Marusya, laughing. But Mary did not laugh, but gazed thoughtfully before him. “Midgets, of course, is not to find – just thoughtfully started to say – you know, sometimes I think that's what ...only no one ever tell you, only you”... “Yes, Yes marusen'ka” happily whispered Olga. “You know, I also sometimes think – continued Mary – I like the big or even not big, but so smart, he is smarter than everyone big and can. And here I collect all good people and together we are building such a big, beautiful city and all who live there all good...” And two little dreamer went to the magical world, interrupting and complementing each other, building the city “good people.” Olyne “the Gulch” remained a mystery to all but Maroussi, with which they sometimes retreated to their conversations.
Last year, there were a lot of cloudberries. Berries bought big baskets, ate them for lunch, cloudberry cooked delicious jam. The children have been working hard cleaning the berries, of course, not forgetting themselves, sending handfuls of them in my mouth. "Children, cannot be same so – urged their mother-after all you'll get sick.” Suddenly Bob jumped up and disappeared from the room. "What, you already have a stomach ache?”- sympathetic asked him Leon, when Bob returned. “No – he smiled – I then could not get a stomach ache!” “Do not brag in vain, boaster,” said Mary. "You have the most mouth, you ate the most. And you have not only a stomach ache, and made cholera” – scared Olya. ” And here and there, and I will, but you all will get sick in the belly!” teased Bob. ” Why is that?” asked the children. ” Yes, because I now took my aunt from the dresser and drank a big spoon of castor oil!"- Borya solemnly declared. All laughed merrily, but imbued it Bore respect. Still would. Himself when he was not forced, drank a spoonful of castor oil. What courage!
In the summer, especially when guests lived in the house, picnics were arranged on some of the surrounding Islands. They took with them baskets of food, old copper samovar, called the guys “the Stroke” and a bucket of fresh water. All the fun sat in a large, white boat and boating most often on the Yak-the island, located against Olyne Islands (* Popov island).



Children went for mushrooms or berries, if they have already kept up or even rushed into the forest, to find all sorts of interesting things and arrange games with all sorts of adventures. Then I carried firewood, made a fire, warmed “the Stroke” and all of the fun of drinking tea. Adventures was how many anywhere. Once the children came across a snake and, although he knew that killing her, they will be forgiven forty sins, that no one dared to, except a brave Bori, which hardly dissuaded. The snake bypassed at a respectful distance. Another time she found a white mushroom with a dinner plate and without worms, and Leon caught a live lizard. More than once from under children's feet big birds took off, and once the eagle dropped a feather and a hog, the first having seized rare production, I ran to show it to adults. The children loved his wild Northern forest, with ridges of rocks with swamps, in which grew cloudberries, cranberries and blueberries, and where drier, and blueberries. It is impossible to say that the forest was beautiful, no, the trees on the Islands are undersized, and the branches on the North side were shorter than on the South side. On the rare clearings grew humble flowers and the children tore them, if your hands weren't busy picking berries and mushrooms.
In the evening when children are still excited and happy of the trip lay in their beds and could not sleep, returned to the factory Olin dad, and Bob, jumped out of bed in his shirt, ran into the dining room: “Uncle, uncle, look, eagle feather, now!” At this point he stopped and plopped on the floor, and slip slid up to the neck. The children followed him everywhere, laughed in unison, and Bor was insulting to tears.











Not so he wanted to stand in front of your uncle with eagle feather in her hair. Since then, the Zephyr has preserved the nickname of "Bob – eagle feather".

