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Archangelica - children German settlement

Chronicles of the ancient genus PEC (Paetz), little-known pages of history from the XIV century to the present day

Light memory of Evgeny Petrovich Bozhko, historian-researcher

English Embankment, 66.



* Fascinating memories of our mother do not need an introduction, she talks about her life, about relatives and friends, she talks so naturally that she seems to be talking freely with a person close to her. You marvel at her phenomenal memory - after all, when she started writing memories, she was already 74 years old! True, the memory of the old times helped to survive in monstrous conditions, and to her, and her younger son, the beloved Andryusha, whom she, sometimes shivering with the cold in a damp dug-out, told about her life. You are surprised also to another: she already in 1969 was not afraid to put all this on paper. How much has changed in the USSR since 1942, when I left this country forever. I tried to keep every word of it, every comma, limited to the smallest editorial revision, for example, in some places I replaced the pronouns with the name of this person, added a patronymic, etc.
My brother and I allowed ourselves to make some additions, his notes are marked "**" - AL, my \ * - GL. I also want to say that in the family I was called Aldik: Harald - Haraldik - Aldik. My brother, I called "Khodik", and our beloved Aunt Olya, father's sister - "my aunt". I want from the bottom of my heart to thank my brother for saving me and giving my mother a copy of the manuscript.
Harald Lindes. Kensington, Maryland.


Known in Russia, the merchant family of Gribanovs came from the peasants of the Arkhangelsk province. Their ancestor was called Yakov Ivanovich. He founded many large enterprises in Arkhangelsk in the beginning of the 19th century. The firm was called "Yakov Gribanov's Sons". What kind and how many sons he had, I do not know, but his grandson, Vladimir Ilyich Gribanov, was married to my father's aunt. In Arkhangelsk, the Gribanovs had a large merchant's house, and Vladimir Ilyich's father was still a gray man, but his son sent to study in England and he was like a gentleman, with a shaven face, manners, etc. They had a flax factory in the Vologda province, in eight versts from Veliky Ustyug, in the village of Krasavino.

Якорь 1

Apparently, the land was bought from the ruined landowners after the liberation of the peasants. In addition to the factory located in the lowland, near the Sukhona River, on a hill with a wonderful view of the river, there was a charming landlord's house with ancient mahogany furnishings and a pond around which cedars were planted. There the directors came to check the work of the factory, but they did not check how they were boozing. I was there with the "friends" and friends of Sonya and Katya Zeidrer, with whom, despite the war, we traveled along the Northern Dvina by boat from Vologda to Arkhangelsk. * The steamer belonged to the "Northern Steamship Company" founded by our great-grandfather, Fedor Yegorovich Lindes and A. Yu. Surkov. In 1905 the directors of the shipping company were Edmund Konstantinovich Pilatsky, Alexander Nikolayevich Smetzkoy and Nikolai Arkadevich Pashkovsky-Gl.
In Krasavino we spent 10 days. There was a cellar chock full of champagne, all sorts of wines, lobsters and other expensive canned food, cheeses, etc. There lived in that house an elderly woman, Annushka, whose duties included preparing during the directors' stay and monitoring the order. Income this factory brought little, in any case, the shares, the so-called "Gribanovsky", were quoted on the stock exchange very low. What other enterprises were at Vladimir Ilyich Gribanov, I do not know for sure. But I know that he had in his house on the Promenade des Anglais, 66 there was an office called "discount", it simply means that he, apparently, was giving money in growth. Gribanov was very rich. How did he marry my father's aunt? Here we must make a digression and tell about Arkhangelsk those years.
In those years, Arkhangelsk divided into three parts: the German Sloboda is the former Troitsky Avenue, the main street of the city from Sobornaya Square to Solombala, a suburb of Arkhangelsk, and Solombala, behind a small river flowing into the Dvina. In Solombal and Mkhah lived working people and burghers. In Mkhah, however, there were different places where "decent" husbands, both from the German suburb and merchants went to entertain themselves, and then rewarded their spouses with various nasty diseases. Now, of course, nothing remains of this life here, they say, they set up a lot of good apartment buildings on the Mkhah, whereas earlier all these were pathetic wooden huts, wooden sidewalks and streets unpaved, except for Troitsky Avenue and several streets crossing it. On the Troitskoye, in the German settlement, there were charming mansions of a European kind with gardens, verandas, bay windows, etc. On the merchant side of Troitsky were solid houses of merchants with barns and warehouses on which huge castles hung. What was the German settlement?
Arkhangelsk was founded in very old times, it seems to me, under John the Terrible. Courts from different countries began to arrive in Arkhangelsk, and the commands of these courts were the founders of the German settlement. They were not Germans, as we now understand them. Then, after all, a German was called any foreigner, from the expression "to speak nemo", that is, "not clear", as it is still said in the Kirov / Vyatka region about people suffering from any speech deficiency-for example, tongue-tied speech, lisp, stammering. I read in the journal Science and Life, that the word "German" came from the word "dumb" - it's the same stupidity! After all, the foreigners were not the same dumb, on the contrary, very talkative, but they said "no", that is, it is incomprehensible. / * "A German is a man speaking in vague, incomprehensible." Etymological dictionary of Max Fasmer. Well, so: Arkhangelsk began to colonize the British, the Dutch, the Germans / Germans /, the Danes, the Swedes. Some fell ill and could not undertake a long and difficult journey on the sailboat back to their homeland, some detained business, in short, people stayed, got married, and some even began to come with families, as the land was very rich and uninhabited, it was possible to earn and live well much better than at home. There were people who for some reason could no longer stay at home, like our common ancestor - des Fonteynes, who arrived in a powdered wig with a pigtail in the late 18th century. / * He arrived in 1786 three years later than another of our ancestors - nacop Johann Lindes - GL /.

Arrived at des Fontaines from Holland, blonde with blue bright eyes, beautiful, tall, slender, thoroughbred (been in the family miniature — it in profile – probably taken in England), Lutheran, as he was called, I don't know. On the finger-a ring with three fountains and a count's crown. The ring was long preserved in the family, and his descendant, Edmund A. des Fontanna was obviously taken in England in 1920.  /*E. A. des Fontaines lived and died in Belgium — HL/. It turns out, des Fontaines – French origin – des Fontaines, if you read in French-"de Fontaines".  Then she began to read the Dutch way. Before the revolution it was written "ten" separately from "Fontaines", and now they are already written, Desfontaines. So this family des Fontaines was apparently count, as evidenced by the crown on the finger, and during the persecution of the Huguenots /Calvinists/ in the 16th century after the Bartholomew night, they fled to the Netherlands, a Protestant country. There they were impoverished, and many went to seek his fortune across the sea — in the South African Union a lot of names of places "Fontaine", and in fact South Africa was settled by immigrants from the Netherlands, the so-called "Boers". About our ancestor was some kind of dark rumors, that he had to leave his second home, which they have completely internalized, even their language was Dutch, not French — well, it was because of 200 years. Here he quickly acclimatized and made a fortune, and his son Abraham, my great-grandfather, lived on a wide foot, had a house in 15 rooms with a large garden. He had many children. This same Abraham was a big minx, and said that among the children in the villages around Arkhangelsk appeared a lot with blue eyes, like all the Fontaine: aunt Lesya, my sister Mother, your dad and many more. Apparently and took it there a bad disease, because his grandchildren had a lot of degeneracies, and /or sister uncle Joly ached epilepsy, my father's sister is also ill, sister of the grandfather of Lindes was like a midget, etc./ Well, this is the ancestor lived lavishly and spent quite, he was threatened with the seizure of property, the ruin, the disgrace, then.
And one day came to Abraham merchant in the jerkin with a big beard, who spoke strongly on "about" and the local dialect, and suggested this combination: "Give my son his eldest daughter Anna, and your bills I bought, otherwise I'll sue them to recover". Here, of course, the drama, the tears, although his son, Vladimir Ilyich Gribanov was no longer a man, but not loved, seen, never this Anna, and they'd intermarried with Pontinskie, as in Arkhangelsk, this was the most aristocratic family, rock with it was a great honor. So it turned out that Vladimir Ilyich Gribanov married Anna Abramovna des Fontanes.
\ * My mother did not have many materials available to me now, so I will allow myself to make some amendments and additions to her memories. Will start with Desfontaines, the history of which I was able to follow up to the first crusade. A native of Picardy, they belonged to the highest French aristocracy, though they were not titled, but they had a bit of blood from king Philip II Augustus. In the 16th century some of them became followers of Calvin, Huguenots there. Fleeing from the most severe persecution, they sought refuge in Protestant countries: in the neighboring Netherlands, in America, and in South Africa, possibly in Scandinavia and Prussia. The founder of our branch, Pierre des Fontaines, fled from France in 1696 in the Netherlands. His grandson, the father of Johann Anton's name was Pierre, and so the first Russian des Fontaines all documents were registered as Ivan Petrovich. He moved to Arkhangelsk with his whole family – his wife, her daughter from the first marriage Sofia Halle and sister Maria des Fontanes. Some money he had, and on arrival in Arkhangelsk, he bought a house. The first ten years he "was in service at the office of foreign merchants "Arthur Kelly & Co.", then he was listed as a "foreign broker" and joined the 2 Guild of foreign guests. From 1793 to 1796 was Elected in the city Duma from foreign guests. In 1799, announced a capital of 8005 rubles and was " ... chosen for the maintenance and storage of state wine." He was not a Lutheran, but belonged to the Calvinist reformed Church /Dutch/, and he had three sons and five daughters. About his sons, except my great-great-grandfather Abraham Ivanovich, I know nothing. About his daughters, I only know that Catherine married Moses Moiseyevich Clapton /his family came from Liverpool/ Anna married James Daniel Bailey, officer of the Russian Imperial Navy, and lived in Petersburg; and Mary married a certain Scheele from the Netherlands (to this branch belong Dasha Brant from Sydney). He came to Russia during the "economic downturn" in Amsterdam. I don't think radiant blue eyes he had inherited from his ancestors Picardy, most likely from his Dutch mother and grandmother Hildegarde van Dijk and Sibila–Hendrina van Nimegen. The majority of Fontaneau, whom I happened to meet, was given a black "French" eyes. No wonder his son Abraham was a rascal. Many of the Arkhangelsk merchants were frequent visitors to brothels, which is famous for the port of Arkhangelsk, which is, however, all prefer to remain silent. But I doubt he was " in debt as in silk." My materials show that he was a very successful entrepreneur. In Mymax he built a shipyard and a sugar factory, in 1830 he joined the third Guild of the Arkhangelsk merchants, soon became a merchant of the first Guild, a companion of a number of timber processing enterprises. Not so long ago the newspaper "Arkhangelsk Pravda" wrote about it the following: "...there were among visitors obvious losers who couldn't be beaten out in people and in our edge.  A significant portion of foreigners has achieved success thanks to the hard work of many years. So, for example, was part of the big business North of the famous business dynasty Fonteneau. Its founder des-Fontaines Ivan arrived in the city from Holland in the late XVIII century and began to serve as an ordinary clerk, and then took the place of a stockbroker. But the entrepreneur was unlucky: he died in 1805 at the age of 48 years, leaving a widow and six children with minimal means of living. Major successes in trade Affairs was able to achieve the younger son of the Dutchman Abram Ivanovich.  Like his father, he began his service in the simplest positions: first as a clerk in the trading house of Franz Scholz and Felix Clarke, and then as a forwarder of foreign ships. The last place of service allowed the young entrepreneur to establish ties with foreign merchants and start an independent business: trade edible supplies, supply them with foreign ships. The first success of the merchant noticed a prominent, Nicholas merchant Ilya Gribanov and persuaded Abram to open a large-scale foreign trade. The negotiations resulted in the creation of the trading house "the Mushroom new, Fontaines". The company's success was facilitated by the marriage of one of Gribanov with the eldest daughter of Fontaines and adopt the latest in 1829 Russian citizenship. Becoming a Russian citizen, Abram Ivanovich was given broad access to social activities and left a noticeable trace in the history of the city. For many years he headed the Board of the Arkhangelsk state Bank, held the post of mayor for six years, was at the coronation of Alexander II in 1856, met the Emperor in Arkhangelsk. At different times, Abram Ivanovich was a member of the Board of Trustees of the reform school, the Mariinsky women's gymnasium, a children's shelter, opened in the latter at his own expense, a Department of 8 people. For impeccable public service, he was awarded the title of Commerce adviser, hereditary honorary citizen, received a number of high awards: three gold medals on Annensky, Vladimir and Andrew's ribbons, had the order of St. Stanislaus II and III degree, St. Anne III degree and others." Avaricious on praise the newspaper "Arkhangelsk province news" rightly noted in the obituary dedicated to the memory of the merchant: "Abram Ivanovich deserved utter respect for citizens, not by obsequiousness and flattery, and unconditional observance of public interests." The author of the publication called the deceased " a worthy citizen of our city."
Many similar facts can be found in the biographies of all immigrants from abroad. As for commercial success, the of 14 merchants enrolled in the first Guild in the mid-nineteenth century, eight were foreigners: P. Lyurs, A. Fontanez, E., Brandt, A., PEC, E. Lindes, F. Scholz, and others. Many foreigners were in the merchant class of the 2nd and 3rd guilds…
So, I think, the marriage of his eldest daughter Anna's son Ilya Gribanova was signed for purely commercial reasons — to strengthen commercial operations: Fontaines in Arkhangelsk and Gribanova in Nikol'sk, Velikiy Ustyug and Totma.  And the result of this marriage was the Foundation of a prosperous company "Trade house of Fontaines, Gribanov Ko".  It seems doubtful to me and my mother's statement that the flax factory for the production of thin Dutch linen near the village Krasavino brought little income, although, indeed, it was in the 1860s was unprofitable. 0 however, her income jumped with the arrival of Christian Andreevich PEC, the great-grandfather of my friend Arnold Petrovich PEC. J. A. PEC was a confidant of Vladimir Ilyich Gribanova and 30 years of experience in managing his Affairs in Nikol'sk, Velikiy Ustyug and Totma. In General, the "gribanovskie" shares belonged to the relatives of Gribanov and Fonteynes and, probably, in order to non-payment of taxes, their value on the stock exchange was deliberately underestimated. The Krasavinsky building of the factory started in 1849 and was completed in 1852, so that the land was purchased long before the abolition of serfdom — GL\.


