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Archangelica - children German settlement

Chronicles of the ancient genus PEC (Paetz), little-known pages of history from the XIV century to the present day

Light memory of Evgeny Petrovich Bozhko, historian-researcher

Якорь 1
Якорь 2


December 28, 1990, I received the first call, a reminder that life is not eternal. A week in intensive care, four weeks in the garrison hospital was filled with memories on his past life. The result of this five-week reflection was the desire to present on paper all lived and experienced for his long enough life. The second impetus has been the letter of the employee Veliky Museum of local lore Galina Chebykin, where it is said that my great-grandfather Christian A. PEC was mayor (in the modern mayor) Veliky Ustyug. This message forced me to escape from my memories, which I returned to after 10 years, and to study my pedigree and the entire large family of Ptsy. The first thing I did was go to V. Ustyug, which was never after 1929. The meeting and acquaintance with Galina Nikolaevna and other employees of the Museum convinced me-NY in correctness of the made decision on restoration of all genealogy of a tree of Pets. And with their help, I determined where to look for the roots of this tree. For 10 years I was rummaging in the archives of Arkhangelsk, Ustyug, and St. Petersburg, he conducted an extensive correspondence in search of relatives, both in Russia and abroad. This work ended with the birth of a very branchy, spreading pedigree tree. The climax of my work has become a conference organized by the North historical and genealogical society of the city of Arkhangelsk, on the 225th anniversary of the PEC family in Russia. At the conference were invited all the relatives, which managed to find. I was surprised and delighted by the interest shown by all the guests, especially I was struck by The Rublevsky family, who came to the anniversary conference with the whole family in three generations.
In conclusion of the introduction I want to Express heartfelt gratitude to all who helped me in work and first of all to the Director of the Arkhangelsk archive Shumilov Nikolay Alekseevich and the senior researcher of Velikoustyuzhsky Museum of local lore Chebykina Galina Nikolaevna without which help I and half of this work wouldn't make. Very helped my foreign correspondents Heinrich Meyer-Eltz (Hamburg), Dr.E. N. Amburger(Germany), Harald Lindes (USA), G. Y. Paetz (UK), as well as memories and letters of relatives living in different cities of Russia.


I was born on December 15, 1921 in the house of my grandfather, Arnold Khristianovich, after whom I was named. The family was quite large, the head of it all implicitly believed Burt Frantsevna, my grandmother. She had five of her children: four daughters and one son, my father Peter A. and three more pupils. Together with our family was the family of my grandfather's nephew, Alexander Alexandrovich: Emilia Vilgelmovna with four-tyrma children: Edgar, Gustave, Hertha and Olga. The relationship was such that all can be considered as one happy family. There was no division in the degree of kinship and age, all lived together and helped each other. It was not until 1925.

Якорь 3
Якорь 4

The first family left the eldest daughter of Charlotte Arnoldovna (married Glaser), her husband Edward, an agronomist by education, got a job in the village of Volyn, near Dmitrov. In the same year went to them grandpa and grandma with two unmarried daughters Bertha and Flora. This trip was caused by the fact that our house was possessed by the military enlistment office and some other organization. The remaining were moved to the basement rooms. The departure of his grandfather was caused by the fact that the repression began. My grandfather before the revolution was a shipyard, where he built tow boats. Immediately after the revolution the grandfather voluntarily gave the shipyard with all the equipment of the new government, and the workers chose him red Director. Perhaps that is why grandfather was not arrested in 17-18 years. The family of the second grandmother's daughter, Alma Arnoldovna, left the parental home. They removed the first floor of the house on leontyevskaya street and invited us to move to them, than we with pleasure used. We were taken two rooms with Windows in the yard and on the street. Family's aunt Alma was small, five people: she, her husband Leo F. Glaser, his sister Eleanor F. and two sons, Peter and Alfred. This period of life in my memory had been preserved. I was six years old, and I began to acquire some independence, as well as began to receive home education. Taught with cousin Alfred and aunt Les (Eleanor F. Glaser). The program included reading and learning German by the original method, the peculiarity of which was that in addition to classroom classes (2 hours a day), two or three days a week we talked only in German, and our treatment in Russian did not respond. Here is and accounted for to explain to on German. A year later I could not only read, but also write in German. The study of the language helped and home performances in German, which was attended by adults.


Even before moving to aunt Alma in 1925, my mother and I went to Kiev, where we lived for almost six months in the family of his mother's brother, Jacob Pavlovich, a doctor by training. -The reason for this trip was the worry about my health. As I learned much later, I was not the only child, but only I was lucky to survive. The first child was born dead, and the third, born in 1927, shared the fate of the first. The loss of two children left a mark on my fate. Throughout the pre-school period I felt the tireless care of parents, aunties and grandmothers about my health. So this trip to Kiev was meant constant medical supervision for my health. I do not know what diseases I had, but I remember that years up to 10-11 years I'm physically behind their peers. In later life I did not notice, however, physical strength I never was, but was quite hardy. Remember, during the war in Uralsk unloaded the train and had carriages to take the bags to make sacks of grain, each weighing 60-70 kg And I did no worse than other big guys out with this job, even though he weighed at that time only 52 kg.