And again winter of

Quickly flashed fun summer passed and the damp, foggy autumn, snow, just a thick layer of cotton wool wrapped island, froze the water in the river Kem', and near the island and only the binoculars could be considered a dark strip of unfrozen sea water. Winter came, and with it not only fun to play in the snow, snow and entertaining game, but Oli with Lizochka and serious business. In the house uncle Sasha began coming to the teacher and to engage with both girls. In winter evenings, children made toys and various decorations for the upcoming Christmas tree in front of the saints. Mom or helped children or read to them, often tales of the brothers Grimm. Olga loved the tale of “Three feathers,” in which three brothers set off to travel the world for put on the wind with a feather. Once in the factory club had arranged a play that took the children. The kids really liked the scenery and the forest, hosted from these trees, in the very same play they are poorly understood. The next day they decided to have a home theater, using the tales of the brothers Grimm. Put the flowers on the floor – it was a forest, on the floor, spread out a blue blanket Lenin – became the sea or the river, threw my mother's big black handkerchief perched on the Desk chair – I love you. The children were not embarrassed that the artists were few, and because each played multiple roles. The actor spoke those words, which are found necessary, and the richer were his imagination, the more interesting was the role.
The next time the club staged “living pictures” and the children even took part: Lisa and Olga as if standing on a precipice, and Olin dad pretended to be their guarding angel. Since then children were carried away by”live pictures". Every, they like the picture they tried to portray in person. They especially liked to portray angels, then in the course were my mother's shirt. Imperceptibly lived to see Christmas tree decorated with homemade toys and sweet mi. Came factory with the star kids praise. Olga treated them with candies and nuts, drove around the tree and show you who and what toy did. The evenings often came costumed – factory boys and girls, and Olya's parents let them in the room. Someone has always been the accordion, and the fun began. It happened that the children were already in bed, but at Christmas my mom not so strictly kept to time and, hastily dressed, they ran into the living room. Dancing and pemeas enough, half-recognized, the entertainers went on. Went to the bottom floor and even to the “owner”, but there are further kitchen not allowed. In Kemi is also arranged Christmas trees and sometimes the children took to the familiar. Already the 10 – verst trip on horseback gave the children great pleasure. Bundled up, huddled close to each other, were the guys in the sleigh. And the starry sky seemed somehow special, and the forest is unfamiliar and lights appeared in the distance Kem town, something mysterious.
Once in the city, the club arranged a Christmas tree for the children of officials Kemi, and Lisochku with Olga also decided to bring in the light.





They were wearing the same white dress and new shoes and the girls considered themselves terribly elegant. The club was already refrencing many other children with whom they are acquainted. Especially surprised girls two little boys in velvet pants, blue silk shirts and white shoes. ” Look pushed Olya Lisochku – boys-shoes!"And the boys came to our islanders and politely bowed. Olga and Liza if you will reach out to them. Then they played the piano and the children began to dance. Our savages stood at the wall and looked at the dancers with surprise and envy. And suddenly it came back the boys in white shoes and bowed before the girls. "You what? – surprised Olga, barely holding back laughter – because you really said Hello?!”
“I'm inviting you to waltz”- smiling, said one of them. Smile is not like Ola, and dance she could not, and therefore answered angrily, ” I don't want to dance!”

















Lisa also sheepishly shook his head. “Come on, Segezha, because they are from the factory, I do not understand – burring, dismissive said Mitya, leaving brother and girls. “From the factory! Think for yourself what is important” – it's a shame whispered Liza. “Their father probably a big shot in Kemi, because they force, noticed Olya – only we won't care we are not afraid, really, Lisa?” “Still – replied Liza Yes-Sasha is even more important to theirs dads, he's the main guy at the factory, and we're not putting on airs”. Not all children, of course, so scornfully treated our savages, and although they did not take part in the dance, still had fun and happy went home.
Soon things have changed by Olina in life. Aunt Lisa began to frequently primarypath, and then feel really sick. Liza often whole days and nights spent at Oli, and children, no matter what was a lot of fun. But one day my mother with a sad face said that Liza along with uncle Sasha and ailing aunt Lisa are forced to go to the Archangel, not even waiting for the navigation. It was sad to part with her friend, they loved each other like sisters. Saying goodbye, the girls promised never to forget each other and correspond as soon as they learn to write well.

From another world

The first time Olga really missed Lizochka, but the summer was not far off, started to melt and with spring has begun and the exciting expectation of the beginning of navigation, summer varieties, the emergence of new, unfamiliar people. Olya again closer ties with old friends, and together with them talked about how they all go together to school in the fall. In the summer, she came back to the island to relax Bob and Mary, the friendship between the girls even more stronger, they understood each other perfectly.
Under the leadership of Bori, the children began to build a new ship. Girls lagged behind boys. Useful Olina remains of the” moon " in the trash found a beautiful iron pipe and fragments of wheels, which, with some imagination did not differ from the steamship machine. Named "Brave", the steamer was” launched to the sea", the captain was appointed Borya. He immediately turned it into a whaling ship and set off with his team into the most dangerous journey. In the house of uncle Sasha settled a new Manager, a man idle and very kind, the children were allowed to run around the garden. Several times sailed on a boat on the Yak-island, and even catching the bait fish in calm weather. But everything is over, ended and summer, Mary and Bob left, began a long fall reputa.
Once, on a rainy evening at Olinyk parents gathered colleagues. Children were allowed to sit for games longer. Suddenly in the dining room came the cook Anusha and mysteriously beckoned to Olga. The girl hurriedly ran out, looking forward to something special. It was followed by Leon with Zoe. “You know what I saw, and excitedly whispered to the girl children I now ran to Coprofam, the owner sent, and in the barracks people!...I ran, and there, that's nice...” “Oh, speak, speak!"- impatiently interrupted you its Olja. "And there an old man plays the accordion" - began Anyusha. "What old man? Terrible?” a frightened voice asked Zoe. ” No, Sauska, kind old man and two girls, that's like our Olga, dance, and do something dressed up! Oh, my God!"How to dance? Beautifully? Show, as " - got interested in Olja. “No, I'm not to dance. And skirts the Reds, ruffles muslin, velvet korsiki, the little head caps, roll top boots red, and the handles on the knife.