First, the couple /*Vladimir Ilyich and Anna Abramovna Gribanova — GL/lived in Arkhangelsk, as they lived there, I don't know. After moving to St. Petersburg in the late 19th century, they first bought a house on the waterfront Vasilevsky island, where scientists now live, but this beautiful house seemed to them not good enough and was purchased another, located opposite through the Neva, on the promenade des Anglais, the house number 66 — from whom they bought, I do not know, but apparently,


How they lived in the beginning of marriage, I don't know, but in St. Petersburg they lived in different halves, and the children they never had — who is to blame, is also unknown. They were on " You " and called each other by name-patronymic. All her "grace" / jewelry-necklaces, earrings, etc. / he kept in his safe and if they were invited somewhere or they themselves had a great reception, he asked her: "what dress do you, Anna Abramovna, this day intend to wear?"Answer: "Gradeable, dark green". "Then I'll get You Your emerald set "parure" \ necklace\. These sets were many: and pearl, and diamond, etc. And not just necklaces, earrings, bracelets, ornaments for the hair or a tiara or a flower, star, but all in the same style and of the same color. After returning from the guests, or at the end of the reception, he was taken away and locked up again in my office in the safe. At first they lived in the house together. The first floor was uninhabited at all, but all was filled with fine furniture and intended for V. I. Gribanov's sisters who occasionally came and stayed long time.
Sisters have Vladimir Ilyich was two, both married for nobles-officers. One was married to Smackin Nicholas.  It was a pretty good marriage. Smackie was not without means, had great possessions "Makarovka" in the province of Kursk, Lgovsky district, and he Smackey was a man with the head. They had two sons, Nicholas and Alexander, and the death of his parents received both a fair condition. Nicholas put his fortune to the estate in the Caucasus at the Batumi seems to be "Green Cape". And was there, for the love of art, to plant tropical plants and achieved very good results, and after the revolution the estate became the Botanical garden , and his widow was life allotted room in the house, where she lived until her death. Nikolay Nikolaevich had no children.
The second son, Alexander, was also not a fool, but he is more about Commerce — not that he was a merchant, but a shareholder was also considerably multiplied the inheritance. They had bought the mansion on Ostozhenka in Moscow, it is now preserved at the gate of the two lions of large, if it is to go from the Kremlin, on the left hand. He had three children – Alexander, Barbara A. and Boris. Married Alexander Nikolaevich was unhappy — he cheated on his wife, and he parted with it. But she was very unhappy without children, she especially was the way the girl is Cooking, and once, when the girl was walking with his governess, drove the coach and it was the girl's mother, she rushed the door slammed shut, and the child was stolen. Began investigation, Varya found, took away, but the injury she had for life. But it didn't hurt at the time, cuckold her own husband — Sergey Astakhov Nikandrovich /he was a lawyer, quite famous, but, marrying a rich bride, not a damn thing to do, just partied and lived at the expense of his wife/. And with whom did she teach horns? What do you think? Of course, with uncle Ala, my brother. Anyway, her last child she had a portrait of uncle Ali. Varvara Alexandrovna was two other boys, much older than Vera, Sergei and Boris.
Sergey was my fan, we had a big flirt with him, and for many years we were texting him, already during the revolution. During NAP and he went to Estonia, what became of him, I do not know, and Boris died in a concentration camp. About Vera know nothing. Alexander Nikolaevich Smetsky had still here what drama. It is also, of course, yawned and had a relationship with his wife Kumanina — it was a well-known figure in Moscow in the end of the last century, it is often mentioned in the literature in Gilyarovskogo.
Have Komarinyh had three daughters, Nina, Sophia, and much younger, too, Vera, who was the daughter of Alexander Nikolayevich Smackage. But it all disappeared, and as these two families were familiar with houses, it so happened that the eldest son of Alexander Nikolaevich, Alexander Alexandrovich fell in love with the daughter of Kumanin Nina, and here nobody knew what to do? Had the children to confess, but since Kumanin in fact, Nina was the daughter of Alexander Nikolayevich Smackage, the marriage took place between them and was even happy.
The new lived on earnings, but still became frondeurs, the fall, say in the stories. Alexander Alexandrovich was a very interesting man, educated, read, had a large library, revolved in the advanced circles of Moscow at the time, but he did not do a damn thing, lived on inheritance.
The younger son of Alexander Nikolaevich, Boris, was a Lieutenant of the life guards of the hussar regiment-it will be mentioned below. Alexander Alexandrovich Smetskaya and his family fled to Latvia, where he died. His family moved to Paris — he had two daughters and a son nick. Now about the second sister of Vladimir Ilyich Gribanova L. Mashkovtseva \* Marie — GL\. It presented itself as a brilliant officer, Nikolai Arkadievich mashkovtseva, which quickly whizzed a large dowry of his wife, had two sons, the same big spenders. In short, when he died Vladimir Ilyich — all Mashkovtseva was broke, and the sister of Vladimir Ilyich lived in that went home and darning stockings and mending linen. Why Vladimir Ilyich didn't help her, I don't know, probably everything that he gave, at once went on cards and Roma. \ * In 1894-96 Mashkovtsev lived in the house Gribanova, Galernaya, 65. He was a member of the Board of the Russian commercial and industrial Bank for trade in bread in Siberia-GL/.
Finally got to the death of Vladimir Ilyich Gribanova, who died suddenly. On the morning came — he dead. He was not young, age sixty-five to sixty - eight. Anna Abramovna now called his beloved nephew /*Edmund K. Piratskogo - HL/, and he opened the safe, but wills was not there. He was smart enough to remove all the jewels from the safe, and there were about one hundred thousand rubles /apparently, Vladimir Ilyich kept them "small expenses"/. It was in the year 1892-93. The will was not in the office of his lawyer. So by then the laws inherited: one-seventh wife, plus the house, the rest are all nephews of which I spoke in such detail.
Don't know how many got Smackin, but Mashkovtseva, talked, got a million rubles, which they quickly built a beautiful mansion on the Avenue Kamennoostrovskom / * No. 64, lived there in 1897-1899, then sold it to Leinfelden — HL/ u of the Neva, where now TB hospital bus stop "ulitsa Akademika Pavlova".  The mansion was simply magnificent — one-story, it seems 15 mirror Windows, beautiful terrace with a beautiful staircase /outdoor/ from the side of Kamenoostrovsky. When Mashkovtseva built this house, then a year later they had to sell it because all the money has run out, and the money that they got for the house, too, boomed very soon, and the mother is the sister of Vladimir Ilyich again went home and was fixing someone else's underwear.
Have Smecky this legacy, plus the legacy of his father, were distributed as follows: estate of "Makarovka" in Kursk province /Lgovskiy County, plus a million was granted to Alexander Alexander, rovic Smetskoy; a million and a house on Ostozhenka — Varvara Alexandrovna, Boris received only money.
Vladimir Ilyich was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, in a magnificent white marble chapel, behind the Church to the left, immediately in the floor of the chapel — a staircase down, there is also all the room is lined with marble, and there were three coffins: Vladimir Ilyich, Anna Abramovna and Bibochki — it will be further said. What is the amount was this seventh part, got by the law aunt Ana, I do not know, but enough to so many passions broke out when Anna Abramovna was close to an end.
Well, Vladimir Ilyich was buried. It became aunt Ana very boring and lonely to live in the house, and she invited my father to move to the promenade des Anglais, 66 — before our family lived on Vasilevsky island. There, in Gribanovskiy the house were born my brother Al and me.
Less than a year since the death of Vladimir Lenin, as was charged in the will, as if they signed that he was all his state leaves a certain count Sologub. No one's ever heard of! The trial began — everything moved, and the widow, and nephews, you know, it all smelled! Were taken the most famous lawyers. That same it turned out? This salogub was pretty certain ballerina that was run by Lenin, and which after his death was with the nose. What was that will? Salogub at trial told the following story. One day he was traveling cases in Arkhangelsk — iron Anna Abramovna Gribanova. the road is still not there, rode on horseback. Deal was in the early spring. At some station where they could change horses, he allegedly met with Vladimir Lenin, who also was traveling on business in Arkhangelsk, that was really the case. He further said that their path lay over the Dvina that their sled failed, and Lenin began to sink, and that he salogub, at the risk of his life saved, and that, having arrived at the next station, Vladimir Ilyich out of gratitude for saving her life and wrote out this Testament. The process was very loud and widows very unpleasant as she was also called to court and there was called the ballerina, the existence of which Anna Abramovna allegedly didn't know. On the trial it was proved that the will was fake, and Sologub had to ride in Siberia.




As I wrote, children of the couple Gribanova was not. Died Vladimir Ilyich, who was a good despot and filled his person the whole life of his wife Anna Abramovna. We ran out of big receptions, dinner parties. Told that these techniques have been all the colors of the Petersburg businessmen and merchants of the first Guild to be a merchant of the first Guild had to have real estate roubles to two hundred thousand and also a lot of money/. There were also some representatives of the aristocracy and even the Royal house because of the huge sums that Vladimir Ilyich donated to various "God-pleasing" institutions. He said that even once visited the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich, son of Alexander II. Vladimir Ilyich had even "Vladimir on a neck" that equaled a rank of the real state councillor. Well, that's how he died. There was a silence.

On Sundays, he gathered Anna Abramovna their relatives, who had hoped to receive an inheritance and for this endured incredible boredom of her lunch. But all this did not fill her life. Then she took a companion-an old Englishwoman Maria Yakovlevna Beley.

But she was older than her fifteen years, and then the Anna Abramov was then about seventy. The fun did not increase, but there was at least someone to slander about what is happening at the bottom of the nephew, whom she after her husband's death settled in the lower floor of his mansion and who had a beautiful wife and six children, and life was boiling there. You could say that there's something down too a lot of fans of the wife nephew /where are his eyes?/ , and that children all are brought up is amiss at all. But ... still, something was missing.
Then she decided to take a pupil. Who? Long thought-wondered and stopped at his niece-daughter of his sister Pauline Abramovna, who was married to a certain Friedrichsberg Wilhelm Fedorovich, a teacher of mathematics in a real school Kronstadt. We, the children, for some reason it could not stand, because on Sundays for lunch at aunt Ani he always stood up and said endless German speech-toast, and we had to sit in the time quietly. These Friedrichsberg had a large family, and the salary of the teacher is not so hot, so they are decently in distress. So among these children, she has noticed a Bert, which he called Babochka, but not immediately took her to himself, and took on some time — scary pampered her, bought her everything a girl wanted, but then Bertha she bore the child is a child. Or she got sick and the old woman was afraid that she might get infected! Or began to be capricious - and quickly again take her to Kronshtadt, where she was met with bayonets by brothers and sisters, expensive gifts were taken away, broke down, she herself was teased and beaten. After a while aunt Anna again thought about Babochku, and again brought it to her in the hope of the inheritance of millions, of course! Poor, miserable creature! But everything else she was very ugly and painful, scallywag of some kind, judging by the photos! But when the girl became older, she began to suck up and act like wished to her benefactress, and she eventually settled her niece and all her "unsubscribed" to the chagrin of the other candidates. On the other hand, Babochka was very tasty morsel for various candidates for her hand. And now, when she was already in the age of the bride, began the search for a groom. Its the very, of course, not asked at all.

The choice stopped on Boris Aleksandrovich Smetsky, nephew of the late Vladimir Ilyich. The principle was: "Money to money!"Boris was a brilliant life hussars and never saw Babochku. To introduce, to invite, and to hint at telemost enterprises of capital. He, under pressure from his father, began to peck at the bait, and the poor Babochka fell in love! Soon he was appointed a Grand ball, where it was expected that during the quadrille will offer Babochka. Said that at this ball was particularly uninteresting, how a dress she sewed not to face and the excitement she popped some acne and face spots. And cunning, unloved old woman, my nephew's wife who lived downstairs, that is my mother March Girldown appeared in a pink ball dress and was so dazzlingly beautiful that everyone just gasped and welcome the groom's eyes flared, and he no dance not even danced with Birochki, and all the buzz and gushing beauties in pink, and with awe expected quadrille was protozoana with the same enchantress.

The scandal was terrible. Bib sobbed! The next day my father was summoned upstairs and received a terrible scuffle! "How could you let your wife come in a pink dress? Because in her /my mom was then thirty-five years - thirty-six/ woman should wear dresses of dark or, in extreme cases, gris-per le/light gray/ !"In short, all upset, and though, in the beginning, and still had hope that something else will be released, but Pasha /loyal maid aunt Ani, a lickspittle and a bitch, every night ran down to the front and reported: "Again, red cap lies at the doorman on the table!"It was one of my mother's many novels, which I learned a lot later. I'm Boris liked him first, he always gave me chocolate horses, and secondly, I'm scared like his high boots, so shiny and smooth that I in the childhood they kissed.
But back to Babochka. The poor thing just snatched up, and she was taken somewhere abroad. But in the following winter again began trying to find the groom. Of course, the rumor about such a rich heiress has already become known throughout St. Petersburg. And I don't know, I can't say who, but somebody introduced these fools with some Barovym, as he was called, I do not remember, /*Sergey Fedorovich, the captain of the General staff — GL\,and how to look – remember. He was an officer, but does not regiment, and headquarters, and it looks like the ska, then I saw a lot of his photos. He was not young, but not old — so forty or forty, with a small tail, of medium height, rather full, brown hair parted with our bruised on the head and wilhelmsii moustache almost to his eyes, which were bulging. Preparava mug! But he absolutely charmed the old woman, helped to lay out solitaire and in every possible way flattered her, even very roughly. I remember the excitement and mass of talking, arguing, indignation among the adults below about his personality. Apparently, and suggests help, but nothing particularly compromettere not found.  And Bib?  Yes and it is not asked right!
It was a great wedding — I remember it, however, quite vaguely. In Pochtamsky of the Church, the house Church, which was considered very chic. Their houses are still married and the pastor. The young people were re-decorated apartment of 12 rooms in the same house, but in the wing overlooking the Galernaya street. The whole situation was first class — white hall, blue living room, dark oak with brown embossed velvet dining room etc. etc. because I know all this because after the death Babochki this situation got as dowry to my sisters /*March Opric and Lydia Hartmann-HL/.  Ah, of course, paintings, silver, porcelain, jewels. Given how much money I do not know.
Less than a year, as Babochka began to hurt badly – it turned out she had something very serious is kidneys, and she was sentenced by doctors to death. Here began God knows what! The will of the old woman was in favor of Bibochki-Bertha, but aunt Anya had to die before Bertha, so that the money went to the Leopard. And then turned out the opposite! So he started to do all sorts of things. The fact is that if Babochka dies, the state will in all probability be bequeathed to my father and his brother Alfred, the father of two deaf boys and three girls.
Can you imagine the passion?  Leopards were apparently strike with Pasha /housemaid/, of course, for a substantial bribe, since she's a bequest was left a tidy sum. Maybe Pasha gave the old woman something slow acting?  Uncle Alfred, as a doctor, began to check all drugs. Then the Leopards got into the habit, again by bribing the servants, to scare aunt Anya at night began to come inner passages from his apartment to the bedroom and woman suddenly appeared from behind the curtain and something told her. But those two/Alfred Edmund/ got wind of it and took turns to sleep at the bedroom door, and several times caught autograph, who went to the old woman. While all this was happening, poor Beebe had an operation to remove one kidney, and a few days later she died.
The mountain woman was a lot stronger than her love for Beebe!  So we, at least it seemed. The funeral was very luxurious-she was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, in a crypt next to Vladimir Ilyich Gribanov, where Anna Abramovna herself was buried. \I went in 1968, was looking for this tomb, but nothing remained in sight of the former splendour\.  Interestingly,throughout this story, Biba's mother, father, brothers and sisters were somehow in the third place. After death, when the widow's inheritance, that is, Bertha, Leopards got, I mean her dowry, he also refused to give the family the personal effects of Biba, and all the furniture etc and sold to Anna Abramov not for incredibly high price — it was expensive as a memory. A month later, Barsov married a woman with whom he had lived for a long time and from whom he had two children.
And Boris Smetskoy remained a bachelor, rose to high ranks, had a lot of concubines, he ended his days in Rome, where, together with Vorontsov-Dashkov contained a restaurant. From Friedrichsberg I know only about Bibochki's nephew-the son of her brother Alexander Vilgel movich, who at one time was also considered a possible heir, because when he graduated from University, he lived for several years with Anna Abramovna. But he married against the will of the old woman on polka Vera Boleslavovna, and the old woman left him only five thousand rubles. And the son of Alexander Vilhelmovich and Vera Boleslavovna, now a Professor of mathematics at our local University and a very clever man.
\* 1)Babochka I heard something like about Smacky, but I didn't know who they are. A. V. Friedrichsberg I remember, he did not have one eye and my mother, when we went to visit her parents in 1927, brought him from Berlin a few spare glass eyes. Heard all nephews of the Anna Abramovna was hoping to receive something upon her death. After learning of her death, the younger brother of his grandfather, Konstantin Pilecki, rushed to splash out for Roma, but bequeathed to him the sum was so small that barely paid his revelry. 2)According to the "Decree on the structure of guilds and trade of other States from 1824", effective until 1917, the merchants were considered the first Guild when declaring a capital of over 50,000 rubles, the second — more than 20,000 and the third — more than 8,000 rubles. When reckoning Guild was required to pay a fee — one percent with declared capital. The announcement of capital was provided for the conscience of everyone, and the denunciation of the property was not accepted. 3) in the Address book of St. Petersburg in 1892, among the honorary members of the Board of Trustees of St. Petersburg commercial school was listed Valid state councillor Vladimir Ilyich Gribanov-GL \.
The September 1969.  For a long time did not write anything in the notebook, but Andrew is so back and also began to play tricks heart, so true, true, especially to waste time, not then, perhaps, my "parks" /*from the Latin "rags" — "goddess of fate" — HL/chiknut and take your scissors to my thread.



Lived in Moscow in the forties of the 19th century, a German from revel — Anna brown. We know about her is that she kept a rooming house and had two beautiful daughters. The older-the blonde with blue eyes eyes-Teresa, the second, brown — haired woman with brown eyes-Agatha /our grandmother/. As it happened, I can't say, but Hatenkou took the handsome officer, count Guriev, and settled her in his estate, it seems, in the Nizhny Novgorod region. He was very rich. Agathonica lived there for the rights of the wife, not mistress.  She had him two daughters, Sasha and Sonia. The girls were both Orthodox, had governesses, spoke French well, and had good manners.
When they were eight to ten, Sasha began to constantly leave the estate to play cards, etc., and his noble relatives began to persuade him to marry the girl of their circle, which is probably already taken care of and he apparently didn't mind. All this, of course, hiding from Agaency. But always after all, all is known! Then, as the legend says, she did a very noble: one day, when Sasha again drove off somewhere, she dressed girls, put on the toilet all the jewels he gave her, ordered to harness the horses and left no forwarding address. When he came back. second time, its gone.
Don't know, did it or may have been satisfied with the end of the novel. Anyway, history doesn't mention him anymore. Over time, Agata Ivanovna went to Moscow, where she got tired with my grandfather, Garald Petrovich Bek — a mining engineer, a native of Riga, who graduated with honors from the St. Petersburg mining Institute in 1848.