Next door to us lived a hunter, with whom the father was in a good relationship. We often went to see him, I was particularly drawn to it because it was a kind of zoo. Besides small bear sitting on a chain and two dogs huskies in the cage lived a Fox and a raccoon. When one of the dogs puppies appeared, I at the first opportunity fled to the yard to play with them. Seeing my attitude to dogs, the owner one day-gave me a cute puppy. My joy knew no bounds. And I called that dog "Buddy." What was my surprise when a year later my" Friend " brought five puppies. It was necessary to rename urgently "Friend" in "Friend". I said earlier that my grandfather left Ustyug before. Before his departure he gave me a small carriage-a cart on 4 wheels with shafts, an exact copy of this. After many attempts my brother and Aley managed to get "Friend" pull this cart and there was no limit of joy for this reason. All the neighborhood kids were jealous of us when "Friend" would take us across the yard. When my grandfather handed me the carriage, I was pleased, but then asked: "And the horse?"Grandfather, this issue is not seen as a surprise and he promised to make the horse and send it to me. A promise he kept and sent the wooden horse, the size corresponding to the carriage. Still see her, it felt so good. Nothing like toy horses sold in stores. It was a real wooden sculpture of thoroughbred horse, even the mane and tail, though wooden, and you looked like the real thing. The horse was attached, all due to her harness, collar, bow, harness, sidelko, bridle and other necessary detail, not only had the saddle for riding, what my brother and few spared. When I had to leave the city I most regret the carriage and horse, they had to give to our neighbors by Polyakovym, who lived on the second floor. To the same period of life in-the city applies a first test of Smoking. My brother Alfred, who was a year older, persuaded me to steal from my mother a couple of cigarettes (my mother smoked). After procuring these cigarettes, my brother and I hid in the closet under the stairs where they kept the Laundry basket, and lit there on all the rules, but after the first or second tightening, felt very unwell and to cover up "traces of crimes" put butts somewhere, but that somewhere turned out to be flammable material and the smoke reached out of the closet in the hallway. We were found almost unconscious from cigarettes and smoke. The incipient fire was extinguished, and we began to return to life. This first test gave a positive result in the sense that completely repulsed the hunt again to try this potion. I began to smoke for real in 1941.
In the heart of the city before the revolution had its own Racecourse and quite often in summer and winter were organized Amateur racing.

Якорь 5

My father was a good rider and in practice sometimes had me sit on his lap and he wheeled in a circle of the Hippodrome. The horse he was very nice and almost always won. This was a brown stallion named "Picturesque", but I, not understanding the meaning of the word, called him"Picturesque". A friend of my dad's this sport was uncle nick Okoneshnikov by profession a veterinarian and a passionate lover of horses. When the racetrack was eliminated as a "bourgeois relic" and all the high-pedigree running horses took away the Soviet government – because she had something to ride, and the cars in Ustyug at that time was not, and on the village horses to go around the city is not prestigious, as they say, whether it's in a lacquered span drawn by such a handsome man "Picturesque" to rush along the main street, dispersing pedestrians,  Let them know ours!

Velikiy Ustyug

"I red since childhood
used to hate»