Handle will wave and under the knee, but in the other toggles. So nice, so beautiful! And then the old man stood up and started to sing, so sad... And after the cap took off and went by people, who a penny down, who's two and who's a penny”. "And they are not cut with knives?"- excitedly asked Lyonya. “No, never cut myself, they are so cleverly Leon”. ” I'd love to see” muttered Leon. "And you ask mother again-Anyusha whispered-let them call, and you would look and guests would be amused”. Children have rushed to my mother, excitedly talking about extraordinary people. Mom called Anyusha, listened to her enthusiastic story and finally sent for the artists to the barracks. They do not have to wait long and with pleasure came, hoping for good earnings. The older girl, tall with Olya, but little baby was in her thin little face with the attentive and anxious gaze. Second, three years younger, with big sad eyes and affectionate child's smile. She often tirelessly leaned against the old man, yawned, covering her mouth with a thin handle and even closing her eyes. The old man played accordion, the girls sang songs, danced and collected money. Mum poured the tea, gave the old man, and told Ola to take care of the girls and good to feed them. Girls, shyly shyly sat down to the table, followed by the curious glances of the children.












Mom withdrew Olga and explained to her how bad it is to consider girls as unseen beasts, and commanded him to be with them polaskovey. After drinking tea, the old man thanked and began to rush the girls to go back to the barracks to work. ” But it's late, the kids go to sleep!” answered the mother. "Oh, Madam, my children don't have to go to bed when they have a job, they have to work. When there is no, let them sleep, less to eat.” Mom's face became serious and concerned, she took the old man aside and spoke to him at length. Meanwhile, the children have already met and talked, while the older Taya was constantly thrown into the side of the father disturbing views. Finally, the old man called the children back and got them. "Poor kids... sadly my mother said, well, guys – she woke up — now, now, now to sleep and tomorrow we'll figure out something for your new friends." The next morning Olga did not give mom a rest, reminding her of her promise to think of female artists. Finally mom sent Anusu for them in the barracks. They were still there, recently waking up after a long night of work. "Well, girls," said mom, " your dad promised me he'd let you go all day tonight, play it all together and have fun." Mother left the children alone, and they began to consider toys and dolls. Girls came not in the fantastic suits, and in ordinary old dresses and therefore did not seem any special any more.
Little Jane is particularly interested in toys, she was just a child. Ty, as the eldest, apparently used to take care of everything for her family and she was interested more in the living conditions of their new friends, not their toys. "Do you sleep alone in this room?” “Yes, here I am, then Leon, and then Zoe, and on a large bed - sitter”- explained Olga. "Where is your mom and dad sleeping?"I say to Ty. ” How, where? In the bedroom, of course, not in the dining room and not in the living room!” So these rooms are all yours? o Lord!"- was amazed again Ty. "How many rooms do you have?”- in turn, asked Leon. “At us? We live in the corner." “In the corner? Always?"Zoe cried out," are you so disobedient?"” ” No, no, laughed Tai - us did not put in the corner, and we live in the corner."The children looked at her with bewilderment. “Well, now we live in this corner of the room, here is my mother's bed, mother sick, she never gets up, So we're rolling out on the floor, and dad gets on the stove, he's already old and feels chilly. This window is our continued Ty and by the window there is a table and another chair Papin, and we Nyusha sitting on the chest or mom on the bed. And more ... more have us nothing there is no. And other people live in other corners, just as poor as we do.” “Oh, how interesting!” cried Olga. "Yeah, I wonder..., make noise, the crying children, drunk adults fighting, never no peace – objected to Taya and my mom is sick and all coughs, all coughs". "We say, will soon say goodbye" – meekly and just said Nyusha. “And aren't you scared?” a frightened voice asked Olga. "No smiled his sweet smile Nyusha – I'm little my sins are gone, my mother said I'll go straight to heaven. And I'm going to sleep a lot and every day the soup is, and to sing and dance I will never be ...” – said Jane. Olga thought: "Why is it so says Nyusha? When all of them are fun, they always sing and dance, though not as beautiful as Ty with Jane, but loud and fun. And Jane doesn't want to sing ever... How strange..." "Well, kids, let's go to lunch – peeked in the nursery mom girls, go, go, don't hesitate.” All were seated around the round table. Taya sipped a spoonful and stopped, looking at Jane who resolutely set down his spoon and shyly looked at Olin's mother, apparently wanting and not daring to say something. “Well, Jane, why don't you eat, don't you like the soup?” Jane blushed to the roots of the hair. "No, aunt, the soup is delicious. Just let me take my plate to my dad, and Taya and I have enough. Mom's eyes filled with tears. “Eat, girls, health your soup, and after lunch, we'll bring daddy another, find dad plate” mom said. After lunch Nyusha, happy, ran to father not only with soup, but with entire lunch. She returned a sad, took Ty to the corner, where they whispered animatedly. "What happened, girls?” asked the mother. Taya looked down and didn't want to answer, and so trustingly raised to the mother tearful eyes and softly said: “Auntie, he's drunk and can't work today, and I'm afraid to go to sleep in the barracks”. Tears quickly ran down the thin cheeks of the child, and big blue eyes trust looked at the good aunt, who sent this lunch to dad. “But the lunch he ate, and thanks ordered to say”- she added hastily. Mom's eyebrows discontentedly moved, and the face became strict. "Will banish now" - flashed in the heads of poor girls. But the mother said firmly: “of Course, in the barracks you do not have to go. Olya tell the nanny that she brought from a storeroom Borin and Marusin mattresses to nursery, girls will spend the night at us”. Olya screamed and jumped up and down, clapping her hands with delight, and Ty was so amazed that for a long time, in silence, looked at mom, then suddenly stooped and kissed her hand. "Never, never kiss hands! I hate that – said mom – you could say thank you.” In the evening, lying in bed, when the little is asleep, Olga and Tai long whispered. Sad were the stories, all of Taina life is so dramatically different from by Olina that Ola seemed very interesting. Turns out they came to Kem, moving from one place to another, speaking in the yard, and in winter, going to pubs, pubs, and even in houses. With them was their mother that had led them to the simple farm. But for the past month, she fell ill and, according to the doctor, no longer stand up. Because of her illness they had for the winter to live in Kemi. The old man began to drink often, lowering the earned pennies. “Oh, shame”- protested Olga. “With grief after, Olenka, and he is good and kind, he and mom and we regret, Nyusha especially because it is small and good didn't see anything. Before that, we lived better, I still remember, and Jane, poor, always hungry and coughing all. Here's a mom hug her tight and say: "my Nutochka, sweetheart, soon we'll lose". "How is it, Ty, getting rid of?”- timidly asked Olga. "Well, they'll die, so they won't suffer on earth.” “Ty, Ty, I really love will, and you and Nyusha. Don't say that, so it may get better. I will have so little to eat, need to sleep.” “Good for you, Olga, but there is nothing you can do about it, we're not benefits no one.” “Ty, my girlfriend was Liza, I love her very much, only now there was less to love, I now you will love, because the need someone to love you!” “Yes, Olga, I'm glad we met and your mother... Ah, you've got a good mother. Only time to sleep, because you are not accustomed so long to sleep” softly whispered Ty. “No, I don't want to sleep, I'll lie and think, and with thinking how to save Nyusha. Ty, you know, Ty, I want everyone to be okay. Ty, I don't fall asleep , no need to “get rid of”. Yes, Ty and your mA will be fine and so will be fine... What do you say? – quite vaguely muttered Olga, – and the Lilliputians stupidity...I was little. Yes, I will think, Ty. And Mary says stupid midgets... they are not at all...” Taya rose from her pillow and wanted to ask Olga what she says midgets, but Olya already sound asleep. The next day the old man came, guilty and embarrassed and thanked Olin mom for my girls. My mom asked him to let go of Ty and Nyusha in winter for a week to them, so the girls had a good rest. The old man agreed with gratitude.