Garald Petrovic was a widow at the time and had /*from the first wife of Elizabeth Stubbe - GL/ three children: Anna, Maximilian and Michael. Anne was already a young lady and soon married Oscar B. Palackoho, brother of our grandfather that was buried at the Smolensk cemetery. /**In the seventies we went to the grave of my great-grandfather Konstantin Bogdanovich Palackoho and his wife Carolina Abramovna, née Desfontaines. I even cleaned and painted the grill. Then granite cross was kidnapped, the bars also, and the grave has ceased to exist — AL/.
So, they got married: abandoned Agatha Ivanovna with two girls and Garald Petrovic with three children, which immediately became five children. And then added in common: Edward, Eugenia, Napoleon, Mary, and your two grandmothers — Martha and Lydia. A total of eleven people. My grandfather was a beautiful, very intelligent and well spoken. He was convinced that near Moscow there should be coal /which was subsequently found/ and all his life he was looking for. Funds, of course not was. We had to convince various merchants, landowners that they financed the search, but because he did not found and the whole enterprise ended in scandal, he accused Lee of fraud, etc.

бабушка агатенька

So, they got married: abandoned Agatha Ivanovna with two girls and Garald Petrovic with three children, which immediately became five children. And then added in common: Edward, Eugenia, Napoleon, Mary, and your two grandmothers — Martha and Lydia. A total of eleven people. My grandfather was a beautiful, very intelligent and well spoken. He was convinced that near Moscow there should be coal /which was subsequently found/ and all his life he was looking for. Funds, of course not was. We had to convince various merchants, landowners that they financed the search, but because he did not found and the whole enterprise ended in scandal, he accused Lee of fraud, etc.
And my grandmother Agaency were in the hands of a bunch of kids. Max managed to attach to the Cadet corps at the expense of the state. He later, as an officer, graduated from the Military Academy, and had a large place in Tashkent /*was a military Prosecutor, HL/, I already knew him a full General with many decorations, as it was in the Turkish war 1878года. The son of Napoleon, too, was arranged in the case and served in Arkhangelsk. Daughter was one better than the other, the first two — Sasha and Sonia /Gur/ its incredibly pedigree look and both were Orthodox, as I wrote, and all the rest of lucernce. When my grandfather was looking for a coal under the Tula, he's met with landowners Voinovym, and then Voinovich three brothers married three daughters of my grandmother: aunt Sasha came over Alexandra Pavlovich, lawyer, aunt Sonya for Mikhail Pavlovich, the sailor.  Life Ekaterini began to improve — remained in the hands of three girls. But then my grandfather threw that kind of thing — fell in love with someone, abandoned the family and fled. The poor grandmother was left completely without means of livelihood, she had no education and could not give these girls. She even had nothing to feed them, there were days when she gave them five cents on a tram and sent to the "rich" is not her own daughter, Anna Heraldone Pileckas, whose husband was a wholesale tea merchant. Girls it was very hard to eat out of favor with relatives, and they are often bought on such a pittance of black bread and wandered around Moscow, and in the evening he came back and said we dined at sister Anne. Her other daughter /Voeikova/ lived in Tula and was already married, I don't know if they helped. Brother of our grandfather, Vladimir Oskarovich Pilecki was co-owner of the shop of technical goods. In the house of his uncle, Oscar B. Palackoho, my father, being on Affairs in Moscow, and saw my mother — she was 16 years old, he is 28. At first they lived as if well, and then everything went to dust, I do not know whose fault it was, but it ended very, very sad, especially for me! But this is a completely different Chapter. Teresa also I. never married she had two well-known patron. One was of the nobility, and from him she had a son, Sergei, who, thanks to the great trouble of his illegal father became an officer of the Grodno hussar regiment. I saw his photo, a handsome hussar "sword drawing". About it told your grandmother, Lydia Girldown /*youngest daughter Agatha, married Ferdinand F. lindes of our grandfather — HL/. Girls loved that Seryozha brown. The second patron of Theresa was, I do not know the name, a credit merchant and left a large fortune to the father of Shura brown. The mother of uncle Shura was Baroness Taube, from which he before his death received a large inheritance from the United States.
6 October 1969.
Grandmother Agatha we, children, for some reason did not like. She lived in turn from their more wealthy daughters. My mother was the richest of them. But turned to Agatha Ivanovna at us, rude. My father did not tolerate, do not know why. She was a pretty harmless old woman, but she loved to eat, maybe it's the result of her heavy share, after her grandfather left with her children. It's a delicacy for some reason, all terribly annoying. We children, too, were those rascals: good to eat, grandma loved to sleep in the day, which came to us in the nursery, where there was a large velvet sofa, and lay down to sleep, and said, "little Children, you can scream all you want, but not zamolchit immediately — I was very scared, I think something happened!"A "kiddy" it on purpose and was doing, ora Lee, rustled, but as soon as he started to hear light's snoring noise, we signal to max — he always was a scoundrel! - at once silent, and the poor grandmother jumped up in horror, and it very cheerful us, not so me as my brothers, I still was very small and poorly understood. /*Mom also told me that night, as soon as the clock strikes nine times, grandma Agathonica said :" Die neuen Uhr ist, geht auf zehen, schlagen wird bald elf — wir mussen ja schnell gehen schlafen!"- and slow to itself sleep-GL/.
My grandmother lived at us briefly, then she got rid of the "Widow's house", which was on Krestovsky island. It was a paid house and my grandmother had a separate room there. The mother sometimes visited her there and took me with him. Grandmother, apparently, was not very happily, so as often crying. The rest of the sisters, on hearing this, was terribly indignant and took it to Tula, where she died very strange. It is a year said day, I will die and when that day came, she in the morning went to bed and died, although no disease she had. She was seventy-odd.  Grandfather Harald Petrovich died when I was two and a half years, so I don't remember him at all. They said that he was a wonderful charming man, and this charm he gave to his children and grandchildren. Very charming was my mother, and it's charm had Max, even though all knew his complete unscrupulousness, but if he wanted to, could charm any person, and he was still forgiven. From the rest of the family this passed, perhaps, still and me, and utterly not was have brother Ali, although he, too, enjoyed, I mean in mind women, very large success.



They said that Peter Beck, who always lived in Riga, was a very large Mason, and when he died, his body was transported to Leipzig, where he was a Lodge to which he belonged, and there put him a beautiful monument. When this cemetery was in the center of the city, it was abolished, leaving only the most outstanding burial saying that the grave of his grandfather was left and still persisted. One of his sons, Peter Beck /*General - HL/ lived in Narva and he has inherited all the props of Freemasonry, and he himself was a Mason. When in Narva in the early 20th century began to carry out the sewer, then found the underground premises of the Lodge at his house with full, so to speak, "Masonic equipment." \ * Mother in vain regarded Freemasonry his great-grandfather legend. I was able to find his name in the Masonic reference. And I have a photo of a gravestone in the cemetery in Leipzig, which is carved: "Hans Peter Beck, 1846" - GL\.

The STORY of MY BROTHER MAX (Maximilian)

/*Chapter "What did I know about Yusupov" /see below/ mom ends up by Prince Felix Felixovich Yusupov-old Szego sent to France to give Georgievskie crosses the French soldiers and then goes on to describe the history of her brother max. This part, as the next Chapter about her brother Alexei, I took the liberty to include here — HL/.
... Here Yusupov needed a Secretary who knows languages, with a good manner, etc., etc. And his choice fell on my brother max, of course, not without a "thug" on the part of his father. Well, they took something very difficult, because the war was not passed on land, on water, stoked! They were traveling from Odessa through the Hellespont and the Mediterranean sea to Marseille. There and back again has arrived safely. But that was then, and originated in the brain of my brother's idea to become an aristocrat. The fact that the French Newspapers are very inflated this visit to the Russian "Princess'a", and every step was described in the Newspapers, printed photos Yusupov and retinue. And always in the closest place with the Prince was his Secretary monsieur Pilatzky, M.-this to word Max, a reporters have read his as "Marquis", utterly not unwittingly, that have Russians at all there is no so 21st title. And max had it's very soul, and at the first opportunity he bought himself the title, though not of the Marquis, and count. Back then, he had changed, started to franzosich, for example, loved to tell how he made a joke with the names of Greek cities: "est pire Que sque due sal onique?"/What could be worse than the terrible onyx?/ Here-pire est = Ruge-Piraeus, the port in Greece, 5a1e onique-is Thessaloniki. "Son altesse imperiale la duchesse Ksenia a beau coup rit."\Her Highness Grand Duchess Xenia was laughing very much!\ But all this good has not led: he more and spent more, got a very expensive mistress, the former love of one of the greatest princes, and though the father was paying his huge debts, all the same, faked his father's signature on a large amount. The Bank where he presented a check, doubted, and it all came out. The father at first could not believe that his son did, and began to accuse their clerks — because he was already his own office, as the case took on such proportions that he could no longer manage all the reporting, as was done before. Serve it, of course, on its hind legs, and it was proved that all this is the handiwork of max! His pet!  After all, all of us, he was absolutely indifferent, and Alu just wasn't in love. What could I do?  The father recognized the signature behind her, and max drove perfectly, not only from home but also from Russia. Max then went to America, but then lived all his life in Paris, doing all sorts of frauds revolving in the high circles of society.
Still need to add that in his childhood, Max poked his own eyes out, and this, plus the premature death of his elder brother Eddie from the diphtheria that made him the pet of his father. To my knowledge Max left Russia not in America, but directly to Paris. To America, he got only after the second world war when married to an American millionaire. But she kept it in a black body, the money he gave, and he soon divorced and returned to Paris. Max was married to the daughter of some major merchant-it seems, the publisher Pierre Hayette /Pierre Ayet/, from this lady he had a son, also Pierre, but with his wife he dispersed. The title of count he bought from the bankrupt Polish count Polesskogo, a descendant of the Polish General, who like Lafayette went to America to fight for independence from England in the 18th century. This is a known name, I saw her in some kind of historical record — our last name Pilecki, and graph — Pulaski. But it didn't matter to max. This Pulaski lived in great poverty, had no heirs and willingly, for a certain bribe, was adopted by our trickster-brother.
When my sister Lida, living in Riga, went to Paris to take a course there at Insitut de Beaute–beauty Institute, she was with max. Chic was amazing, for lunch behind each chair stood a footman, etc. After lunch in the lounge ladies have been asking him to play something from your writings, to the great surprise of the leads. Max played the piano, taught him, like all of us, so the C-plus or b-minus. And it turns out, he still and composes music! Broken slightly, Max sat at the piano and played, to the surprise and indignation of the leads, "don't Shay you me, mother, a red sundress!"Then he sat down next to Lida, and she asked him: "Look, Max, what do you count? We were never graphs, were we?"He said, "Shut up stupid, you're certainly not a Countess, and I count!"His version of the County is as follows: (of course, all lies!) allegedly, our ancestors were expelled from Poland under Nicholas I to Arkhangelsk, where they were impoverished and lost the title.
Even close nothing such a there is no! I have a book — it's an old prayer book of the 18th century, apparently people were too poor to buy a Bible, and bought a small book and in it were recorded the birth and marriage. The first record 1716 is the birth of his wife Mary Elizabeth Salimullin, and her husband Abraham Pilatzke was born in 1701 and died in 1759. Then record a different generation and lived to regale and Homole where I don't know /*tepericha Estonia — HL/. One of them, Karl Wilhelm, was born in 1612 in Ridak. Birthplace of the parents of his grandfather Constantine Bogdanovich unknown, but, I remember, said that in Felline, somewhere in Livonia, near Mitau. Still is mentioned in the prayer book village Picnic /*it under the Prague — HL/. When my uncle Ernst, the father of Faith and of Marianne was in 1914, with our troops in East Prussia, they were two of the village "Klein Pilecki" and "gross Pilecki". So it's up to County this is all very far away.
The last thing I heard about Max, he's in Paris, things are getting worse, and he's what he's doing in Bala's fancy hotels. This means that the balls, for publicity, arrange the owners of these institutions, and they need Max, first, it sounds: "Graf Maximilian Pulaski asks You to, welcome, etc." is printed on the invitations; the second, Max has a lot of pull and may invite many of the "stars" of society, and, of course, different Russian princes and counts, thirdly, he is able to accept. Of course, invited reporters who describe all this in the departments of the great world chronicle of their Newspapers, and photos. And Max gets a good bribe. When Aldik was almost in a hopeless situation, he turned to max with a request for help and he replied: "I'll have your Secretary will, if possible, to do something for this young man." Of course, nothing was done.
\*A lot more that you would add to the story of max, but I don't think it is worth. I just want to say that he succeeded under the German occupation, which did not prevent him, after the war, successfully to hint that he, too, helped MAKI G



His story was sad.  In childhood Ala was unbearable caprisun.  When I went to school, every morning was a scandal – he didn't want to get up.  It urged the DGCA /*German-Bonn — HL/, just prayed. "Ich will nicht und werde nicht in die Schule gehen!""I don't want and not going to school!"Then GUG called Hoover, he persuaded, ordered-to no avail! Then he pulled the blanket, the sheets from under him dragging a mattress he was sitting in a little shirt, shook and shouted, "I will Not, will not, do not want!"Finally had to call his father, he was, slapped him hard on the ass, then with a roar he stood up. Urgent Ale was shoving the morning's Breakfast and took in the Petrischule. I remember how horrified I watched it all: I felt so sorry for him, and I also went into hysterics. I was still small and had not attended school.

From school to bring him, too, was no small task. GUG and I went after him. Often it was not, he ran away from school and ran around the yard Petrikirche and for some reason loved to hide in the storeroom at the Church. Teachers always complained about his behavior.  \*This school in the Soviet era had finished our two cousins, Eugene and Yura Lindesy, but only seven years,and went to work. And, incidentally, the son of the writer Zoshchenko-GL\. At last we went home.

On the Nevsky, while with us there were other disciples, all went well, but the Staff all turned to the right, the Palace bridge, as almost all lived on Vasilievsky island, and we had along the Alexander garden, on the left. And here is here began. He was running forward and almost out of sight. Poor GOOG grabbed my hand, and we raced after him. Finally caught up with him, or rather he was waiting for us, sitting on the curb. At that time, because all along the trot acres is a street in the distance, as well tram from one post to the other, stood the granite tables is their appointment I still do not understand, to him the horses were tied? But it is unlikely. They were so half a meter and rounded at the top, some had cast iron rings at the top. Ah, here is, on such a Cabinet and sat our a fugitive. When we, out of breath, came, he declared: "I further not do !"And no amount of coaxing helped. Then our poor Guga, totally removed from himself, said: "Ach so, dann ich gehe zum policeman!"/Ah, so then I go to the city/ and resolutely headed for the nearest intersection. Then he jumped up and ran away again. And so until the end of. Sometimes he even suddenly on the move jumped on the footboard of the tram and left. Poor, poor Guga! She was worried sick, how he gets to the house! But he always met us at home with a shining face!