Why did I choose such an epigraph? Probably because the memories of those distant days are associated in my memory with the red cross insignia on soldiers ' uniforms. When I saw the soldiers in these overcoats, I tried to hide somewhere in no time. For the first time such a meeting took place in the grandfather's house during the confiscation of furniture and other property. I was then not more than five years and details I don't remember. Only one thing happened. This is when they began to bear the Billiards, under which I liked to play with their toys. I roared and tried to stop, but I was quickly taken to another room. Remained in the memory of the soldiers ' boots and the red stripes on their uniforms. In those years, all the monasteries were turned into prisons. In-Ustyug has long been a place of exile, and monasteries-prisons quickly filled with new guests. I don't really, so I decided to wander around the city, usually a place for walks and games were limited to the courtyard and the adjacent garden, but curiosity prevailed. Fences protecting the yard and garden were strong enough, but there is no such fence in which it is impossible to make a loophole. A loophole and operate as the a means communication with the outside world. The house in which we now lived was the last one on leontievskaya street. Behind it was a trough through which flowed "Nemchinov stream" and the stream kilometer was a lonely building made of red brick. Through a loophole in our fence was established the link with street boys, knowledgeable all urban news and rumors. They also told that there, behind a stream and this brick building there is a ravine where bring condemned on execution. Once I I couldn't sleep and I took the lack of supervision, went to the window, slightly pushed the curtain and saw two soldiers escorting three priests. Before reaching the bridge over the stream, the troops forced the priests to remove the boots and tried with one of them to remove a large cross, but ran into resistance. A fight broke out, the soldiers beat people with their butts, fell in the snow and kicked, and the elder, who had a cross, was stabbed several times with a bayonet. I was scared, with tears I was taken to my bed. Parents, I said nothing, because at that time I began to understand that there are things about which it is better to remain silent. At the next meeting with street friends to me reported-again in a ravine shot three priests. I don't remember exactly when, but this event coincided with my admission to school in the fall of 1929.  I went to school, as always on leontievskaya street, but, without reaching Church, I was stopped by the armed red army soldier. I had to go back and go around across the field where the stadium now. The school building was adjoined by a long warehouse building of the former estate of merchant Buldakov. Side of this building on Leontief was completely blank, with no Windows and doors. On the reverse of Mr. the way I decided to see what happens in leontyevskaya street and the approach to the school is blocked by soldiers. Boys are always interested to know what is happening behind the fence. Having found in a fence a crack, I saw the following picture. On the river there were two barges with security, which was full of people dressed in national clothes of the Central Asian republics. And here these people with huge bales on shaky descents went ashore and were placed along a deaf wall, behind a fence from a barbed wire. On returning home, I'm talking adults realized that it was "expropriated". The next day I went to school the usual way and to my surprise, the path was clear, but when he reached the Church, I saw that behind the fence of barbed wire, right on the ground under the open sky, are these folks "the dispossessed". Along the fence with rifles in hand slowly strolled soldiers guarding have been driven over the wire people. I knew the criminals were being held in custody, but to realize that these people, entire families with children, were all criminals, was out of my child's mind. All my questions to adults about why these people are kept under the open sky for barbed wire satisfactory explanation was not given. All the explanations was reduced to that less I was interested in it and not "talked too much" in school. But, boys, we, of course, discussed this event; opinions were different, many sympathized with them, but there were those who considered them "enemies of the people". Sometimes we threw through the wire our breakfasts, which parents gave us in school and saw, with what greed eats up for wire our alms. They were fed twice a day from the field kitchen, which stood immediately.

Якорь 6

It has been more than sixty years since that time, and the picture is so imprinted in my memory that at least now I can draw this camp in the smallest detail, and bright shawls, built of colorful Oriental carpets, I see so far. The month of September was running out, night frosts began, and they were still in the open air. What-in was southern people in late September on the North can be only guess. One of these days, going to school, I found behind the wire of any one person, and there was no protection. Later learned that all of them moved to the Church, which was built a bench, I don't know how many floors. The Church complex, where they were located, was also fenced with barbed wire and guarded by soldiers. With the onset of cold weather, an epidemic broke out among them, not like smallpox, not even some kind of disease. In the city there was talk that night take out on carts the corpses, and somewhere outside the city burned. I do not know exactly their fate, as we left at the end of the year. but probably only few of them survived, who died of illness and some just froze, because the Church was not heated.


My mother, Larisa Pavlovna Dyachkova, was born on March 30, 1898 in a wealthy peasant family. Her father had a small trade, which gave sufficient income and opportunity to education for their children. Mom's brother, Jacob p., in 1907, he graduated from the Smolensk gymnasium with a gold medal, having a flair for the natural Sciences that in the future is fully justified. After graduation, he received a medical degree. The second brother, Alexander, lived all his life in Arkhangelsk and worked on the financial part. Ivan and Nikolai were killed during the war of 1914. Mother after graduating from high school in the city went to Moscow and entered the higher courses for women. The time study coincided with a revolutionary period of 1917. At first February, and then October, and between them time was very restless. And the courses are often frustrated, and in 1918godu was completely stopped. In the period of study, she lived in the apartment of the priest of one of the Kremlin cathedrals. Living in the Kremlin, she was witness to many events taking place there. From her stories, unfortunately, there's not much I remember. Remember that during the siege of the Kremlin, she and her family of a priest hiding in the basement of the Cathedral.

Якорь 7
Якорь 8

Father, Peter A., born In Ustyug 7 Oct 1889. He received his primary education and upbringing at home. The home program included: German language, music, rules of conduct and basics of work. In 1908, he graduated from high school and never studied, and went to work for his father's shipyard. I do not know what positions he performed there, but I remember a photo of those years in which he was locked on the captain's bridge with his uncle Ernest Khristianovich. In the company of his grandfather, he worked before the 1917 revolution. Later his father worked in various positions related to water transport. He died in January 1942 in Leningrad.
In the fall of 1928 I entered school and studied in it only the 1st half of the year. In December had to urgently to leave in-Ustyug. The railroad was not there to Kotlas was the only message on the post threes. This trip I well have learned to memorise apparently because, that she was the only by the time in my life. From the first kind left in secret, so the horse and sleigh were prepared in advance and hidden in the coach-house. In the evening, in the city it gets dark early, put the baggage in the sleigh, me and mom wrapped in a sheepskin coat, covered in sleigh with bear head cavity and left the yard in the sled with one horse, and two others (crotch) were taken before. Only having left on the Kotlas tract, harnessed all three. To Kotlas approximately 60 km, I soon fell asleep and was awakened by shots. Peering out from under the cavity, I saw that the coachman driving horses, and his father and another man shoot at parties. My question is, why shoot, my mom confused me and told me to sleep, but what could be there dream. Just arrived in one village where they could change horses, from the story of the coachman, I realized that to shoot from the wolves. The road to Kotlas was calm, and I woke up only when he came to the station.