The last year of childhood

In the fall she became to run in the factory school. As literate, its took in the second class. But there was isn't a very good teacher, which Olja studied with Lizochka. For Mary Grigorievna, it seemed that the disciples were for them to fight for their ears, breaking their heads on slate and pencils and put them on their knees. Sometimes, trying some toddler puffs, bringing sticks from zeal pushing a pencil and all of a sudden – Bang! The pencil broke! Sits baby is neither alive nor dead: I must say Mary G. and the poor man knows that before you sharpen the pencil, the teacher first clicks hurt them on the head. Looks Olya, as a boy from the older branch, in addition to tears, in the face flows a trickle of blood from just “buried” the teacher's ear. But the little hunchback Shura kneeling for almost an hour, her humped back hurts from standing on my knees, on the pale face of falling tears, her fingertips she in exhaustion rests on the floor, in the eyes of flour... Even the teacher felt sorry for her...but she lost again, reciting the prayer, you need to punish her... that's late to the lesson, Anika, flying head over heels across the floor, thrown in a braid teacher. Anika fell on his knees and stood so that her pigtail was bent funny and stood straight up. But this picture no one thought that was funny. Olya was waiting that it will ever suffer the same fate, and she will be punished, but to her surprise, Maria G. had never been punished or even scolded. “Look, dares you, you're the master's daughter,” said friend. Accustomed to justice Olga oppressors, the honors, and she went on to tell the house about how guys beats the teacher. “It won't come down her so – hot dad – here comes the factory inspector, I'll report him.” But the inspector could come from Arkhangelsk only with the beginning of navigation, while the teacher continued his “teaching”. Olga was very popular in school, she was funny, at the time of change has come up with an interesting game and was a friend to all. The boys call her their “Queen”.
One day, a little belatedly, Olga hurried to the school building, when suddenly the whole crowd of boys, all three compartments are poured out to meet her, shouting: “the Queen is our Queen is coming!!”
