легенда о моем прадеде
история моего брата макса
история моего брата Али

If he favored to behave decently and went with us normally, by all means demanded that we went on the embankment. As I loved ships, boats. And then at the galley: "I Want to hear swear dray!"Cart-cabs were not allowed on the promenade, and they all went on the galleys of Noah, there were many, there were traffic jams, sometimes poorly cleaned pavements makes it very difficult ride, the horses were exhausted, they were mercilessly whipped. Guga was a member of the "society of protection of animals" and in bad Russian language expressed their indignation. I was in pain, but he was thrilled!
In the end, all the patience burst, and he was sent to a boarding school in Tsarskoye Selo, he was going to end his life could not forgive my parents. This school was just opened by a certain Elena Sergeevna Levitskaya and was created on the model of English privileged schools / Eton, etc./. The price was high, nine rubles a year. The Tutors are all English. The students – girls and boys. The form was also like English schools: jackets, short pants, linen-flannel. The house was supposed to go to red, and on the street in black stockings, to see that when he got home, they got changed and don't go with wet feet. All Sciences were very well established. First-class teachers. At the end children are easily enrolled in any high school: Lyceum, law. A lot of sports. Its a football field, cricket, horse riding, tennis, Golf. Home released only through Sunday; on Christmas and Easter for a week. There Alexei was quickly brought to a common denominator and made a gentleman.
But then again drama. At this time, the father became very much earning, plus inheritance from my aunt-millionaire. It turned my head. In a word, made a big stupidity – got into a different class — the aristocracy-namely, the Ala decided to give the Alexander Lyceum. The law had a right, as my grandfather, Konstantin Bogdanovich, rising to the rank of actual state Councilor, received a knighthood for three generations, so Ala was a nobleman from the so-called to curry favor with the nobility, and not a generic post. He was admitted to the Lyceum. But the Lyceum students did not want to have it in their environment: Nouveau riches, the son of some rich broker, a banking figure! /*Probably, my grandfather had a huge communication if managed to arrange a son in Alexander Lyceum, for there were accepted only the children of persons listed in the fifth and sixth part of the genealogical books, that is, could prove to be titlewasnow noble family or to an ancient noble family belonging to the nobility at least a hundred years — HL/.  And very soon at the Lyceum found occasion to find fault, and exclude the court of honor. Because the school was their traditions and very complex, with whom the bosses were, and could not act against the decision of the court of honor. This was the chosen body, which was headed by a senior "General of honor". There were different elective positions, for example, "the General from kitchen" had to watch food of high school students, etc.
And case, to which had a fight, was the next. The sixth of February, the day the birth mother was a Grand ball. It was prepared long before, has always been, as they say, "Amateur", and used to be called Amateur show. That year, something big was planned. Now it seems to me, it was all very silly. But then seemed very a good and witty. For some reason I decided to put ballet /ballet sort of "Spanish wedding" /.  Invited from the Mariinsky theatre ballet master Vasiliev / everyone fell in love with him, he was very interesting/, and he created something like something. In the hall, part of which was separated by a curtain, were arranged in some sort of tavern, and we were all dressed Spaniards and Spaniards. Danced in pairs and separately, and one lady who danced well, sang some cachucho on the table. Vera EICHE, who later married Sergei Yeliseyev — some kind of Bolero. In short, someone in that much. But the crowning performance was nine bullfighters red cloak. All the beauties of the selection. Solo was charged Ale that is very good dancer and knew how to perfectly jump through the whole stage, "almost like Nijinsky. It was established, sent out the invitations. Suddenly two days before this presentation commits suicide one student, whom we do not even know, and even other course. Of course, if we were "pillar", that is, the father or grandfather were Lyceum students, they would know that the evening should not take place, and we did not understand it. The evening was held, was a great success, among the guests were high schoolers and jurists.
The next day, my father was very surprised when the doorman reported to him that during the ball came three high school students and asked who guests and even looked at the triangle, who wore high school students and who were lying in the Swiss. And the next day held a court of honor, and Ala was ignominiously expelled from the Lyceum, as it violated one of the major traditions — does not observe the mourning for the death of comrades in school.  Other, the former on the evening of the students who were reprimanded, and the Kitty Golitsyn, who was "General of the kitchen", was disbarred. Of course, the parents rushed to bother, but the Director of the Lyceum said that he could not do anything, because he had no right to interfere in the decision of the court of honor! What a terrible blow for Ali. Shame! And in General same, for that? The only thing left to do is to get him transferred to another school and he was transferred to "Katkovsky Lyceum" in Moscow, which was much more liberal and has learned where a lot of people from merchants, even. And was also a cocked hat and overcoat Nikolaev, but still, it wasn't that. Valued much, much lower.

So he again left home and lived in Moscow, where he was educated, but the war began in 1914. Alya found himself in Galicia, then disappeared, and we did not know anything about him for a long time, then suddenly, in 1918, appeared from Japan, brought gold and a lot of silk products — he gave me a piece of gold, so 1×5cm, he bent, almost like plasticine. Here is my wedding ring and was made from this gold. Then I heard about it from Aldiko. Ala was also in Paris, where he married.

Then decided to go to the United States, but his wife, a French woman, refused to leave their homeland, and Ala left alone. Aldik wrote that he was very peculiar tion, lived in poverty. But after all and poverty the notion of the relative! Anyway, a lot of money Ali was not, and the situation he himself has created. Aldik wrote that he had in new York and noticed that the Ala stops at each intersection. Aldik asked him, " Why?"Alex replied, "And all the waiting, all of a sudden around the corner I will find happiness!» Strangely! He has always enjoyed huge success with women in Moscow had violated the peace, many couples, but apparently it was not that, not that. In early childhood we were friends, and then utterly have diverged.
3 March 1975. Andryushenka! You asked me many times to describe the waterfront House where I was born. Well, here are commence your request, I don't know whether it will.


About Gribanova I wrote. I repeat only that when the old man Gribanov died, his widow, Anna Abramovna, née Desfontaines, who was aunt to my father /his mother was Carolina Abramovna/, suggested that the father take his family into the basement. Before that the parents lived on Vasilievsky island. They had then four children-two girls: Marta and Lydia, and two boys — Edya /Edmund/ and Max. Brother Aley and I were already born in this house, so the move apparently took place in 1892. I was born in 1895, and Alya — in 1893-eat. I will try to describe its interior decoration. The lobby was very spacious and beautiful.  Right against the entrance is a beautiful marble staircase with a red velvet Cove rum. First one March, and then ground the whole width and then walked the two steps. Directly opposite the stairs stood a huge mirror, almost to the ceiling, next on the sides — two tall lamps. The railing of the stairs was not only thick red velvet cord that came out of the mouths of the bronze lions ' heads. Below, in the lobby, the walls were also marble and a large marble fireplace, which was always heated with huge pieces of coal. Then there were oak coat hangers and a large oak table for hats. Another oak chairs with high backs, hard; one of which always sat by the doorman, if he was not standing at the door outside. The doorman was in a livery-like Bathrobe to the floor, decorated with proofs, and on the doorman's chest was a bunch of orders and medals, like the current generals. They were hired from former soldiers for the most part. I was supposed to have a beard, too, and, Oh, my God! what a beautiful old doorkeeper stood happened at all entrances on the Waterfront! And when I walked with the nurse, and then bonneu, they always gave me the honor and spoke to me than I was proud.

дом на английской набережной

Now turn to the second floor, as the bottom was much easier and less interesting. From the stairs a door led to the so-called "Chinese room" as the furniture of ebony was "Chinese", that is, the upholstery was embroidered with herons, chrysanthemums, and other Chinese accessories. The wall opposite the entrance, stood a huge mirror, in which you can once again popadatsya. If you walked through the door to the right, then came into the room. All the Windows were mirrored. The hall was also white marble, but not with columns, and with flat pilasters. Between doors "Chinese" room and dining room was a lovely, white marble fireplace, on which stood superb clock and two most beautiful bronze chandelier. At the four corners stood a tall white tables and huge chandeliers — two of them with Atlantes and two caryatids. All this at the time it was sold to the Tatars in weight!!!  /*stray junk — HL/.
The curtains were very thick silk, the color "champagne". The furniture was so-called "halls", white, chairs, Banquet for two, small round tables, all of it was placed on the walls, so that the whole hall was empty, as was intended for dancing. The ceiling had a large oval picture of a blue sky, beautiful person, rather a minimum /at the time, of course/ dressed, sitting on beautiful white clouds and they were also pretty flowers cloth. On the walls were attached four lamps, surrounded by candles which must have been before kerosene and candles are real, but to me it was electric. So, when all this was lit, it was very light. And, needless to say-a large piano Blutner. If out of the room, turn right, get into the blue room, walls and upholstery which is of light blue silk. The style of Alexander III, wood — walnut, chandelier — cache-pots /pots — this kind of boxes where you put pots with flowers, the chandeliers, the decorations on the fireplace — it was sev res /sèvres porcelain/. Against the Windows at the wall again, a huge mirror in front of him at the bottom of flowers, which varied according to the season.  On the walls are four paintings in Golden frames — views of the Alps, some of our landscape painters. True, dear, but neither the mind or heart did not speak, as, indeed, all the other paintings in the other rooms. On the floor is a blue cloth, and it has a large carpet of white-pink-blue, "Au bus son "- Aubusson", the famous French carpets. Passing through the hall, fell into the red living room, it is like blue, but studded with red-brick silk, wood black, porcelain of Saxony. It was the small "ladies" Desk, behind which an old woman Gribanova often sat and wrote costs "On the economy - 20 RUB on something else — 3 RUB, etc." And finally: "Unknown place — 100 RUB.»
On the walls again, the same paintings and two portraits of the Gribanova and pupils Babochki. Now dining room is huge and completely dark, the light only through the two glass doors in the flower room. In the depths of a huge buffet, I don't know what the tree — I only remember that the color was light brown. The style is very a difficult. It adorned crystal vases, silver tea sets, etc., etc. in the Middle stood a huge table, the dining, and the walls around the table chairs embossed, red leather — very beautiful, but slippery, I have to roll back, as his feet didn't reach the floor. Through the glass doors that opened "back and forth" — the entrance to the flower, the only room where the sun happened, as all the others were to the North. In this room, there stood a dining table, and lots of green plants and flowers. In this room drinking on the morning coffee and had Breakfast, and lunch and dinner in the other dark dining room. On the wall was one picture, some Eastern, with a very strange mosque. I do think that they this apartment is not furnished themselves, and instructed some upholsterer, and he this beat is expensive and uncomfortable.
February 7. Moving on.  In this room there was a lot of green plants: palm trees a short, aloe Vera etc. there already was a large plate glass window overlooking the staircase that was in sight, exactly who coming up the stairs. We strictly had forbidden him to watch. But, though I was very obedient, still could not resist and peeked once, when was waiting the visit of Prince Yusupov, and watched as he stopped in front of the mirror, the right hand and smoothed his mustache, straightened his uniform, and generally primping. It was his only visit, and he was very prepared and proud. The visit lasted for twenty minutes or half an hour. As Felix went down the stairs, I was not able to watch — I've had enough and took reading different notation.
Go on. Floral door led to the Smoking room, which was so to say "men" because on the walls were moose and deer heads, was a cupboard with hunting rifles, with glass doors, where there were guns, twelve pieces. This cupboard came the men-guests and a pleasure VALIS rifles, especially a rifle called the "Monte Cristo" they were delighted. The furniture was large, all chairs, tables card tables, pieces for Smoking, a small, all carved very beautiful walnut Cabinet with cigars and tobacco. Over the fireplace hung a huge painting of Maksimov, he usually wrote of village life, and a rich peasant family. Depicted was a clean spacious hut in the corner of the icon, benches, table, which are sitting and are very good-looking men with beards, in blue cloth knee to Armenians, in polished Russian boots to the knee, women less-also very cleanly dressed, in the stalls. One party, apparently the owners and others came to him to clarify some misunderstanding, it was evident that they are about something argue, but all very decorous and decent. The figures are very large, so the size of a ten-year-old child. To me this picture really liked, which I often looked at.

This should describe: in front of every fireplace in every room on every floor were located all sorts of items needed for the furnace: a poker, tongs, charcoal, a basket of wood which had been put in the fireplace themselves "gentlemen". Existed so-called "fireman", which was flooded early in the morning all stoves and fireplaces and watched them. Many homes then had fireplaces, but their heat was not enough to heat such mansions, and even meters six or seven in height. So the house was still the so-called "Amosovskoe heating" — in the walls of the laid pipes, through which warm air is dispersed through the rooms, Topi elk it in the basement. But still, it was very cool to say the least. Knitted blouses did not yet exist, and the ladies throw on the shoulders the shawls: Orenburg, thick silk, plaid, called somehow Italian. Day fireman, and coal and wood in the fireplace, enclosed sitting with him. In front of the fireplace lay a shovel to get coals, poker, and large tongs. All these items were very beautiful and different in each room.
From the Smoking room there was a door to the office of Gribanov — a huge room: two Italian Windows, large cabinets with books on the walls. What? Never know! They were always locked, books-large format, in dark brown bindings. Where they then gone away? Never know. I only know that never one of these books not read, and in General these cabinets were never opened. Stood a huge Desk with a very large, expensive writing instrument, pad, marble stand for two inkwells, two candelabra with candles, a glass of stevacek (fountain pens), large perevyasko, seal ring for sealing wax, large scissors, an ashtray, a box of cigars, the seal on which read, "Jacob Gribanova Sons. In the office was still safe.
Above the large Ottoman hung a large picture of the old Flemish letter-in the foreground, to the right, oak forest dark, almost brown.  The left side is a dark plain, far away the houses and mill. From the forest I left the donkey with the bags, he was followed by a man in short pants and wide-brimmed felt hat. The man and the donkey were very small, and the whole picture was two meters long and one meter high. They said that the picture is very valuable, and I think it's true, because in the section it was taken now by my brother Max. In front of all the paintings in all the rooms there were special lamps. Behind the light was a reflector, so that the light shone only on the picture, and the room did not get. The lamp it was possible to bring any situation in which painting had the most spectacular view. In the evenings all rooms have these bulbs light up regardless of whether anybody or not. For the most part, of course, there was nobody, as the old woman and her companion - an Englishwoman sat in the dining room and play solitaire.
How was furnished the next room during the life of Vladimir Ilyich, I don't know. It was his bedroom. In front of me she was for visiting relatives, for the most part they lived husbands and younger sisters Anna Abramovna, who were both married to teachers of Kronstadt gymnasium and real schools.  Pauline, the so-called aunt Pasha, Wiligelmo F. Fridrikhsberg.  Their daughter was a pupil and heir of Anna of Abra movni — Babochka. Their son Alexander Vilgelmovich was a student of the law faculty of the University and lived for a long time with Anna Abramovna. He played very well on the piano, and in the evenings you could hear him playing downstairs.
The second sister, Anna Abramovna, Jeannette Abramovna, ball first marriage married to Holzem /*Franz F. Scholz , was a timber merchant in Arkhangelsk — HL/. Widowed at a young age, Jeannette had no children and the second marriage was married to Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bazhenov. They had one daughter — Anna, who later became an actress of the Alexandria theater. Aunt Jeannette was pretty, and Anya was the entire in father, huge growth and very a bad the face of, so that played only old women. /*Anna Bazhenova was a wonderful actress, but her trouble was that her role as a comic old woman was especially appropriate for the role of incompetent party laureate — deputatka Korchagina-Alexandrovskaya, and the Bazhenova just the course is not allowed, only when Korchagin was ill or went to Moscow, Bazhenova was able to play a good role — HL/.  I visited her during a visit here in the summer, at the Home of the artists on Petrovsky island. But she was already very bad, then recognized me, then again forget who I am. But all the time said, "Nina, Nina! Mate wanted me to say if I will be able to see you..." And that she never said.
/ * Bazhenova lived in the apartment of Mother, mother's older sister Martha Oprits. Like the artist, she had a phone, but in the entrance room, her angry Airedale Terrier was always asleep, and when I went to the phone, he always tried to bite me. Home from the theater, she always came back late, and if we had a party — a student at one time I lived with an aunt, Mother, Bazhenova joined us. We called it as a joke grandma, what for generations was true, but at the age she was closer to our mother, Anna Nikolaevna always terribly angry. In Alexandrinsky, due to the intrigues Korchagina, then she "deserved" not go — GL/.
He Bazhenov often alive Anna Abramovna, and in the evening we all paced back and forth, back and forth in the office of Vladimir Lenin. My same child was just under this room, I was laid and go, he began to walk, and the maid told me that it was Gribanov walking and I was scared coward, poor girl! This left a strong impression when I was very sick, I all raved Gribanov.
1976. Continue to through few years in Ust-Narva.
Finished bedroom Vladimir Ilyich Gribanov on the left side, now turn to describe the right side. At the end of the dining room a door led into the pantry, there stood a large table, on which was put the used dishes where washed it then. Then there was, from my point of view, a very entertaining thing: the device for cleaning and the point of knives: knives were inserted into the holes, twisted the handle of the device many times, and took out perfectly cleaned and sharpened knives. Sometimes they let me turn the handle. In the corner of the pantry was a large white stove and level with the shoulders of a man were very good, brilliant like the sun, copper two doors. When they opened, there were prominent inside shelves, which were placed on the plates served when changing dishes, as the kitchen was so far away that if the plates are cold, it would be bad at all. But the dish was so warm that it was possible to warm his hands.
Then began the long dark corridor that led into the kitchen. From the pantry was the closet door Anna Abramovna — a large mirror, which is then called "psychee" -"psyche", wardrobes and chests of drawers, etc Bedroom I don't remember there we were not allowed. The next room was absolutely lovely, I remember it well as after Anna Abramovna's death (in 1907) our family moved to the second floor and I slept in this room. All the walls and two Doric columns were made of pink marble. As in a fairy tale!  In this room lived Babochka at the life of Anna Abramovna, and then human and the door is in transition arch across the yard to the left half of the apartment well.
This arch led into a large room — to ceiling cupboards, open them is not allowed, but still, we spotted that there was clothes hanging, and the top of the cabinets were also cabinets with shelves, and there was a mass of linen: tablecloths, sheets, etc. to Get there was possible only via a ladder which was brought, when decorating the tree or when he came the upholsterers, who in the spring was removed and cleaned Drapes and carpets, and in the fall they were hanged. There were two secret doors in this room. They did not differ in appearance from the doors of the cabinets, but after one you got to the toilet, and the second led to the spiral staircase, a three-room apartment servants.
Another door led into a very large room, separated to ceiling wooden wall and behind the wall was a large copper tub, and a column for the furnace. There was another toilet at the beginning of the long corridor, it reduced the dressing room, and the entrance there was only from the corridor. Seat there was a wooden as a bench, it has a conical hole that is crooked when pulled over the copper thing like a mortar in the copper plate, and then flowed the water and the plate at the bottom of the cone opened.