LENINGRAD 1929-1941 GG.

In Leningrad we were sheltered by Boris Borisovich PEC, my father's cousin in a sick apartment on Aptekarsky lane. This apartment had belonged to the family of PI-lucky and Lindesay. Three rooms with Windows to the Apothecary was occupied by the family of Harald F. Lindes, and three rooms with Windows to the courtyard lived Pelaccia. Don't know exactly when the family G. F. Lindes moved to Stone island, and their rooms were occupied by two families of Pacov, Boris Borisovich Alexander Adgamovich. Both families were linked by close kinship ties: Boris B. was married to Clara Edgarovna, and his sister, Edith B., was married to the brother of Clara Edgarovna, Alexander Adgamovich. In the middle room, in the part fenced off cases, there lived Borisovich's mother, al-mA Vilgelmovna and we three – I , my father and mother and still my nanny, Annushka who in our family lived very long ago. Despite some overpopulation, lived together and had dinner all together at the same table. After a while his father rented an apartment in Ozerki, in a luxury mansion, standing on the shore of the second lake. The masters was his nepmany Redken and someone else (can not remember name). They occupied half of the mansion, and the second handed over. We got two rooms on the second floor, under us lived a family of Dolls. To me, this mansion seemed the Palace. Especially beautiful was the tiled stove. Throughout the mansion did not have two identical furnaces. Especially impressed me the stove on the 1st floor. It was a fabulous hut on chicken legs. Interesting was a large kitchen with a huge stove in the middle. The walls adorned with mosaic pictures made of small tile the tiles in fairy tales. In the winter we lived in one room of about 40 square meters, second, even bigger, was only used for roller skating, which was given to me Rakinimo. Family Cockle we became friends and maintained those relationships all my life. They had two sons, Vladimir and Nicholas, who were my peers, and our friendship terminated only with his death during the war. The fate of this family is quite characteristic of the prewar era. The arrest and execution of his father, link's mother and the death of two sons during the war. Living in Ozerki, for the second time I started my education in 1st grade. In school I took not very friendly, for I came to class not with the beginning of the school year, and late. Visible in all schools was a kind of tradition to meet the newcomer hard. My Vologda reprimand with okanj was one of the reasons for this. Remember how the whole class I was laughed at due to the fact that he did not know what "vstavochka". It shows Leningrad typical word for an ordinary fountain pen. This time again I failed to complete my education at the level of 1st grade. 23 Dec in the evening my father was carried on a sled to the Christmas tree and Nativity Lutheran in this "crime" we "spotted" by my classmates. How they disgraced us for this tree, which only we didn't hear, but the main accusation is faith in God. At that time, I had a very vague idea of religion, although I was baptized by Lutheran rite. Christmas day, December 25th, our family celebrated every year, in Ustyug and in Leningrad before the war in 1941. Truth, Christmas trees were far not always. The next day I'm on a cut refused to go to school. All the entreaties of the parents was not successful and I don't know what would have ended, but helped me out measles, which was held in a very severe form. After recovery, I never had to go to school. The fact that the owners of the mansion were arrested, the house confiscated under some sort of business club, and we are simply thrown into the street, despite the fact that still was winter. And here again with no tricky household goods we return to the Apothecary. Until the end of winters we have lived there, and somewhere in may fate brought us family Harald Fedorovich Lindes. My uncle Bob and Harald F. Lindes were friendly and often arranged home concerts together. Uncle Bob played the violin, and Harald F. on the piano, and someone else Vyachek was a drummer. In one such meeting Harald F. learned of our wanderings, offered us a room in his apartment on Kamenny island, where we moved immediately. There, on the Stone square of the Old theatre in the house No. 32 I have lived since the summer of 1930 before the great Patriotic war, i.e., before 22 June 1941.


What a happiness it was to have your room after so many wanderings in other people's corners! But my father, who had lived in his own house before, hardly shared my joy, but in this situation nothing else was given. Had to take it as a blessing. Life on the Stone island was probably the best period of my life. In prewar time this island was called" island labor " (truth, his so no one called). All confit-crafted mansions have been turned into rest homes and sanatoriums, and only in a small number of homes lived in by ordinary people. Almost the entire population of the island knew each other and lived together as one large family. Stone island was a vast Park and for kids the open spaces were not limited. In the summer bathe where you want, in the winter skis, sledges and other entertainment.