The guys picked it up and put Olga on the shoulders and cheers and laughter made it to the class. But, Oh, the horror! Marya Grigoryevna was already there and menacingly rose from his chair to meet a fun crowd. "Are they stunned? Undress! Into the class!
Into place! For prayer!” Quiet as mice, were on their way to their seats, the guys on duty in a trembling voice, read the prayer, but after that no one sat down, everyone was waiting for something. "Performances to arrange steel? Idiots! Hooligans! March on your knees!” All obediently came out from behind the desks and knelt down”. Olenka, what are you playing at, silly – sweet smile Marya Grigoryevna – come, sit down”. Olga in amazement stood: as it was all this commotion and she is not punished. ” I, too, Maria G.” she whispered fearfully. ” No, no, they are you so scared of your stupid meeting, you no, come, sit down quickly, darling”.
Can be on Ola and ” no face”, but not when she was sitting on a guys shoulders, one hand grasping at the tufts of Bears Chukhareva, and the other waving merrily Mishkin cap. And now fifty people kneeling around an empty black part and only lonely little figure Oli violated the order of black lines. Olga felt unhappy, so alone and humiliated by the selection from among their friends, that could hardly Marya Grigoryevna to punish her more, putting on his knees as “simple” guys. Olga learned to read and write, barely mastered the multiplication table and tried and tried to sick of words with "y"(ive) ."Oh, it "Yat" and why invented it - sighed heavily Olya – never, never I won't remember them". Olga was angry and showed the words with “Yat” language and beat the tutorial fist, but then he resigned and again Poindexter. And finally, “ive” was overcome and almost always appeared in by Olina notebook when he was supposed to. However there are exceptions, but then Olya was mostly my fault. So, once, Maria Grigoryevna in dictation told the word "child", and Olja decided that “child” and “children” it is the same and as “children” is written through “Yat”, and “child” it is necessary to write through “Yat”. "This is Marya Grigoryevna deliberately so said to think that "the child" written by "and". And no one, besides Oli, no idea and everyone will wonder what Olya smart." But this time failed Ola to surprise all with his mind. And could not have Olga to wean from their reverie, which suffered its performance. Another time asked the teacher to solve the problem on a blackboard, and Olya did not understand the recording and sits and unravels, and the hand she displays the different lines. “Oh, just like a mountain over the river – glad Olga – there's the river, what river, would have bought. And then the cliff and ravines, then the tree and under the tree the boy is, and here's the sheep: one, two, three, a whole herd, and mount forest. God, how beautiful and how everything good goes, the weather will be like living like that!” Olya all overwhelmed with joy and creativity, she paints, his eyes shining with happiness that she's sitting in class and have to solve a boring task, I forgot. “Well, Olya, you're right already solved the problem, you always worked so hard – she suddenly hears the voice of Maria Grigorievna – come show!” Olga was so confused that I did not think to erase the picture and gave the Board the teacher. The first rose in surprise, then angrily shifted eyebrows, the hand with the Board by Olina rose above his head. “Do hit I thought Olya – then I'll die from shame”. But Marya Grigoryevna is not hit in time she remembered that it was Olga and not “simple” girl. "I'll tell your mom how inattentive and bad you are! Wash the Board and until you solve the problem, you will not go home.” Olga almost cried, she was annoyed that she was so fond of, and it was a pity to erase such a good picture. “Oh, how beautiful, Olya “- he heard the whisper of a neighbor, from behind Oli looked out the heads of other girls. Everyone wanted to see and had time to look gasped and praised Olga. ” What is there others rose excitedly and stared, want me to walk you to the benches braids tied! Olga, you're not doing anything, and others discourage it.” Olga resolutely licked his hand and scrubbed off my picture with the satisfaction of thinking: ” everyone, Everyone liked it, and you , Spitfire, and did not notice how beautiful it was drawn, but nothing I'll draw it all on paper . And I will draw a lot, a lot, and when I grow up, I will become an artist. Aunt Lisa understands this and said so when I drew a flying Swan. She showed the picture to uncle Sascha and he said, ” Draw Olga, good will”.
Once Olga was sitting with a bandaged throat at the nursery window and looked longingly at the white snow and playing in it children. "Ah, it's a nasty throat, sit back at home and be bored." Suddenly she saw two dressed in short politoski figures that struck her as unfamiliar. But here is one of them swung OLE hand. ” But this is Ty with Nyusha – glad Olga and shouted Mama, Mama, Taya from Nyusha came!” Soon, Olga has cheerfully greeted them. Girls came for the whole week, the father gave them the promised rest. ” Oh, how good my throat hurts and I can't go to school ” – happy Olya. “Well, your mother got better?” asked Leon. “No, mom still not well, she still lies in bed and coughs” – simply said so. Olga remembered that she definitely wanted to come up with something to save Nyusha and her mom and forgot about it as soon as the girls are away and blushed. But now she will come up with! In the afternoon the children were playing and Ty enjoy taking part in the game, but the few times she talked to by Olina mum and then her face became as an adult…