According to the memoirs of Andrew and Harald Lindenow /**AL and *GL/
\*For many Pilecki house on the English embankment all his life remained a symbol of prosperity, olicitation "good old times".  Our uncle Al often about it, remembered, treasured illustration, where the yacht "polar star"(the king) looked out their house. And I could never forgive the Bolsheviks for taking this house away from him. My objections, his father sold the house long before the revolution and that in any case he, uncle Al, he would not have inherited, he angrily shouted: "You're a Communist and a fool, and know nothing!"Gently remembered the house my mom's sister Lida, memories of him she lived with her daughter Nina (married Fibich.) From Australia she wrote to me in Washington: "grandpa's mansion on the Neva remember well. He was yellow in color. From below there was a wide staircase. Upstairs was a very large hall with balconies and large Windows on the Neva. Near was grandmother's boudoir. He was full of all sorts of vases, which she had collected from all countries. Next was grandpa's office.

дальнейшая судьба

A large dining room and all bedrooms went the other way. I remember my grandfather was the huge picture, landscape. At least the size of four meters, if not more. When everyone took it, I saw her in the lobby at the People's house. I wonder if it's still hanging there."In the foyer of the cinema theater on Italianskaya street, our mother found chairs from their blue living room. "Touch the back — she told me-there's a hole that I accidentally made!"Black leather chairs from grandfather's office somehow ended up in the house of the former footman's grandfather, Daniel, about fifteen miles South of the Luga at the station "Vandervliet". "If they grandfather asked me, a six year old kid — why you no take it?"There was no answer.
The fate of our grandfather's alarm clock is interesting. Last night in Petrograd grandfather spent have our aunts Lida Hartman and left there its a favorite an alarm clock. With Hartman mi he moved to Riga, with Nina Hartman-Fibich got during the war in Bavaria, from there to Oldenburg, then to London, back to Germany, sailed with the FIBI in Australia and finally, after the death of Nina, according to her will, flew to us in Washington. In another letter Nina wrote: "Then we rented an apartment in the Zoological lane. I remember breaking my leg when I jumped off the trapeze that hung between our doors. From the promenade des Anglais grandmother sent her carriage and I was taken to the hospital, put the plaster and brought back home."
I confess, I treated the house quite calmly. When my mother took me to the promenade des Anglais, I was more interested in tugboats and barges on the Neva than their former mansion. What was there has gone. However, despite all its luxury, the house on the promenade des Anglais did not bring happiness to its inhabitants. Hardly happy was "bankrupt nobles" who sold Gribanovo their home; soon the outbreak of the revolution, was hardly a happy and a Greek who bought the mansion of his grandfather. Of a happy life Gribanova and poor Babochki can not speak.
There was no happiness in Pilatsky's family: constant scandals, quarrels, adultery... in one of the letters my mother wrote: "my Mother was very beautiful, but her beauty did not bring her happiness to her: she was loved forever, she loved not the one who needed — jealousy, scandals without end." / Characteristically, that mother about their parents always wrote "mother" and" father "— not" mother "and"Pope."/ "In the eternal quarrels of parents, scandals in the house, I at the first opportunity popped up for the first sixteen years" — told me aunt Lida in Donauwörth, in Bavaria, where she lived at the mercy of her sister and hated her second divorced husband.
Lydia and Bank employee Vladimir Karlovich Hartman lived for the first years with children on the first floor of the house on the waterfront — exactly one year after the wedding they had the firstborn Andrew, in whose honor my mother named my brother. Then, year after year, was born two more — Nina and Edya. But their marriage was never happy. Although uncle Vladimir Hartman, like his father and grandfather, was born in St. Petersburg, after the revolution, he somehow managed to prove their Latvian origin and in 1924 the whole family by becoming Hartmanis, went to Riga, where they had a rough time – without the knowledge of the Latvian language to get comfortable was impossible. After 10 years of marriage finally fell apart, they divorced. She worshipped her eldest son Andrew, but with children close never was. Ada died in the war, Andrew and Nina went to Australia. All almost forgotten and lonely aunt Lida died in Germany, in the old house.
Vladimir Karlovich from Riga fled to Lodz, where he married again and died shortly afterwards. Ada married in Riga, the marriage was childless and unhappy, and was soon followed by a divorce. In Riga married and and Rey, his wife was older than him, there were no children. His wife survived Andrew almost 35 years, he died in ' 52. Happy, too, although childless, was the marriage of Nina in Riga she married Paul Fibich, the soloist of the Riga ballet /Nina herself has danced in the corps de ballet/. Soon after the wedding, they fled to Bavaria from there to Oldenburg. After the war went "servant"in London /" most a terrible time in our life " – complained Nina /, have returned in Germany and, finally, go in Melbourne. But the last 11 years of his life, after her husband's death, Nina was very unhappy and lonely, longing for her to Pavlik, yet peacefully fell asleep forever in his bed\.
Mom's brother Edward died of diphtheria as a boy. The other two are her brother were not happy. About them she wrote to me: "I want to warn you against close acquaintance with max — though he and my brother, he is a very bad person, unscrupulous, unscrupulous and the most terrible thing is that he is absolutely charming, can fascinate anyone and circle around his finger. Ala another thing, but has always been eccentric, but he is a decent and honest man. In his youth he was a very interesting and scary smoothie". However, despite the success of women, uncle Al's loved all his life only one, divorced his wife, left in Paris.
The fate of the two grandfathers who remained in Russia was heavy, terrible and tragic. But, despite all the hardships, they were both happy in family life. No aunt, Mother or in the house, I have never heard of scandals or quarrels. There was an eternal fear of repression, which in my presence was suppressed, there were eternal financial worries, which are usually resolved by the fact that something "was driven".
The eldest daughter, Martha, married, almost simultaneously with aunt Lida, Emanuel /Mumu/ N. Opritza, a son of the Head Offices of the Ministry of the Yard and Grounds. Their firstborn died in infancy. The only other son Yuri is a very talented, smart, funny and very nearsighted, which exempted him from military service. In July 1941, under threat of immediate arrest and repression of the family in case of refusal, Yuri "voluntarily" agreed to go to the front and was soon killed. Senior officer L. G. Jaeger regiment, the husband of aunt Mother bravely fought in East Prussia. Soldiers you loved him and in the revolution elected their commander — so he was in the Red army. At the first opportunity demobilized, enrolled accountant in Hermitage. In the early 1930-ies, he was sentenced to any sentence and sent to build the white sea canal. And "civilian" he built the canal Moscow-Volga. "I survived only because I was already accustomed to the terrible conditions at the front" — said our uncle Muma. All this time his jacket was sewn standard Jaeger regiment, which his brother – officers from all forces tried to keep and alternately hid. The canal was built, and uncle Mumu sent to the lesopunkt an accountant in a terrible wilderness, between Tikhvin and Cherepovets, forty kilometers from the railway. At the end of the war his business was riding the train, he was robbed, thrown out of the train, and he died under the wheels, as many years later died his only grandson Yuri. If possible, aunt Matya accompanied her husband, but in order not to lose residence, the term lived with her son in Leningrad, where uncle Muma came for vacation. She died of cancer in 1948. Their only great-grandson Serezha still lives in St. Petersburg.

In June 1918, our mother married her cousin by mother /and at the same time a second cousin by father/ brother, and their marriage was very happy, but lasted less than twenty years, when he was interrupted by the arrest of our father. Started a mother's ordeal here: in Abdulino Orenburg region, Borovichi in Leningrad, Klymkivka in Kirov, some Pihtovka in Siberia. To help her out, finally, managed a great friend of our family, Professor Stander-Struve, once exiled to Kazakhstan. With his help, my mother eventually got a job as a teacher of German in Kemerovo. In 1960, the Pope" for lack of crime "posthumously rehabilitated as rehabilitated mother and Andes ray, and a year later "graciously" allowed them to return to their hometown. The loss of her beloved husband, at the mere mention of whose name, she began to cry uncontrollably, the ordeal on the links hurt your mother's life. Congratulating me on my fiftieth birthday, she wrote: "how Much, how much water flowed! And, sometimes, seems, that all was recently, so recently! And no one else — neither the Pope nor Tati /his sister/ grandmother, Mother, all, all! Your grandmother still died well from pneumonia in the hospital. The rest are all terrible! Often do not sleep now, and just like in the movies, shots, shots, shots, and one worse than another, rather then need of sleeping pills!"A few years later she wrote" Dead honey Olga Veselkova! The last link with the past was broken! A man went away, who else could say, " do you remember?..." And yet its share has fallen, and happiness.  All her life, she never parted with his beloved Andrusenko, and in his caring hands she died.   Me she wrote: "Andryushenka after all such an angel! So good, so kind to me!"There is more happiness was for her, after 15 years of uncertainty to know that I am alive. At first, we texted out of caution through grandpa Lindes ' brother in Hamburg. And in 1958 mom him, too, very carefully, wrote: "it was nice to know that Aldik alive. During the war, of course, I experienced a lot of heavy, especially I was overpowered by the unknown. My sister Martha died of cancer, her husband is dead, our favorite daddy /father's sister/ died in 1945, from General tuberculosis. My nephews Jura, Beba and cuca died a heroic death.
In Leningrad, few remained after the blockade.  About G. F. /our father/ don't know. We parted in a quarrel /mother dares to speak of truth/. I think he's not alive."
(*Lindes Harald F..1895-1938.A student of the Mariinsky gymnasium in St. Petersburg after her graduated from the 2nd year of law school at ST. Petersburg University. With the beginning of the revolution he was arrested, then released and forcibly sent to work in a sawmill, where he worked until 1938 as commercial Director) \* statement KGB: Lindes Harald F., 1895 R., born in Arkhangelsk, Russia, German, non-partisan, head. commercial Department of the plant "Soviet" lived: Leningrad, Petrovsky PR., d. 3, kV 16. Arrested on April 2, 1938. By the Commission of NKVD and Prosecutor of the USSR on 14 June 1938 sentenced under articles 58-6-7-9-11 criminal code of the RSFSR to a Supreme penalty. Executed in Leningrad on June 28, 1938\.

And how she rejoiced that she had in California to grow a granddaughter and grandson! In 1963, its share has fallen another joy. "We have great joy, she wrote — our Andrew is getting married! She's 26, she's Andrew on the shoulder, very, very beautiful black eyes. God, live I so lucky! After all, at one time was so bad, I thought he high school not finish, and at one time even wanted to give it to the orphanage." after a year waiting for her new joy: "Our regiment has arrived! This young lady is very pretty, with a weight of 2,800, but long – 50 cm, slim. His mother gave life. Poor Lily suffered 22 hours - it's very strong, and began in another day and a half."  Under old age, of course, to live became harder to. Beginning to take health and threatened blindness. Granddaughter have grown up to, and in their small apartment became cramped. As it did in a way that sent us the pictures she cannot see his granddaughter, Kristinochka, our daughter Nina! Forever fell asleep she peacefully, in his bed. She was 88 years old.
I give the floor to Andrei.\** SCARLET. Written the stories of our mothers: Family Pilecki collapsed, and it happened so.  March Garalova, now the mistress of the house, was very beautiful, spectacular woman /despite the six children/.  And once in a house on the English embankment No. 66 was the ball, which however, there are a lot of different reasons at the time.   Many people were invited and among them one young connectionistic officer, Nikolai Danilov, which, apparently, meant for the older daughters, Martha of Giraldoni. But fate decided otherwise.  March Girldown put next, just sew a dress, effectively came out and to the chagrin of the daughters spun the head of the poor young man who drew her daughters attention.  This novel progressed very rapidly and soon turned into a physical connection. And then one day the owner of the house, Edmund K. Pilatzke caught this young man in a very piquant situation in the bedroom of his wife.  Burst into a terrible scandal, and as a result March Girldown went to this young man.   The family broke up.  A year later, the house was sold. And what Mar Girldown? She lived with her young lover in complete harmony until the revolution. Then her husband and /or lover/ joined the White Guard — she followed him.  Together they found themselves at Makhach-Kala, where the white troops were defeated.  Danilov Nikolay Vladimirovich was shot, Martha Girldown long way to Petrograd.   Here she lived for some time at his daughter Martha. Then went to Riga to another daughter — Lydia, however, here she was in great need and worked for a while in the locker room hairdresser. Then she exchanged letters with Edmund K. and he got to Berlin, rented a room and did podstavochki for vases beaded, it somehow lived.

/*GL again/ IN Hamburg around 1950, aunt Lida I described this family drama a little differently: "When we lived in the Zoological lane, I went to visit my parents. And here is come as something-that happened? Everyone roars: your mom, your dad, mom's boyfriend Nikolai Danilov. That same it turned out? Your mom's been in love with your dad since time immemorial, and he's been in love with her. Like me, she flirted, flirted with a lot of people, but she only loved your dad. And here got into the habit to go to them a young officer, Danilov, though the not so young, older than your mom. The day he proposed to her — and she refused him. And I got sick, and I feel sorry for Danilov and your dad. In the hall sat at the piano and your dad is also crying. Daniel ran into the other room, actually there. To comfort him was our mother, too, burst into tears and doesalso!  She left our father and settled down On Kronversky Avenue. And there Daniel was her constant visitor. Then he was transferred to the Caucasus, the Turkish front. And our mother went after him. I think he left her there, and after the revolution, she made it to Berlin, where our father had already found her. Together, they no longer lived, but remained in a friendly relationship." It seems to me that this version is closer to the truth, if only because the house was sold in 1916, and both older sisters mom got married almost ten years before. On the return of Granny to Petrograd, and her life in Riga, I have never heard neither from my mother nor from Pricew or from the Hartmanns, but it is suppose. After the break, my grandmother lived in an apartment on Kronversky Avenue. Don't know whether she took it herself, or she took her grandfather. A bit strange is that before na Kronverkskom lived a kind of Anna, the mistress and later second wife of his grandfather, about it speech will go more low. Nina Fibich proved to me that it was not far from her, and she went to visit this Anna and she loved her.
Again, I give the floor to Andrei about what happened after the breakup. \AL ** — the stories our mother/ Edmund K. treated the daughter well, but this attitude was not sincere and was limited to the supply of money. Besides, it turned out that he had a mistress before the wife split. It was a very beautiful woman, Anna Petrovna Rublev.  Edmund Konstantinovich lived with her in an apartment in Aptekarsky lane 4. square 10.  Anna Petrovna Rubleva was a simple Russian woman, to whom God for happiness /or for misfortune/ gave amazing beauty. Edmund K. it is, of course, changed. When he used to come to the front door, went with a black lover. Anna Petrovna was a very clever, tactful woman. Edmund K. by that time, decided to marry, and he was under 60 years. He demanded, to Nina emerged in theater together with Anna Petrovna. They sat in the bed next but at intermission, when lit the chandeliers, she was never left to sit, and went to avalou where it was not visible.  Edmund K. gave in this time, Nina a lot of outfits, jewelry /money was very large. \ These purchases could not do without women's hands, which is very tactfully and delicately remained in the shadows. Sight of Anna Petrovna Rublev disappeared in the following way. At that time in Vogue, tango, and Edmund K. was hired by her dance teacher, whom she one day fled abroad.  She sewed up the gift jewelry from Edmund Konstantinovich in the hem of the mink Manto /these little tricks then still passed.  Further I know nothing about her.\
\ * GL: This version of in much coincides with those, that I heard from loved. Only in the pharmaceutical lane, my grandfather lived with his young wife and the back door was not — was a cast-iron spiral staircase leading directly into a human, and it is unlikely that the lovers have risen. And mink coat did not wear. I've never heard of a dance teacher. The disappearance of Annushka heard this: Taking out a German passport, Santa got her some paper and she had to get to Berlin via Sweden. Annushka he gave half of the available diamonds, the rest were sealed in the electric kettle, which he had stolen in Berlin, he arrived penniless. But he was not discouraged — because Annushka will soon bring the diamonds, and began to develop rapid commercial activity. Anushka in Berlin never appeared, and what happened to her is unknown. Killed on the way? Run away? Grandfather in the street, met the owner of a luxury hotel, of which he was notably honored in his time in St. Petersburg, and he offered Pelaccia free to live in his hotel. Apparently, Anushka was a good man. So Andrew says: \ ** AL; in 1918 When the goal Nina Edmundovna married, Anna Petrovna delicately called, congratulated and wished all the best and said that her presence would be inappropriate. Soon her name brought a basket of roses, the last in the life of Nina Edmundovna. And what about the house? The house survived everything: the NEP and the Stalinist repression, stagnation, and rebuilding, and hope that he walks worthy of the third Millennium. When in 1996, near the house of my grandfather moored yacht Queen Elizabeth of England, the house has not yet had time to paint, and workers frantically smeared paint directly on the rust balcony grille\.