The house in which we lived was built by architect von Postels for himself, but later passed to other owners and before the revolution belonged to the chef of Tsar Nicholas II. By the time our invasion of it, except the family of Lindenow us, lived a family of Eduard Ivanovich Pergolina, which occupied the second half of the house. Prior to our moving in, the wife of Edward I., was shot in his bedroom after learning about the infidelity of her husband. Eduard Ivanovich not very long grieved about it and brought home her rival – his Secretary, Asya Andreevna. However, everyone called her somehow, just Asya. It was a young and very beautiful woman, sociable and cheerful.   She quickly made friends with all the inhabitants of the house, often came to us and my mother sewed something to her. Eduard Ivanovich was the foster daughter threw him in infancy Rita, our Alticom contemporary. Raised her governess and housekeeper IDA Antonovna, I do not know who by nationality, but she spoke very poorly in Russian. Eduard Ivanovich was the Director of the Danish concession button factory. The Norwegian Consul lived on Bolshoy alley and often on Saturdays cars with diplomatic flags drove up to our house, bringing luxury guests. In the yard were the outbuildings. In the Annex to the house of the wing lived the family Fink, who worked as a driver for Eduard Ivanovich, and part-time served as a janitor. In the detached wings lived three families: Smirnov, Kolobov and Fedo-seevy. The head of the family Fedoseevich, Sergey, went in uniform, and it later became clear that he was the enforcement officer. It cleared up after Dec 1034 year, when the arrests began and the first victim was Eduard Ivanovich Betsholtz and his driver Fink. Probably, the concession was liquidated by van and the factory passed into state ownership. After the arrest of Eduard Ivanovich, his wife Asya quickly liquidated all property and, taking Rita, went abroad, because she was a German citizen. Rita she is determined to relatives of Eduard Ivanovich in Estonia. From the letters of Rita to IDA A. it became known that it was given to the boarding house for the training of governesses and the fate of it was not the best. To 1940 year the link with it ceased and further fate is unknown. After the war, when I returned to Leningrad, Vera Kolobova told me that a lady with two girls came to visit and asked about people who had lived in this house before the war. According to the description it can be assumed that it was Rita Betsholtz, but this is just a guess. It was during these months of 1930 and took my acquaintance with Harald Linda-som, whose childhood name was Aldik, in the future I will use this name till the old age. We quickly became friends and this friendship lasted until his death, however, after the war, only by correspondence. Room, which we determined had no walls to the room of Lindenow, and was filled with a huge pantry and hung a curtain. So Alaikom we met in the comfort of the rooms. This is the message we used to call it "underground passage". The first year Eldik studied at another school, and later studied with him. The games were varied, especially we loved playing in the attic, where we had our own room - "flashlight". Attic we explored the until the most hidden corners and found many interesting things. Found a binder of magazine "Niva" with applications in the last years before the revolution, which included the works of Kervud, James Fenimore Cooper, and other such authors, particularly memorable Charskaya (at that time forbidden), and her novel "Little Lord Fauntleroy". In addition to the literature found a basket high up to the elbow, ladies ' kid gloves, and a hunting rifle company "Sauer", though unsuitable for the shooting. This list goes on, as our search continued until 1934-45года. September 1, 1930 I the third time began his education again 1st class. The school was located on Krestovsky island on Dinamo Avenue, next to a tram stop. The building was not adapted for school, it used to be a almshouse, i.e. a home for the elderly. Classes were heated with wood-burning stoves, and in winter classes were often cancelled due to lack of firewood. The second class I studied in another school, too, m, but to walk closer. It was a 7-storey building with very confusing corridors and stairs, which combined three or four small schools of the Kre-stovsky island. As a result of combination classes are formed according to the new, so our second class was disbanded and I by mistake came in the second and once in third grade. However, I didn't understand, and when I realized it decided to remain silent. Thus, I have fulfilled one of the lost years of my studies. In this school I studied up to the end of 5th grade, and 6th have all our class went to a new school No. 23 on the street Vakulenchuka, opposite the house, where she lived, Nina Lapshin. Friendship with her has lasted almost a lifetime, and acquaintance began from the moment when I went with her at one Desk in the third grade.