Mom didn't want Olga was present during the conversation and sent her other children. "What are they talking about?- Olya thought, and why I can't talk to them because I'm not little, I spring for nine years will be.” In the evenings the girls again, whispering in bed, and Oli appeared new dreams that she runs away from home and be with Ty and Bruno Mars to wander from city to city and earn money like they do. And then Jane will not have to work, she gets enough sleep and rest and it may be, do not have to “get rid” with their mother. And as it never entered her head, but she couldn't let someone in your dreams for fear that others seem ridiculous that she seemed to need and serious. "How, is your mother a doctor?”- surprised by time Ty, seeing as Olya's mother bandaging the hand some working. Another stood and he was soaked stubborn bandage. “No, it's better ointment will help, but then again, all to cleave”- looking finger, said mom. On a stool, a woman cradled anycause child: “Well, don't you cry, now you aunt will fly, don't cry, aunt us benefits?”. "No, my mother is not a doctor, but only a paramedic is almost always drunk and then he is in the shop and sells, he has no time, and the reluctance to Tinker. He's just gonna tie a dirty finger, and then he's gonna get sick. Well, to him and don't want to go, and all go to the mother to be treated. She's in the barracks and in the booths goes, when asked if the children get sick. “You see what your mother is not at all such happens. You really love her?” asked Ty. "Mom? Well certainly! After all, love your mother”- confidently said Olga. “Well, everybody loves, just because she is their mother, and your kind! Do you think such a lot? Here we for example...” “What are you, too, your mom like?” I say to Olga. "Ah Yes, of course love and regret it. I don't mean it, you don't understand. That's because we sometimes something will give the old ladies, spare us and give that to their children is not necessary. But as your mother did with us, his leveled at, that never happened, and never will be... For all we tramps, and for her children.” “Yes, our mother is the best – thoughtfully said Olga – you know, I'd like to be. What do you think, will I like this?” “Maybe for you, living with her, she will learn good to be.” Girls wondered. “You know, my mother in your God prays...” whispered Ty. On the evening in bed again in love Olja about their dreams and realized entire their absurdity. Now she knew that it to do: she will try to become such, to for it, too, “God prayed to.” “Oh, Mama, Mama how I love you,” thought Olya, falling asleep. And about his alleged escape Olya no one told me.
Last winter... the last winter at home, on their native island... one of the first steamboats took Ty with Jane again in his hard, itinerant life. In the early spring they buried their mother. The girls were crying, saying goodbye to by Olina family... Cried and Olga. Quickly passed the summer, from their entertainment. It was like always: the same resurrection, the same ships, these, and those that traveled children. Marusya Boreas came alone and spent a month on the island. Now the girls were talking about how they will meet in Arkhangelsk in winter, as Olga in the fall were sent there to study. Marusya took Olga under his wing. ” How a pity, that I will to live not you " - told Olja. “But you will often often come to us – comforted her Marusya – we will remember the island, our “gorge” and you won't be so boring.” The time of departure was approaching and it began to darken in the evenings. “You know, she said as mom – we'll have we goodbye to you, you invite yourself to all girls which want we give them and come up with some interesting entertainment.” Olga jumped and clapped her hands. “And a lot of girls you can call? You can... twenty?"Well, let it be twenty, twenty-five, you'll see." Began to come up with a program of holiday and decided: first, to arrange tableaux, but good, with mom's help, then tea with cakes, cookies, candy, nuts, and then games and a raffle so that everyone got some small gift. "Where are we going to get so many presents?”- asked Olya. "Of course, we cannot buy so much, we are not so rich, but you and I have hands and we can work hard to please everyone, right?"Olya agreed with delight. “And I, and we want to work” shouted Leon with Zoe. Mother has found a job. Small children were taught to make balls. First, I used two whole shells of walnuts, inside to give the stone to bryakal, glued and wrapped by the flaps, and the top was embroidered coat any figures. The balls turned out very pretty. Sewed bunnies from scraps of white fustian, Mama was making the aprons. The lottery was ready. Dad arranged a turntable: a round Board with numbers, on which the player started the arrow: if the arrow stayed on the room, the player received a win, if empty, the arrow was allowed again. Came the day of the festival. The kids were having fun with all their hearts.
But, finally, came and day check-out Oli with Islands. Left, as always, the entire family, but to return must were already without Oli. Olga was waiting for the departure day with impatience, because new life under new conditions, was interested in her, then dreamt that this day did not come, possibly longer, sorry to leave mom and dad, with Lenya and Zoya, with friends, with its cute island. Olga knew that this day would end a carefree childhood and begin a new phase of her life. (1947).