In Petersburg, there were many Amateur hunters, and so they decided to found a society of hunters. My father, Edmund K. Pilatzke, was one of its founders. Was the name of the society: "St. George's Society of Proper Hunting" that existed on the contributions of its members, and they were all very wealthy people. Was leased land at Nikolaev railway, near which made the platform the train is one of the founders was the then Minister of communications, Prince Khilkov, Mikhail Ivanovich. In addition, was still hunting places on the railway at MSU, called"Sinyavino", in the Patriotic war of ' 41 there was heavy fighting, and then this place was famous for its hares, which he brought dozens, and no one knew what to do with them and did not eat, and in the form of gifts sent by friends. Sinyavino I've never been, so I don't know what it was. But at the station "St. George", which to this day exists, I have been. We were taken there sometimes in the fall for mushrooms. Close to the station, in a dense forest was built two-story brick house.

что я знала о юсуповых

It had a large dining room with an open veranda. The rest of the house had bedrooms for hunters who usually came by subbo there. Bedrooms were for one person-a bed, a bedside table, a washbasin, in a word everything that is necessary for one night. There was a kitchen, where the chef ordered high-class, in a large cellar was determined everything that you can buy, that is, wine and snacks, ham, sausages, cheeses, canned food, fruits, etc.There was also a room with a Biliard and a pawn table, in short everything you need for such "mon suers".  There were other houses for the Rangers, who have continuously lived there. Their job was to hunt down game and raiding, that is, to hire people to drive the game such as bears, wolves, moose, etc., and to place "rooms" and choose the location where you become a hunter. Every place had a room on a stick, buried in the ground. The huntsman watched and serviceability of the guns, which were stored in large glass-fronted cabinets. The whole house was decorated with hunting trophies: stuffed wolves bears, moose heads on the walls, black grouses, grouses, etc. We also had many of his father's trophies: a large wolf stuffed animal which I loved — it was like a very large dog size, and were the carpets black and brown bears — I loved them — they could lie, the head was large, I landed and rolled as the hills, right, I was still very small at that time, and all the mouth gaping and full of scary fangs, but it was possible to poke fingers, and you didn't. It was, in my opinion, five great elk head with great horns lying up the trot, too, with open jaws and such evil eyes that I didn't even stick fingers into the mouth for fear, only stroking the brush on the ears. There were, of course, different forest birds.
But this house hunting, I think "gentlemen hunters" went not only to shoot, but also a good "pointit", drink and stay in the company of men. Was still at "the George" plenty of dogs hunting wonderful! More all pointers and setters, and the huntsman too was watching them, so that they were in uniform. Yeger Fyodor we just adored. He sometimes came why something with dogs in city. We broke into the kitchen, and he told us very interesting stories, and from it especially somehow smelled-skin, dogs, something else very tasty, so it seemed to us, at least. They were members of the society on the recommendation of one of the members, and each candidate was discussed and voted. It was a great honor to get there. Of course, the composition was not as aristocratic as in the "Imperial yacht club" or "New club" on the Palace embankment. Here, apparently, played the role of a purse. But there were also titled persons as the mentioned Prince Khilkov, the member of the state Council Valuev and other persons from-for acquaintance with whom very many sought to get there. Members were large bankers, stockbrokers, merchants, in my opinion, only Grigory Eliseev. A member of the society was Felix Felixovich Yusupov, count Sumarokov-Elston. Here, perhaps the father met him, and he entrusted him with their financial Affairs and banking, and although the car was incredibly rich, he liked to play the stock market and did so through my father.
It was a very special world of the aristocrats, in which to get there was almost impossible without a decent pedigree. There were marriages in society when an aristocrat married on money, but that did not always give his wife access to the highest circles. For example, after the revolution in"dokomade", that is living in the same house, we met with Baron Korf, the former Governor of Warsaw. So the Baroness said: "Brother Semyon /that is her husband/ did a terrible misalliance: he married the daughter of some merchant, we were just killed!"And this" daughter of the merchant " saved from sale the family estate in Estonia at the station "Korf" / it is not far from Ust-Narva/ and was perfectly educated, knew three languages and in General the house where she was born, was absolutely comme il faut / decent/.
Felix Feliksovich Sr. was a semi-English man, that is, his father was Elston, and the mother of Countess Sumarokov. He lived with his mother in St. Petersburg, was named Felix Feliksovich Elston, graduated from the corps of pages and went to the cavalry regiment /the most refined and expensive cavalry guards sky regiment/. There died of his maternal uncle, who had no progeny and he bequeathed the rights to the name /did camping difficult: was supposed to serve the application on the Highest Name; and he became F. F. Sumarokov-Elston. In the family of Yusupov, Yusupova child, to whom Pushkin devoted his poem "To the nobleman", also faded branch, that is, was the only daughter Zinaida Nikolaevna. And when F. F. Sumarokov-Elston married her, again submitted to the Emperor, and conferred on him the title "Prince Yusupov", and became an F. F. Prince Yusupov, count Sumarokov-Elston. Moreover, the major was agreed, that is, the title of Prince Yusupov could inherit only the eldest son, the rest of the children would be Sumarokovy-Elston, as well as the main estate passed to the eldest son.
Zinaida Nikolaevna, this is the lady who on the portrait of Serov in the Russian Museum sits on the couch with a Spitz. The Felix F. senior was tall, too beautiful, but not very smart, said. This couple had two sons, Nikolai and Felix. Both were not the ordinary then for the aristocracy education: not military, but civilian clothes, after the English manner. The French began to go out of fashion and replaced the customs of English "high-life". The portraits of both young Yusupov, too, are hanging in the Russian Museum.
But with the older son has been in drama. He fell in love with the Countess Hayden, but his parents were labeled much higher, as happened with the second son, who married a native niece of the king, Irina Alek Sandrone, daughter of the sister of the king of Xenia, and his father was her second cousin, also relatives, the great Prince Alek sandr Mikhailovich. Being against the marriage of his son Nicholas, they resorted to the long-tested method — they were separated. Nicholas was sent with the governorate on a round-the-world trip for one year.  And his love was married to the officer of the cavalry regiment of Baron Budberg /is also one of the best guards regiments barracks along the present Boulevard of trade Unions /**Now again, Horse Guards Boulevard -AL/, and the arena also belonged to the regiment. /In the same regiment served the Grand Prince Dmitry Pavlovich, the future murderer of Rasputin. Our Guesthouse was on Novo-Isaakievskaya street, parallel to the Boulevard, next to the post office, and the Windows were just against the gate, from which the officers were riding; well, of course, we were all in love with Dmitry Pavlovich!!
 But despite the long separation, love, and the illegal tion link, and so they were not lucky that when Budberg was on doctrine, and Yusupov and Nikolay came at a regular meeting, Budberg for some reason unexpectedly returned home and caught his wife in, as mentioned, flagrant delie, i.e. at the crime scene. And despite that it was already the 20th century, there was a duel where Yusupov was killed on the spot. Budberg was sent to the Caucasus, what happened to Heiden, I do not know, apparently nothing, because I saw her back in the 14th year, in nursing courses in The eugenics community. A young, handsome, rich — and ridiculous ending! As a result, all passed to his younger brother Felix.
/* I think mom is wrong about the origin of the name "Elston". The last member of the genus Yusupov had two daughters Tatiana, who died 19-year — old, and Zinaida, who married Felix Sumarokov-Elston. His father, Felix Elston was an illegitimate son of Elizabeth Khitrovo, maid of honor sister of the Prussian king Wilhelm. There is a legend that after learning about the unexpected pregnancy for her, she exclaimed: "Elle s'tonne!"that was the name of her illegitimate son Felix. Many sources called the bridegroom and husband of the Countess Marina Heyden — Baron Arvid Manteuffel, an officer specified by the mother of the regiment and the whole novel her by Prince Nikolai Yusupov covers several different/.
7.12.71 G. I Want to describe how Yusupov was located in his Palace on the Moika. My dad suddenly suggested to go to the house of Yusupov? Well, we certainly wanted to.

Went besides me and my husband Mate /*mom's eldest sister Martha, her husband, L. G. Jaeger regiment officer Emanuel N. Oprits/. Yusupov was in the city at the time and only left somewhere and was about to return, so that we went just March-March. But it was interesting that it was not a Museum but a living thing, and although it was a feeling of unease, as if looking at someone else's life, adelicate. I will try to describe the location of their rooms, but I don't know how to draw and paint. Below, as soon as you enter the front of the Sink, to the right were the rooms of Prince Felix Feliksovich. There were three rooms — the first kind of reception room, directly against the entrance hung a portrait of Z. N. Yusupova with a Spitz, Serov's work.  The room was full of some tables, whatnots, which was a lot of trinkets, more figures of dogs, horses, was and a figure (or several figures of women), which is looking at flea, he's in the same nightgown stands in various risque poses, it was all Dresden porcelain.
The second room was the office stood a Desk and other accessories for men Cabinet, hung on the walls draughts, sabres, rifles, and so on. The third is his bedroom, where we didn't go in. Now the second floor – reception Princess. In the 1st room, quite dark, waiting for admission, in the 2nd, the lovely room, the Princess spent most of her time. The furniture was modern, in my opinion, the work of Meltzer, very comfortable and everywhere white lilac, all was fragrant. On walls was 11 Dreams, in Louvre their in the time was 13 – this maximum is considered, other Indian not was.       
The room was just absolutely adorable! Not such a Prim, as in palaces, in it like to live.  #3 was dark, without Windows. It was something like a toilet: a large wash basin with a marble Board, so then it was accepted, but the service washing-up bowls /debolla and little/, two jugs and other stuff was silver, a wonderful coinage. Stood right here and dressing table with a triple mirror. The entire device: brushes, combs, powder boxes, perfume bottles — everything was Golden, too, great work. The left door led to the bedroom, where we did not go. Number 4 was the dressing room: the walls in two floors wardrobes with sliding doors for clothing                  
Nothing else in the room was not only in the panel between the Windows was a painting by Rembrandt, which Felix F. Jr. managed, with the help of servants to steal and to take him abroad, where he sold for several million. /**Only a Rembrant! According to my information from my mother, the heads of the Dream were taken away in the same way.- SCARLET./  Why she was hanging there, it was not clear, the picture was very hard to see against the light. On No. 5-6, etc. was the enfilade of living rooms, type of Palace and a large dance hall and again a few Seating areas along the facade.

On the other side of the ladder were separated by a glass wall is not very large room, with Windows to the yard, it was a small dining room. I remember only the wonderful candelabra "lamps". There were four of them, with life-size, maybe a little taller, from Meissen porcelain, something absolutely fabulous!  Then there was the big dining room, but it was dark, so I don't remember anything about it, then the slightly curved long art gallery, which ended with a theater like a bonbonniere. Man on 100-200. It was built a long time, even for the serf actors, but was completely rebuilt, namely the stage, not hall, the newest model, as the eldest son, about which I wrote that was killed in a duel, was very interested in the stage. Room was a miniature of the Mariinsky or Mikhailovsky, such as velvet armchairs, lie was not at all.


The murder of Rasputin occurred at the bottom, the entrance to the left, against the room the old Prince, no one lived here, but they seemed to spare We then went up above where I lived just wedded young Felix and Irina. But there was everything, as in an ordinary bourgeois apartment. The ceilings were normal, of course, not as 2.40 m as we have now, but not as high as in the underwear, and it gave comfort. We saw the living room and dining room. Just like everyone else. In the living room stood a bookcase, I deliberately came to see that they read the same novels, English and French, which we devoured.
...With the Declaration of war of 1914, the father immediately abandoned all his personal Affairs, on his clerks, and he rushed to help to establish the rear, namely the device of the infirmaries and the evacuation of the wounded from the front. Then the chief in this case was Prince Peter of Oldenburg, married to Olga Alexandrovna, sister of Nicholas II.  And here's a very quick father became the right hand of the Prince and somehow got the rank of General, and went in uniform of General. Everyone laughed and called him a "General exchange", on the model of the then "generals of cavalry, artillery, etc." I think he still did a lot of good with his inexhaustible energy. When in 1915 Prince Yusupov was appointed chief Executive of the city of Moscow,he took his father in adjutants. It was for the post of "Pananatili", nobody knew. Wasn't there before.
Yusupov lived in his Moscow Palace of the Red gate, then said it was Falconer /hunting/ Palace of Ivan the terrible. I was there. The fact that the first war in the beginning somehow was not felt, people lived as before, went on summer cottages, only it was impossible to go abroad, began to go to the Crimea. I also drove to the Crimea, and on the way back had to stay in Moscow for a while. Quietly approaching Moscow, at the station waiting for me father and suddenly says, "Maybe you'd better go to Petrograd, there's something restless".  I have already written to their girlfriends in Moscow that the food, and the flirting was serious.
We got in the car /now of course it would look very funny but then it was chic! shine! and we go. Suddenly the crowd holds us up, that is not delayed, and we just can't pass because of the crowds. And the crowd is kind of amazing, all, all, glasses, or keep lornette, or pince-nez on his nose, or binoculars, a telescope, a word, a miracle! It turns out that just as the night began to crush in Moscow not all German shops and businesses, and we hit the crowd at the shop "milk & Co". Then it was even worse — in the shop factory "Zindel and Co", the largest textile company, took away the matter. From the second floor pieces of velvet, silk, lace were spread down. In the music store, "Zimmerman" were thrown from the second floor pianos, and they, as living beings, with a groan broke on the pavement. What was all this about? No one knew! Said it was the Union of the Russian people, the extreme right party, organized with the connivance of the police, and, of course, took advantage of the punks, hooligans! I stayed then in a very fashionable hotel on Petrovsky lines — and this line is like our Foundry, in the sense of selling books. When I went out in the morning, the whole, the whole street, so 50 centimeters was covered with torn books, and some suspicious-looking types they were digging with sticks in their hands. Yes, because not all the shops were German! Well, wolf was a German last name, though they were Jews. Devran — don't know who I was, but was also Satiny and other Russian booksellers!
In short, the Yusupov finished his career "the chief Executive officer of Moscow". But I still had time to visit my father, who lived in the Palace at the Red gate. The impression is absolutely unforgettable! Entrance porch protrudes slightly forward as you enter, immediately there are two stuffed bears on their hind legs so big that I never saw, then it was a few steps up /10-12/, completely red cloth, and the entrance to the ward, Yes! yeah! The real house of the time of the boyars! Window deep round not even glass, and something else translucent in a lead frame. The entire floor in a red cloth on the walls benches, also covered the right corner of the iconostasis. Stood and a table cloth, but something very beautiful is covered almost to the floor, and two chairs like chairs with high, straight backs, and backs, seats and armrests upholstered in Venetian embossed leather. In the corner is an amazing tiled huge oven. Father, too, lived in a wonderful room, the window in the alcove and with the same round glasses, the room is small, so 12 meters, the ceiling is low, is also a wonderful stove. But the decor was modern, box-spring bed, etc.
/*And I want to quote from the memoirs of my mother's brother, Alexey Edmundovich Piratskogo — GL/:
"Before the revolution, my father was a stockbroker and financier, and among his many clients were Prince Felix Yusupov Sumarokov-Elston Sr., is almost the richest man in Russia, which, like many other aristocrats, always needed cash equity. And, now he came to the aid of the father, which for him was laid, he mortgaged or sold his estate and gave the Prince the cash. Over the years, they have established warm friendly business relations. Yusupov himself was no longer in Petrograd, he and his family fled to the Crimea and lived in his estate Koreiz near Yalta. There same then lived and Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna. Before leaving Petrograd Yusupov asked his father, as far as possible, to look at what is being done in his Palace on the Sink. And then one fine day my father went to Yusupov Palace. It turned out that there was a German mission to repatriate the Germans, whose fate during the war threw in Russia. We found an old Butler who almost cried at the sight of his father. From him we learned that the Germans in the Palace behave flawlessly and even talk, as if to protect the Prince pictures — like going to put false walls to hide them from the bloodthirsty eyes of the red. "And whether it is possible to obtain German passports for us through these Germans," we asked. The Butler promised to try and we received papers certifying that we are German citizens and are subject to return to Germany."
/ * Alexey Edmundovich and grandfather have reached until of Kyiv, where he went in Krasnodar, and grandfather in Crimea, visit of Prince Yusupov. Yusupov left Crimea for Italy, and when my grandfather got to Rome, he went back to Yusupov. I don't know if he had any contact with him. I just want to say in conclusion that I remember perfectly well the silver badge of the "Georgian society Of proper Hunting", once belonged to my grandfather-a big bear head in the middle of an oval badge, with Saint George and a blue enameled ribbon. Died icon in the Torgsin — HL/.