Якорь 9

In the 23rd school I made new friends, before close friends, in addition to Aldiko and his cousins Babki (Eugene) and Kukshi (Yuri) was not. In the new school the composition of the parallel classes were very good, friendly. Of course, there were groups, several different interests, but create a group that unites the boys sixth and seventh grades. This circumstance is due to the fact that Aldik studied in the 7th grade, a year older than me. Especially friendly group United around Yura Protopopov, who lived near the school. Opposite his house lived Novikov Nicholas, who, however, dropped out of school after the 7th grade and went to work as a yacht club motorist on a cruising yacht "Comrade". This fact was the main reason that our whole group became the regulars of the yacht club. And if I did not leave for the summer to grandmother, all the summer days spent in the yacht club. Before the 8th grade, I studied very decently, mostly on fours, especially I was well given all three subjects of mathematics: algebra, geometry and trigonometry. Russian and literature were Tu-th, especially literature and apparently the reason was the teacher Helen (surname not remember), nicknamed "Mare". Her lessons were boring and tedious. In ninth grade we came Vera F., and immediately everything changed, literature has become one of the favorite items. Very much depends on the teacher, if he will be able to interest the teachers, everything falls into place, including academic performance. Physics and astronomy taught Ephraim, and his wife, Nadezhda Ivanovna, led all three mathematics. Here are all of the teachers I remember only these and it's not by accident – they loved all the disciples and losers according to their objects almost was not. In the 9th and 10th grades we sat at the same Desk with Volodya Madis. He was not a bad photographer and all the photos of my childhood, which he managed to preserve, were made by him. In high school our company appeared girls. In addition to Nina Lapshin was Kira Petrova, Galya fried and others. Winter evenings we have every week, but not once of all friendly company went to ka-current. The war dramatically changed our entire lives, the boys went into the army straight out of school, and many girls were evacuated from Leningrad. After the war, in 70-ies organized a meeting of graduates of three years before the war, of the boys of our class it is only 4 people, and two of them disabled. School friends were not the only ones, and perhaps not the main ones at the time. Closer and closer was Aldik and his cousins. With them, especially with Eugene by Lindes I became friends in the last prewar years. Their fate was quite tragic, his father died early, his mother was arrested in 1939 and two boys were left alone, practically without means of livelihood. Eugene left school and enrolled on courses of drivers and Windows-Chiv them worked at gas lorry (the so-called polutoratonny the truck). This work gave some earnings. In the fall sometimes earned some in the carriage of vegetables with handling jetties of the Middle Nevka river on Novoderevenskaya ovoschebazah. Sometimes vegetable store carried fruits and vegetables to the stores and managed to grab myself, especially when I took the grapes and apples. Surprisingly, after the arrest of the mother of the children seen forgotten and so they continued to live in his apartment on the street of Sophia Perovskoy (Small Stables Noah). This apartment has become a kind of headquarters on the neck of the company. Was there, arranging a small drink. Our main beverage was the cheapest fruit and berry wine, which we called Lee "pagoclone", and as an appetizer was excellent sunflower halva and loaves at 1 p. 45K. apiece. The company, except the owners of the apartment, was part of Aldik, Boris Svetlanov, Bob Raczynski. Sometimes there were girls from our school. Zhenya in character was a leader, he was always full of ideas for mischief. Late in the evening, or rather early in the night, when many of the residents of their great house were asleep, we went to the Swedish Church, rocked the pumps air into the organ, the keys puts some load on and started to buzz. After that, we quickly jumped into the courtyard and watched the Windows lights up. The wipers raised the alarm and we went home happy. Was leprosy and more serious, like dismantling a brick wall in a wine warehouse, located in the basements of their homes, of course, disinterested. I don't know how was his service in the army during the war, but his leadership character he showed. From an ordinary driver he was promoted to commander of the artillery anti-tank battalion, was awarded several medals, including the order of Alexander Nevsky order of the Patriotic war. Zhenya Lindes died near Berlin on the eve of the victory. When I in 1946, came to Leningrad in the early post-vacation, we first went to Zhenya's apartment, hoping to find out anything about his fate, but already there lived other people, and I did not even open the door, saying that they don't know. After this visit me several nights in a row tormented by the same dream: Eugene alive and I met him in the yard. About his death I learned much later, having met Paul Rudkowski-th, whose sister received a death notice of Eugene and his order of "Patriotic war".