The kemperpunkta (the Island of the revolution)

























In 1918, my great-grandfather Ingvard died, and soon (in 1920), with the establishment of Soviet power in the North, remote areas attracted the attention of the creators of concentration camps in the country. Already in may 1920, such camps were opened for prisoners of war of the civil war, especially dangerous recidivists-criminals, accomplices and participants of the White movement in the North, sentenced to forced labor. There was a question about the delivery of prisoners on Solovki. The closest point of their departure from the mainland was the territory of the Kem district, or rather Popov–an island 9 km from the city of Kemi and the railway station Kem.
In the early 20-ies of the priests — the island was named the island of the Revolution, for which at the bare flat rocks on the shore of the sea opened a place of Russian martyrdom is a "so called special camp №" Kemperpunkta, damn Kem Transit Point, which became the beginning of terrible trials for many of the repressed, who called it "limbo" — from here the prisoners were sent in Solovetsky camp of special destination. Here, in the Campsite, the stages began to serve their hard work, all hopes for a return were lost here, in these harsh places there was a lot of suffering and anguish, here the nightmare occurred in reality.
During the year, about 10-15 thousand people passed through the campsite. In the summer months, there were about a thousand prisoners at a time, and during the closure of navigation their number reached 5-6 thousand. The bulk of the convicts of the Solovetsky period 1922-1927 years was kaary convicted on suspicion of counter-revolution: officers (both white and accept the revolution), the clergy, the chamberlains Yard, Tambov men suspected of helping the rebels, the Cossacks, Directors of large factories, maids and prostitutes, the students gathered in the day of your traditional anniversaries, the men anarchists, "political" socialists of the right and left, retired generals, their orderlies, professors, financiers, money changers, criminals, many returnees from abroad, and even former employees of the GPU, sent here for theft, bribes, etc. — who just wasn't there. In Kemperpunkt not contaminants indeed committed the so—called counter-revolutionary crimes, which were codified have them in sentences. Anyone who actually participated in this, the Soviet regime were shot on the spot. Sent to Solovki minor, and mostly on trumped-up charges. A valid, active counter-revolutionaries of them can only be considered officers of the White army, although amnestied by the decree of Lenin, but still, referenced and destroyed.






