We met her in 1918 when he settled in Aptekarsky pereulok, building 4, apartment 11 \* in this apartment there lived the mistress, and then wife of my grandfather, Edmund K. Piratskogo – Anna p. – HL/.  When my brother Max because of the above scandal was forced to go abroad, his father moved into his apartment — it's on the Big Avenue of the St. Petersburg side, in the part that goes from Leo Tolstoy square to the Karpovka river — the house is very good, the apartment is gorgeous. I became unable to live with my sister, and I moved, although not very readily into this apartment in 1916. At first she lived with the Englishwoman miss Gordon, then she was advised to return to her homeland at the Embassy, and when after a long hesitation I married, The Corfiot barons lived next to /*on the same site - GL/.
Of course, in times of peace they never would to get acquainted with us, but here! In short, the meeting occurred in Dokomade, it was such an institution. United us desire to survive and as far as possible to help each other. The timing was terrible, he reigned total chaos. As Olga Konstantinovna and her husband Semyon was a lot older than us — they were both around seventy. She-with remnants of the former beauty and very narrow-minded people. He is a representative exterior, very intelligent, educated and interesting person. This was my first acquaintance with representatives of the aristocracy. Olga Konstantinovna was born Kartseva from landowners in Orel province. Very young mother brought her to St. Petersburg to study. Gave her some reason not to the Institute, as is usually the case, and in a French boarding-house, which many years later we learned with aunt Olya \her cousin, née Klemm, married Veselkova, Nilstat\ and Rimma shteynberg-Konecki— \*writer's mother A. L. Kopecky.-HL.\
Before entering the Guesthouse Olga Kartseva and her mother lived in the former hotel Demoute \which is mentioned in Pushkin and other people of that era\. In this hotel lived the poet, the illegitimate son of Shenshin — future FET.  He fell madly in love with O. K. and just didn't give her a pass, so at least she was talking.  When her mother was gone, FET on his knees in the hallway outside their door, which she of course did not open, and whispered to her through the keyhole passionate love words and poems. On his behalf she spoke. If Alexander III had stubborn and were not allowed to give him the name of the father. The Empress and ladies of the yard is petitioned for it and all persistently asked Alexander: "Faites \read "fat"\sa mon singneur!"which means,' Do it, sire!"Molested, molested, he had to eat it, and he allegedly once lost his temper, demanded a pen and wrote:" to be Called the son of Shenshin from now on AF. AF. FET".
Pension Olga Kartseva, apparently, not finished, and the very before she married Okhotnikov, a very wealthy landowner, their home was on the promenade des Anglais, the second from the bridge /now Leith. Schmidt/, to the right, to the Senate, the next house-former the Ministry foreign Affairs, where once worked Pushkin. Success in the light of Olga Konstantinovna had the great, Alexander III called her only as "My pre murovannaya beauty". And her husband has been a type of Levin from the novel Anna Karenina, that is seeking to live in the estate all year round and be their peasants. She didn't want to think about it.
I do not know what happened, but the Hunters demanded a divorce, and there were a number of years, which she was not very willing to say, that is, said: "Ah, Ah, it was a variable time, I lived in Paris, in Switzerland, on Lago Maggiore", etc." But in the details did not go, and there she met with Semyon Nikolaevich Korf "Simon, Simon", as she called it. He apparently is also very taken with her, but then treated her correctly, but somehow usmeshechkoy.  Semyon Nikolayevich Korf (*see — the Person named in the Golden Book of the Russian Empire) was not the eldest son and therefore had no status. In Corfu, as indeed all the Baltic barons, was the entail, that is, everything went to the eldest son, and from him to his eldest son. At that time Majoratsherr was a nephew of Semyon Nikolaevich — their estate was not far from Narva — there was even such a railway station "Korf".
Semyon graduated from high school and was the first official for special assignments under the Governor, and then Vice-Governor of the /*on the Narew river, West of Bialystok — GL\, and then the Governor, first in Warsaw and then in Warsaw. When he was in Lomza, my father's younger brother, uncle Kotia, worked for him as an official. Olga Konstantinovna without the end told about Warsaw, about what there were receptions, balls and so forth told That poles aristocrats were terribly rich, and their wives are simply covered with jewels. "But I, I, I, I, too, was lovely! Jewelry I never wore, as had so many of them, as was the radziwiłł and Potocki. But my toilets! Oh, what I have was the toilets! No wonder I lived in Paris! Sometimes a beautifully pinned bouquet of violets on the chignon was more elegant than a luxurious tiara!!"etc., etc. Semyon said that it is, in the present, "salary" was not so hot! 6000 rubles a year. *about 50,000 of today's dollars — GL/ plus the Governor's house with furnished front rooms, exit, the servants. Housing and servants-it is at their expense.
And then the poor Semyon Nikolayevich was a case which broke his career, although it is in fact ended as the revolution began. He was a civilian Governor of Warsaw, and he was also Governor — General Skalon. In 1915 or 1916, this Skalon went to do a review of the troops defending Warsaw. He was riding and ordered Semyon Nikolaevich to go too, but in a wheelchair. And imagine, they ran into Germans! Skalon rode away on his horse, but poor Semyon with his wheelchair did not have time to escape and was captured and was sitting in some castle prison.
The scandal was very great. There were people who shouted " Korf! German! Deliberately gave up!"The incident was even discussed in the state Duma. Olga Konstantinovna very grieved, of course, rushed to Petrograd to bother. Pressed all the buttons, there were negotiations with the Germans. They agreed to give it, but only redeemable on the face of the same importance. Began the search and could not find among the German prisoners the same equivalent of General. Finally, after long searches she has found such face in custody, of course honorable, somewhere in Central Asia, in Tashkent, that whether. Written off. Both parties have agreed. Semyon Nikolayevich was taken to Russia, Togo to Germany. Okay, please! The old scoundrel died somewhere in the middle of nowhere! And again, the whole thing stalled. But then the revolution began, and somehow Semyon came back and sat down to write his memoirs.
When I met them, they had eight more rooms and three servants. Then all this quickly turned into two rooms. The whole apartment was occupied by strangers, they dispose of things a Look like his, and they sat and trembled and was silent. And we, the roommates, they were the most suitable companions. Olga Konstantinovna loved Aldiko /*that is me HL/, he was at this time born /1921/ and a hundred times a day used to admire him and all kissed his knob and saying: "Oh, what a child, what a child! What a lovely child! No, no! He's not going to live here! This country is a mess! He has to go to America. Here you will see, you will see, he will be even President!» \Strangely! As the water looked! Although it is certainly not the President, but still, a miracle, and her prediction came true! Harald, indeed, lives in America\.   Aldik also loved her very much, and when he began to speak, called her "aunt Mil", and she was very touched!

/ * Aunt Mile I well remember, but as something not in focus-cheerful and chatty old. But I was sure her name was Emilia or Amalia, so I couldn't find any trace of her here.   What was the name of her husband, I didn't remember, but I remember a large portrait of him in a luxurious uniform. Why something utterly not remember, as she came to us. But remember how I went to his aunt's Mile. When I was bored to stay at home, I asked: "can aunt Mile?"I washed my face and hands, combed and released. For this it was necessary only to cross the platform twice to pull the call — it was communal; every family has its number of calls. The apartment we had the same, but I was always frightened that she had in the hallway and the hallway was dark. We have the same they have always been lit and a huge crystal chandelier in the hallway — probably more neg de had to hang up. Room aunt Miles to a ceiling was filled with furniture chests, cardboard boxes, something else. At the buffet — lots of figurines, cups, vases, presumably, very expensive. She planted me at the round table, put a Cup of tea and a crystal saucer with a terribly tasty cranberry jam, which I slowly whispered with a silver spoon with her Baron's crown. Finished with jam, I asked for more. I was silent all the time looking at what is around me. And she chatted without silence. After a second batch of jam, I politely thanked them and walked home. In our apartment there were only us and grandpa's brother and his family, and therefore it was possible to pull a call to your pleasure — HL/.
Just what types I do not have her you know? ..  Of course, I repeat, in Imperial times they told me, probably beyond the threshold would not let! How strange they were talking about! All the time poured the French word mi. For example, came play in bridge Countess Rostovtseva, Princess Obolenskaya and still necessarily old girl Skalon with son-in-law, husband cousin Rachmaninoff. His last name was Tolbuzin, but neither! Holy Moses! No one called: "Tolbuzin" — they called it "Tolbuzin?"When I asked why: "Oh, you know, Tolbuzin sounds very kupecheski" So: a small room — the former human, the light somehow turned off, a candle, all in a badly battered audience: "C'est votre tour сomtesse" /Your play, Countess!/ etc Or so more, our Olga Konstantinovna said: "Oh I know, I know, today I welded for Simon pretty consome of herring! And we had a bit of vermicelli! I swapped it for one porter in the living room!»
Then here is still that was interest but. She conceived to go to Paris, and then it was necessary for this guarantee or recommendation deep Communist. And she in General was sure that there are Bolsheviks, it is very, very bad people, and there is a com muniste — it is very good and as we didn't try to disbelieve her in it, showing "history VKP/b", she remained at the opinion. Now, she had a friend of communiste, and it was none other than former count Plato Zubov, great-grandson of Catherine's favorite. \*Valentin Platonovich Zubov, lived on St. Isaac's square, d. 5 –GL\. He lived back then in his mansion between the Boulevard and Pochtamtskaya street and headed the Institute of art history, which he founded and lectured there. I at one time was a listener — in 13-14 centuries by the Italian Renaissance and Russian art of the 11-17th centuries. It was very interesting! But was scared to walk the streets and had to give it up.
Now, the Teeth lived in the back rooms, and all public rooms were occupied by Institute. He was a bridge lover, too. With him in the role of a housekeeper lived the famous Brigitte Natasha Bunica, 55-60 years, a terrible gambler, who along with her husband, also a gambler, at the time, pulled three of inheritance /estate and money/ behind the green table. Well, this Zubov Olga Konstantinovna and decided to apply in connection with the departure and invited me to go with her. I agreed to accompany her. He received us in his office — a very, very large long room, Windows to the yard. Also the entrance was from the yard, very steep stairs, which then played a tragic role in the lives of poor S. N. Korff. The room was beautifully furnished with a Huge Desk, behind which sat the Teeth, were Laden with a wonderful writing instrument, chandeliers wonderful work and so He was 40-45 years old. Small in stature, with a pleasant face and nice manners. The conversation they were in the French dialect. I especially remember the following. She: "you, count, after all communiste?"He: "Yes, the Baroness! I'm communiste!"Then we discussed for a long time the fate of their friends in common, but the recommendation she still refused. Himself same he then washed away. Olga Konstantinovna said that he married the daughter of a Jewish doctor, a very clever man, and with his help got a trip to Italy for the purchase of something for the Hermitage. The very same Olga Konstantinovna in the end, he went to Paris, and what happened to her, I don't know.
And with Semyon Nikolayevich happened here is that. He went to the teeth on the next bridge, and fell on the stairs. Fell very unsuccessfully-the head down and rolled on steps and broke to itself a skull, and it picked up already dead. We were very upset because it was a very nice person, much smarter than his wife.
Still need to write that Olga Konstantinovna and the whole company was talking about the Empress, Rasputin and all of the yard. The trouble is that Olga Konstantinovna was very stupid, but leading questions we are some of her polypetalae. First: they are all made denied all the bad things that were attributed to the Queen. They said that Rasputin was able to talk the blood to stop the bleeding from the poor heir. Cost to fall, to cut or to prick, as he was bleeding and the doctors could not do, and the villain Rasputin will palacet, pasache and the blood stayed. Secondly, after the 1905 revolution the Tsar was very frightened, and Rasputin has inspired them, he was also a hypnotist and that while he was with them — nothing will happen. Thirdly: Alexandra Feodorovna, although she was a very educated woman and was brought up at the court of her grandmother Queen Victoria, and, as they said, graduated from the University, that is, had some even a scientific degree, even if obtained even on a Board, as now expressed, as Princess Darmstadt, she was very mystically tuned, believed in different charms, all the walls of her bedroom were hung entirely with icons, lamps, etc. But no physical intimacy she has with Rasputin, of course, was not, and the more so as at that time it was said that Rasputin had access to the Queen. This is a damned lie! Of course, it is very possible that he had accomplices in the court, as only after persistent demands of the best people at court, Rasputin several times removed, was even sent home to Siberia; but the heir will scratch yourself with a toy, and again the blood can not stop and return Rasputin!
Yes, and I must say that his prediction about the death of the Royal family was executed in December 1916, Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitri Pavlovich and Purishkevich, the extreme right Deputy of the State Duma, an avid monarchist, he killed Rasputin, and two months later the king was forced to sign the abdication. And the further fate of the Royal family was just awful.
I return to Olga Konstantinovna and her acquaintances. Here's what else I managed to get of them: they showed me their court toilets — now you can see them in the Pavlovsk Palace, at the top, where the portraits. But we've never seen them before. This luxurious gold-embroidered velvet dresses with long coaches \trains\, and with a hat type of headdress. They were stored at them at all in special cardboard boxes, like a coffin with a convex cover, that is dresses remained in a lying position and there were a table to the road that passed from one generation to another. Their "style" did not change, but apparently they somehow fit under the figure. Each yard had its own color. For example, the sister of the king, of Xenia, the color of her yard was orange, so dress her ladies and other ladies and liveries of the footmen, coachmen caps were the same color. Men gold-embroidered jackets and white pants, the chamberlains were embroidered with gold key. Olga Konstantinovna did not belong to any yard, but as the Governor's wife had access to the yard for large receptions.

These ladies were called "urban" and had a dress of dark red velvet. But these dresses are dressed up rarely: only for very large receptions, for example, on the occasion of the coronation, etc., And generally on evenings and balls ladies could appear in any formal dress, and the neckline was strictly regulated: no more, no less. This is followed by a state Queen or hofmeisters, and there were such cases when it did not admit some of the ladies, regardless of their big names and positions of their husbands, if the cut was too deep or not deep enough.
She even said that Nicholas II lived is very closed, and was only in cases where they cannot be avoided, for example, when you visit any royalty, or the French President. And Alexander III were very cordial host, and loved the hotel. In the evenings in the Winter Palace there was a very pleasant atmosphere. Maria Fyodorovna and Alexander kept themselves simply coming to one and then to another of the guests, he joked, joked, etc. Dinner was laid on a small table /10 people. And the king and Queen went around the tables, sat down to one thing to another and behave as hospitable hosts. Everything was different with Nicholas. There was a very tense situation. Alexandra Fiodorovna held herself in the highest degree arrogant, they dined at a separate table, only with their near henchmen, as Vyrubova.
I met Olga Konstantinovna with two ladies-in-waiting of the Empress Maria Feodorovna. It was the sister of Bellegarde. They talked about the enmity that existed between the two courts, that is, the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law existed in the highest circles, as you can see!
Still there was one interesting old woman: Countess Kiselyova, widow of the Russian Ambassador in Paris at Napoleon III. /* The widow of count Pavel Dmitrievich Kiselev, Ambassador to Paris from 1856 to 1862 - GL / She was very old. I must say that at that time it was very common buying and selling jewelry — because life was absolutely not on that Torgsin? not yet exist, but simply confiscated, anyone that found. And bought the Nouveau riche and foreigners, which appeared in abundance during the NEP. For sale required any person who would find buyers. And this was done by many people who earned a known percentage. But the person having value, not everyone was trusted, most readily to a man of his circle. So among these people was a former student, a man with a "good" name, which turned out to be a provocateur and denounced "where necessary" that anyone that is available. And so he told the old woman Kiselev. They came to her: "Come on!"She:" There is nothing" Lie, know, that there is!- that's it, come on!» «No!» «Not believe.» «Search.» Have become seek, all turned upside down – nothing not found. Took the old woman. Kept. Even then, however, was not tortured under Stalin. The old woman was all his: "Nothing!» Confrontation. The old woman all its: "Nothing there is no, he's lying." Then it say: "Shoot!"She: "I Will be only grateful, I'm almost ninety, very afraid of dying, not death, I'm lonely, and so quickly to an end." So let her go. She returned home, razvintili standing lamp floor lamp, and poured the stones that hid there, reviewing your necklaces, earrings, tiaras, etc. after a while she did the part sold and fled to Paris, where he died, leaving an inheritance to someone. She called Olga Konstantinovna, and one to her left and I know nothing about her.