The second arrest in our house fell on our family. In the evenings, father would often read aloud to my mother sewed, and I was doing something. Read mostly adventure literature: F. Cooper, Kervud, Mayne Reid, etc. I particularly liked Cooper and Kervud. One of these nights, at about 11 o'clock or later, the phone rang. The door went open Annushka, my baby-sitter. Arrived the porter and the policeman, who suggested mom get dressed and come with him. Where and why, certainly not said to be the father, too, was not allowed, saying that she will soon be back home. It soon lasted about a year. Dad never said where it is, Yes-didn't say it was an arrest. One friend's father advised him not to pester the Leningrad prison, and try to leave town for a while, because it th can be arrested at any time. Fate contributed to this, and he was on a long business trip to the town of Luga, where he worked all summer 1936. The Council of a friend was timely, because after a month or two after his mother's arrest, also in the late evening two or three times rang the doorbell and the caretaker was right, if father. For all questions regarding father, we have said that he no longer lives with us. After that night visits of the janitor stopped. Thus, he had been arrested. But fate there is fate, and in January 1941 on the second day after his death, when father still lay homes, people from NKVD, all same, came his arrest. But apparently the dead did not need them.
This summer I spent partly with his father in the meadow, and July and August, he lived with his grandmother outside Moscow in the village, where gathered almost all the grandchildren. The house on the Stone there was one Anna, Yes my faithful dog Spitz Charlie. Mother returned home unexpectedly one November evening, after sitting in jail for almost a year. Returned emaciated, dirty, sachivalaya. Its return raised in a night for our apartment. Immediately but drinking the stove in the kitchen, and Nina Edmundovna gave her a real bath. Although it gave a subscription not to say anything, but it certainly tells us a lot. The reason for the arrest was the fact that the mother sometimes went to Torgsin, handing over silver and buying there products that were not in stores with the card system. She was required to addresses of relatives residing abroad and sent to us currency, as well as delivery precious-scribed. She denied it and apparently it helped her go. But the main reason was that as a result of interrogations "with addiction" arranged after a steam bath at it not-how many the mind and one of arrested, the doctor by profession, taught it to imitate insanity was confused. But apparently, a little insanity, it was, but it manifested itself much later, in the last years of her life. At that time, any denunciation, even anonymous, was sufficient for arrest. And now I am 99% sure that S. Fedoseyev, who worked, as it became known later in the NKVD, was the informer mentioned earlier. All the following years, and not only we, we lived under constant threat of arrest. Every late night call to the apartment causing concern and the question: "who came?"Fortunately, there were no more arrests in our apartment until January 1941. In 1935 or 36 year Lindesy exchange moved to a factory building "red Bavaria", where Harald F. worked as a commercial Director. We have new neighbors Tommel Aron Isaevich and Marita Y. with his son Yuri. They occupied a big room and at Aldiko all flowed childless couple. Relations with the new neighbors were nice, especially with the family of Tommel, but of course it was completely different people and those relationships that were Lindesay with them could not be. I was very upset by separation from Alticom, although in high school we saw each other every day, have I been as often as we have him. In all our large yard, I was a senior and the younger guys, of course, clung to me, but friendship with them for this was not due to the difference in ages, but in General, all mixed-age crowd of boys lived together without major incident.
The most severe years were 1936-38 . Even the behavior of the children in school has changed, less was the mischief and fun, as if all grown up. In the morning, before school starts, in a whisper find out which of the guys you arrested anyone. In our school I attended in the main by boys who lived in the Krestovsky and Kamenny Islands, and the arrests touched so many. Especially" vintage " on arrests was 1938. In our class, almost a third of the students in our family were arrested. Not escaped this fate and the family Lindenow. In 1938 he was arrested Harald F. and sentenced to 10 years "without right of correspondence", and this, as we now know – shot. Nina Edmundovna with both sons were exiled, but Aldiko somehow allowed to continue in school and later in University. To live he had in different places, because flat it is not preserved.