Hundreds of thousands of people passed through the campsite, among them Pavel Florensky-priest, religious philosopher, scientist and poet, Dmitry Likhachev - academician of RAS, Boris Solonevich - a member of the scout movement, who together with his brother and nephew managed to escape from prison in Finland, having passed more than 150 km through the marshes and forests of Karelia, Adam Dymov-enlightener and Creator of the Adiga alphabet, Russian prose writer and publicist Oleg Volkov (twice sentenced to serving time), and many, many others.
Through the Campsite created an "ELEPHANT", through the Campsite prisoners were transported around this Solovetsky special purpose Camp, which stretched from Petrozavodsk to Murmansk. And then concentration camps began to spread all over Russia, like cancer metastases.
Chairman of The Council of people's Commissars of the Autonomous Karelian SSR E. A. Gulling (*shot at the landfill "Kommunarka" in 1938), visited the Solovetsky Islands and issued a resolution on the further use of prisoners in the industrial development of the region – leather and brick factories in the Kemi area, in road construction and other mass works. The kemperpunkta has become an important supplier of labor to the objects of Kem region.
Healthy and sick, old and young hungry and freezing prisoners worked to exhaustion day by day, not 8, but 14, 16 hours a day. Without holidays and rest knee-deep in the icy water of the White sea people for hours pulled out bagrami and put in stacks wet logs. And for this work received a pound of bread, a bowl of cereal in the morning and a bowl of fish soup day.
In the crowded barracks on two-storeyed continuous plank beds on themselves dried people wet footwear and clothes, the bath was absent, drinking water, as well as in former times, didn't suffice. Lice-sea, bedbugs-cloud. Overcrowding led to a large number of diseases — the well-known typhoid epidemics of 1926, 1928 and 1929 always began in the Campsite. Sick cons treated death, after which no one already not suffer.
Many of the techniques that butchers Kemperpunkta and Solovki borrowed then the Nazis. So on the island of the Revolution was never heated arranged a special punishment cells made of boards, and concluded it was colder there and I opened the Windows and stripped people naked. Until 1924, the camp had no restroom, no hospital, no power plant, no workshops, and there were no roads — neither wooden nor unpaved, it happened that the prisoners drowned in a sticky swampy, and barracks filled with streams of liquid dirt.
"The place was a hundred and fifty meters away. There was a polar winter. It was the turn of the second company. Sentry at the barracks commanded: "get out in five on the mandrel!"1st five places swept by the pit on the snowy paths to the latrines the place, driving one another. Quickly completed their needs and the former career rushed back to the barracks. Instantly the new five took off and made the same excursion. In view of the large number - more than three hundred people - such jumps naked people in the snow in the cold lasted more than an hour, " writes the witness.
In 1924, during Lenin's funeral, prisoners were ordered to stand up, line up and stand in mournful silence at the campsite. But the future of the Holy Martyr Archbishop Hilarion (Troitsky) found in his terrific courage to not only stand up from the bed, but the answer is: "Think, fathers, that now is in hell: Lenin himself has appeared there, what the devils celebration".






















the film "Solovki" dir. A. Cherkasov. Escorting prisoners to the steamer "Gleb Bokiy" sailing to Solovki

Before boarding the ship the guards amused — the chosen victim was out into the corridor to shout: "a Seagull times! Seagull two! Seagull three!"and so to faint from the strain. Not simple, not stupid, with the invention, with a flight..." — wrote Peter Weil (article "Solovki night").
... We stand on the pier from which people were taken to Solovki. Rushing and seagulls cry, and it seems to us that this is not the gulls, and the souls torn people. Many know they want to talk about what happened here. And it seems to us that the whole world is shouting about injustice. And it seems to us that trying to look you in the eye for those who died here a Martyr's death. This is not Auschwitz, not Buchenwald. It's scarier. And it is impossible to understand all the vile things that have happened in the history of Russia — how, and in the name of what it was?
As a result of the secret operation "the Great terror", in accordance with the Order № 00447 in 1937-1938, the main restrictive prison of Orel, Vladimir, Suzdal, Kazan was empty a third or more. The contents of the Solovki prison to the state was not cost-effective. At the end of 1938, the main Prison Administration decided to close it, and the campsite With all buildings, structures and equipment was placed at the disposal of the Sawmill.
Somewhere on the site of the Kemperpunkta still remains of barbed wire, and in Kemi is a monument to this dark age — the former management of the Solovetsky camp of special destination (USLON), built in the style of Soviet constructivism. It stands on the shore of the Gulf near the massive Annunciation Cathedral, once housed up to 2 thousand people. The temple was destroyed in 1934 and has not yet been restored.









The Annunciation Cathedral and the building of the "U. District" — "Management of the Solovetsky camps of special designation"in Kemi.

And the truth has long been no interest. Yes, and it is not too long ago. Marvelous are Thy works o Lord!
Evgeny Bozhko.

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