1941 year. THE WAR BEGAN

22iyunya 1941 began the Great Patriotic war. It was a complete surprise to all the people living in our country. It is now known that this surprise was only for the people. The General staff and the foreign Ministry received warnings in advance, even with an exact indication of the beginning of the war. But the "great leader of all Nations" considered these warnings nothing less than the machinations of enemies who wanted to quarrel with Hitler and categorically forbade any preparations for war. It is not my job to analyse the causes of these events. I, as a participant of this war, will tell only about myself, how I perceived the war, directly participating in it.
On June 21, on the eve of the war, My friends V. Madis and Kolya Melnikov and I gathered for fishing in reeds off the shores of Lakhta. Hours 5 утра22-go, leaving the house, I saw on the practice football field, in front of our house, the military pull guns. I thought," some teaching Again, " and ran to the Bank of the Crosses, where the boys was waiting for me. We lay down on oars and in an hour and a half were in our favourite reeds. Fishing was not very successful and two hours in the afternoon decided to return to the yacht club, where there should be a holiday and race yachts and dinghies. Going out into the Bay, we "put the sail", ie.  raised oars with strained jackets and under these impromptu sails dovol-but quickly swam to the yacht club, wondering on the way the complete absence of sails in all visible space of the Bay. Somewhere in the direction of Kronstadt, we have seen barely distinguishable planes, flying very strange, and seems to be one of them puffed and fell, but the visibility was poor, and opinions differed. Volodya argued that exactly one plane crashed, I can not approve of. When we learned about the beginning of the war, it became clear that it was an air battle. Approaching the yacht club were surprised by the complete absence of people at the piers. And only when approached and went up to the buffet, aunt Mary-barmaid tearfully told us about the beginning of the war.
23rd, consultation with parents and kids decided to go to the draft Board, because we were all of military age, although he had a deferment as students. 24th in the seaside military registration and enlistment office on the street Shamsheva got directions to a medical examination to etc. Co-operatives (now named. Lensoveta). All three were deemed fit without any restrictions and the 26th was supposed to be at the point of formation to the field of Mars in\x Institute. Unfortunately, there we were separated, I was assigned to a backup regiment in a communications platoon. Regiment was formed in the school of communication. Lensoveta on Suvorovsky. Arriving there with his simple belongings, I was immediately cut under the car, washed in the bath and outfitted. 30, the regiment was sent to the front lines, taking advantage of prevailing scrip-Toja, I slipped off AWOL to say goodbye to my parents. Farewell was very short, I only managed to inform the number of field mail, sadly had a snack, took home cutlets, the last for the next 5 years and ran to the Baltic-commodity. Fortunately, no one noticed my absence, and I had time. The night our train was broken and in the morning arrived at some small station in Kingisepp. Unloaded, we were taken to the forest on vacation. However, the rest did not work, began to issue weapons, and I, as a Communicator, and even property. My job was called"telephone man." All equipment consisted of:
— carbine ammo pouches (about 5 kg)
- gas mask - (about 2 kg)
- 2 grenades-1,5 kg
— 2 coils of telephone cable- (11kgh2=22 kg)
- telephone - 3 kg
Total — about 33 kg.
With all this farming, I spent 20 days in different tactical exercises. It should be noted that my live weight at that time was only 52 kg. I Coped well, and the authorities remained rather my endurance and development of telephone equipment. At the end of July, sometime after the 20th front we have been approached, and the regiment deployed in a battle order. I fell to the battalion CC duty telephone operator. Night the phone rang and rough, Oh-ripsi voice demanded on the phone "first", i.e. the commander of the battalion. From a conversation with the battalion commander, I realized that this is a fight. What is the battle I was presented by our cinema-to the movies, where "red" has always won and had almost no losses. The mood was cheerful, panic, and fear not. Somewhere around 7 am seemed two tanks. "Beginning" — said the commander. And so the war began for me.
About war much has been written, so I will limit myself to only what I saw with my own eyes.22iyunya 1941 began the Great Patriotic war. It was a complete surprise to all the people living in our country. It is now known that this surprise was only for the people. The General staff and the foreign Ministry received warnings in advance, even with an exact indication of the beginning of the war. But the "great leader of all Nations" considered these warnings nothing less than the machinations of enemies who wanted to quarrel with Hitler and categorically forbade any preparations for war. It is not my job to analyse the causes of these events. I, as a participant of this war, will tell only about myself, how I perceived the war, directly participating in it.
On June 21, on the eve of the war, My friends V. Madis and Kolya Melnikov and I gathered for fishing in reeds off the shores of Lakhta. Hours 5 утра22-go, leaving the house, I saw on the practice football field, in front of our house, the military pull guns. I thought," some teaching Again, " and ran to the Bank of the Crosses, where the boys was waiting for me. We lay down on oars and in an hour and a half were in our favourite reeds. Fishing was not very successful and two hours in the afternoon decided to return to the yacht club, where there should be a holiday and race yachts and dinghies. Going out into the Bay, we "put the sail", ie.  raised oars with strained jackets and under these impromptu sails dovol-but quickly swam to the yacht club, wondering on the way the complete absence of sails in all visible space of the Bay. Somewhere in the direction of Kronstadt, we have seen barely distinguishable planes, flying very strange, and seems to be one of them puffed and fell, but the visibility was poor, and opinions differed. Volodya argued that exactly one plane crashed, I can not approve of. When we learned about the beginning of the war, it became clear that it was an air battle. Approaching the yacht club were surprised by the complete absence of people at the piers. And only when approached and went up to the buffet, aunt Mary-barmaid tearfully told us about the beginning of the war.
23rd, consultation with parents and kids decided to go to the draft Board, because we were all of military age, although he had a deferment as students. 24th in the seaside military registration and enlistment office on the street Shamsheva got directions to a medical examination to etc. Co-operatives (now named. Lensoveta). All three were deemed fit without any restrictions and the 26th was supposed to be at the point of formation to the field of Mars in\x Institute. Unfortunately, there we were separated, I was assigned to a backup regiment in a communications platoon. Regiment was formed in the school of communication. Lensoveta on Suvorovsky. Arriving there with his simple belongings, I was immediately cut under the car, washed in the bath and outfitted. 30, the regiment was sent to the front lines, taking advantage of prevailing scrip-Toja, I slipped off AWOL to say goodbye to my parents. Farewell was very short, I only managed to inform the number of field mail, sadly had a snack, took home cutlets, the last for the next 5 years and ran to the Baltic-commodity. Fortunately, no one noticed my absence, and I had time. The night our train was broken and in the morning arrived at some small station in Kingisepp. Unloaded, we were taken to the forest on vacation. However, the rest did not work, began to issue weapons, and I, as a Communicator, and even property. My job was called"telephone man." All equipment consisted of:
— carbine ammo pouches (about 5 kg)
- gas mask - (about 2 kg)
- 2 grenades-1,5 kg
— 2 coils of telephone cable- (11kgh2=22 kg)
- telephone - 3 kg
Total — about 33 kg.
With all this farming, I spent 20 days in different tactical exercises. It should be noted that my live weight at that time was only 52 kg. I Coped well, and the authorities remained rather my endurance and development of telephone equipment. At the end of July, sometime after the 20th front we have been approached, and the regiment deployed in a battle order. I fell to the battalion CC duty telephone operator. Night the phone rang and rough, Oh-ripsi voice demanded on the phone "first", i.e. the commander of the battalion. From a conversation with the battalion commander, I realized that this is a fight. What is the battle I was presented by our cinema-to the movies, where "red" has always won and had almost no losses. The mood was cheerful, panic, and fear not. Somewhere around 7 am seemed two tanks. "Beginning" — said the commander. And so the war began for me.

About war much has been written, so I will limit myself to only what I saw with my own eyes.

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