\*NOTES HARALD LINDES: 1) AT the Library of Congress I found the following information about the Baron Korf: XIII knee Karpov older brother Semyon, Nikolai Nikolaevich, was born on 12 Feb 1853 and died 8 Feb 1917. In 1900, his possessions included: 46.000 hectares in Kreizburg near Dvinsk, 1.1718 ha Brucine about Bauska, 1.272 hectares in Papracane about Grobina, 5.237 ha in Priekule about Grobina and 4.061 ha in schönberg near Bauska. Total: 58288 ha. He was married to Sophia, born 11 August 1856, the daughter of Boris Loginovich and his wife Louise, nee Sonntag. Sophia converted to Orthodoxy in 1913. She died 5 APR 1934 in Copenhagen. Semyon was born on 30 Jul 1854. In 1898 — the councillor of state, 1900 — Chamberlain, appointed by the Governor prevalently province of Lomza, 1910 – the actual state Councilor, 1911 -managing Governor of the Warsaw province /Governor-General and commander was Georgiy Antonovich Skalon/, 1914-1916 — master of the horse. Commander of the order of the White eagle and of St. Vladimir 2nd degree. Married Olga Konstantinovna born Kursovoy, daughter of a landowner in the province of Orel, Livny district, Konstantin Ivanovich Kartsova, owner of the estate of Petrovskoe, Karlovo identity, from the provincial city 180 miles from the County town 70 miles away, the nearest station Kshen ' for the Moscow-Kiev-Voronezh railway.d. In the estate of the equine /Orlov trotters, sheep and an orchard. In 1900godu in Milovchake, Livenskogo the County Olga Konstantinovna inherited 64 hectares Died she in Paris, where buried on a graveyard of Santa Genevieve 13 January 1943 year /. Fate would have it that I bought were in the West in the thrall of the Finns started to come true her prediction about my move, which I to this day do not know! — to America.
Semyon Nikolayevich Korf had two younger brothers: Boris /1856-1906/, the captain of the cuirassiers, and the modest Nikolaevich, who died in 1912. Boris Nikolaevich had a son-Nikolay Borisovich who graduated from Alexander Lyceum in 1911 and in 1913 served as the collegiate Secretary in office of the Senate and which we well knew, but as it is remembered to me, contacts with Olga Konstantinovna weren't at it.  Its like a brother of my father, my uncle Eugene, he called a sailor in the Navy, probably after the revolution, because hardly Baron Korff would call an ordinary sailor. They were both in some kind of office on the Stone Island, where he worked as a typists two pretty young girls, soon to become their wives. My uncle was married to Catherine Anna,\simple, as they say, Baron Korf on Zinaida Alexandrovna /their maiden names I do not know/. The Corfu had one son, my age Bobka, which in my childhood I often played, but not very loved, he was kind of boring. The whole family was sent to Kazakhstan in 1935 and their fate is unknown to me. Although my grandmother was not a lady, but it really upset me "misalliance" of the eldest son, in the end, pridralis she stopped seeing sister-in-law and her once saying. I must say, aunt Kate was a woman with the temper and could be blunt but she was kind and sympathetic and helped me a lot. Our last night before leaving Leningrad in 1938, we spent with her. Uncle Jack died of tuberculosis in 1932. Aunt Katya died in the camp in 1941. Their youngest son was killed in action in September 1941, the eldest son near Berlin in 1945году\.  I believe Olga K. Korff left the Soviet Union in the early 1930-ies. From Aptekarsky lane we moved out in 1930, I guess I would remember her leaving before. With the advent of the Torgsin? the opportunity for the young and the elderly, for 500 gold rubles to buy an exit visa, perhaps, aunt Milya did. When we lived on Stone island, so left our neighbor, Rita Betsholtz.  When in 1932 he arrested her foster father / foster mother, committed suicide in the years of the NEP/ Rita, she was about eight years old, in school, she's never been, zlotych for 500 rubles bought adoptive parents, her adoptive father, and a girl, all alone, went to Estonia to a foreign country, to others pits people speaking in a foreign language. Rita quite a long time corresponded with his governess, in Leningrad, complained that very unhappy. In Tallinn she graduated, some school governess and then worked in service. Further its fate is unknown\. * 2) Count Valentin Platonovich Zubov was born in St. Petersburg in 1884 and died in Western Europe after 1967. In St. Petersburg, in 1907, he married Sophia Nikolaevna APCI \p. 1886 SPb/, before the revolution, and divorced in 1917, he married Catherine Gwendoline Pingoud /R. 1888 SPb/. This marriage was a child. In 1923 he went on a business trip to Europe — to sell some art objects from the Hermitage. Traveled the entire family, but returned one. He was soon arrested. A few months later he was released. In 1923 he married a civil marriage and a Church marriage, Anna Osipovna Bitchunskaya / p. 1898/ in 1925 he was sent back to sell the treasures of the Hermitage in Europe, but he did not return. In 1967 in Russian/in Paris/ in German/Munich published his autobiography "the harvest and hay time years: 1917-1925"\.




The history of the House of Eliseevsky started with a feast at Christmas the count chief Marshal Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetev, when the table was served fresh strawberries ripened in the greenhouse. The guests began to extol the host, and the Sheremetyev ordered to call the gardener Peter Eliseevich Kasatkin and gave his serf his freedom, and in addition a hundred rubles "furnishing". And here's to the summer of 1813, came to St. Petersburg Yaroslavl peasant and began to trade with the tray. Soon, at the Police bridge he set up shop, calling "Eliseevsky". To pay off the count his brother, Grigory Eliseevich Kasatkin, they formed a "Fellowship of brothers Eliseev family", in 1818 already had the shop and the warehouses in the building of the St. Petersburg customs. More profitable to trade in Russia still wine — because "drink is the joy of Rus". Lots of wines were taken from abroad.
Peter had three sons Sergey, Grigory and Stepan, who continued the work of his father and uncle. As a result, branches of the company were opened in almost all cities of Russia. Stepan Petrovich in my time from the things already departed; he had only one son Stepan, which was a very unlucky man, man-about-town in all the restaurants of St. Petersburg, etc. When always being late, he went to the theater, slightly throwing back the tails of his coat, that was visible watch chain of huge diamonds, it was in bad taste, terribly indecent.
In 1874, merchants of the first Guild Yeliseyev highest decree granted the honorary right to print your own product labels state coat of arms, i.e. they were suppliers to the court of His Imperial Majesty.
The son of Grigory Petrovich, Grigory Grigorievich, gave the case a huge scope. In addition, he was a great benefactor: shelters, hospitals, Get to his service was happiness. Sellers were dressed in shorts. Only men were accepted. Upon retirement, his employees received free apartments in his houses, for example, a large house on the left side of Chernyshev lane. Eliseev themselves lived on Vasilevsky island \ near the library of the Academy of Sciences. The house where the cinema “barricade” is called Eliseevsky, but they did not live there.
And the house really belonged to them\. Came the 1914 year. It was all good. Received the title of nobility. 5 sons grew up. The firm flourished. Gregory G. already over 50 years old, but he is full of energy. Grigory Grigorievich was married to Maria Andreevna Durdina, who was originally from a wealthy family of the owner of Breweries.
The children of the highest: Gregory G. Jr., already in my time he was a surgeon, Serge, nick, Alex, Peter, Marietta. At old age Grigory Grigorievich fell in love with “lady of the half – world” - the wife of St. Petersburg jeweler. Vera Fedorovna Vasilyeva, married young (twenty years younger than Eliseev), but his wife did not give divorce. Then he arranged it in Germany in a nervous clinic, and then in a madhouse, and then he was given divorce. Maria Andreyevna so and has remained there.  It was, of course, a very chic madhouse. But still... when Grigory Grigorievich married Vera Fyodorovna, his little daughter was six years old, and she was looking for a teacher who would speak French well and would come to Marietta and engaged. Vera EICHE was a semi-French woman, she was invited to this position. Verochka was a friend of my sisters and studied in the same boarding house as me. That's why I know it all.
The following incident occurred in 1909. Night in the house of the Eliseev family came policeman, saluted and said, "Sorry, but we do know that you have stored the revolutionary literature." The old man was furious: "It can't be! You know who I am! Please search!"The search was made, and the literature was found. However, the matter was hushed up. The next day, Grigory calling his sons.  Grigory Grigoryevich, Jr. was already a surgeon, and Sergei, nick, and Alex, students at Universities, Peter and Marietta is quite small. There was a terrible scene. The old man remembered all the Russian curses and said: "There are them in my house! And not a penny!"Grisha said:" I spit on you, I have its lifetime earnings!"However, the prospect for the three younger was depressing. Here intervened relatives, and Grigory Grigorievich was detached a bit and said: "Keep until the end of University. Any University abroad, and only to study. Not to learn — penny!"And all the guys left. Seryozha in Tokyo, he was the first European to graduate from a University in Japanese. Kohl's — in Freyburg /Germany/, graduated from the University, and Alex studied at göttingen. The house had a Peter and Marietta.
Sergei was very fond of his sister Marietta. Learned that it runs every day Faith EICHE, he began to correspond with her and asked all about my sister. This correspondence led to the fact that they exchanged photos, and I have found that the Vera is pretty and very much so. They fell in love with each other. And soon he summoned Faith in Tokyo, where they and have got married. Then they returned to St. Petersburg, where they had two sons. In 1918, they went abroad from Krestovsky island, the place where the stadium is now. (Winter came the Finns. Covered men and horses with sheets, and went to Terijoki /Zelenogorsk/). A chain took only the most necessary, and most importantly, Serge brought his head, which was worth more than any jewelry. In Paris he got a job as a Professor, I read a rather long lecture in the United States. Sergei and Vera are no longer in this life. The sons of his — one Arabist, the second sinologist.  Recently, we got in Leningrad, was a rumor that came to the sons Eliseev, walked around the city and found everything very well. But it was not the sons and grandchildren, and their comments, if any were, was purely out of courtesy, as to the "business" relationship they never had and never could have. They were humanitarians in the second generation.
/**Here I must interrupt the memories of my mom and to add information that was already in the nineties. Before the beginning of service in the Lutheran parish, and then the service took place in the cinema "Spartak", \former Annenkirche/, in front of us was a very nice woman. She introduced herself: Tatiana Vilhelmova Thonen. She told me that she collects materials about the years of repression /20-equal to 8 years/. I went up to her, and we talked. She invited me to her place. Over coffee we talked, and I happen to be told about the memories of my mother about Eliseev. She paused, smiled slyly, and said, " I can give you some material on this story." And handed me a collection No. 4 "the Lessons of wrath and love", which she publishes. And on the first page I read: "Sergey Eliseev. Memory lane.»
And this story is very interesting. When it became possible and scientists were not as poor as now, one scientist from the Institute of Oriental studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences went to one of the universities in Japan. And there, in one archive accidentally came across the negatives of Sergei Grigorievich Eliseev's manuscript. It was, apparently, a passage from the book. How these negatives got there remains a mystery. Whether the book is published or not, I also do not know. Finally, after Dating, Tatiana Vilhelmova Timonen got the negatives. She has done a Titanic work, deciphering illegible handwriting Sergey Grigorievich with the help of a magnifying glass. I will not touch on the content of those memories. Anyone can read this collection. Will tell you just how actually they got away from the Union. The first attempt at them was unsuccessful. Indeed, they conspired with the Finnish team drivers, but not with Krestovsky island and in Lakhta or Dibunol. But when they with all scarb and children began to approach a place where appointment with smugglers was made, the neighbor left and told that those are arrested and that in the house security officers. They quickly turned back. Thank God, there was no cordon, and they managed to return to the city on the last train. On Finlandzka station they were afraid to passport control the police, but fortune turned to face them. Then Sergey Grigoryevich began to feel other opportunities, again to make attempt of flight. This time it was possible — on a boat sailing from Strelna. There, too, were very risky moments. So light is small, and sometimes, in the most amazing ways one story prdolzhaet another\.
What the rest of the chain? Nikolai Grigorievich married a German woman in Germany and never returned to Russia. Alexander G. after graduating from the University in Germany he returned to Russia and worked on the "Red Vyborzhets".  I met him at parties, visiting mutual friends, danced, etc. He did a terrible thing. When in 1936-37. Stalinist repression began, Alexander G. was having an affair with one of the large Soviet secret service. Once she told him in confidence that the night would be to arrest the remaining Eliseev, and there were only two — he and Grisha. Alexander G. without telling brother, he ran away for a month in the province, and stayed there. And Grigory Grigorievich grab Lee, and he died in the Gulag. Further evidence of my cousin Faith ernestovna Duracin, who worked as a nurse at a hospital near Kalinkin bridge. Alexander G. I was just in that room, where he worked Faith ernestovna, who told me that before his death, he was very repentant deeds.
Marietta G. Eliseev lived a horrible life. Her first husband was shot as a white guard. The second husband was shot in 1937. She was terribly poor all her life, worked as a cleaner, lived in a communal apartment. Died in the ' 70s. Pyotr Grigoryevich had only high school education. He wanted to become artist, but artistic data not had. As a result, he took to drink and died of delirium tremens in Moscow.

\** In conclusion — another quirk Gregory G., Sr., who has turned into a very good acquisition for St. Petersburg.  The old man, after marrying a Frenchwoman, got together with a group of artists, and they convinced him that he has the talent of an artist that he should play in drama and tragedy. And for that purpose persuaded Eliseeva to build a theatre /the Theatre of Comedy/. Grigory Eliseev was in Shakespeare's tragedy "hamlet", in the role of hamlet. He played along artists such as Komissarzhevskaya and the Mammoth-Dali. My parents were present at that play, and they said it was a huge scandal.
Relatives gathered and forbade him to play under the fear of a madhouse. The old man Eliseev in advance transferred the capital abroad and lived in nice with the Frenchwoman, drowning in luxury, in a smart Villa on the coast of the Mediterranean sea.
The place of Toila-Oru ,where Andrei and I were in exile, is known in Estonia because the poet Igor Severyanin lived there for a long time after the revolution. Gregory G. Eliseev was there estate. The estate belonged to some Baron, who began to ruin and sold part of the Park. The old man built a house there. He also built a branch of the railway and highway.  Grigory Grigoryevich very liked to joke. The house stood on a hill below the terrace was a cave. After intrigued guests passed in a cave, the old man turned on the water supply and the way to an exit was cut off.

/**Daughter Gregory G., Jr. visited with us in the seventies. It was a gorgeous, very friendly lady. She was married to a dentist. They lived in the apartment was somewhere on the Nevsky Prospekt. Their only son mark emigrated to the United States. She told a story like that. They got a call from a man who said he brought a letter from Mark. There were two young people, connected owners and cleaned the apartment. Now that being said, it happens. But then it was an event...This lady brought us photos. All these children, from small to large, sit on the veranda with Maria Ivanovna in this house in Toila-Oru. Who could have known what was waiting for them? — SCARLET/
\*For some reason, I vividly remember how we in the Apothecary came once Gregory G. Jr. Distinctly remember it parted in the middle and large horn glasses. It was in the spring of 1927, shortly before we left for her parents in Berlin.  Probably Elisha had asked us to give something to relatives or to learn something. I also remember that yeliseyevs had a house on a Stone island with a large Park and greenhouses. In my time there was a rest house, and the greenhouse supplied all rest houses on Stone flowers. Sometimes we went there to buy flowers.  A few words in defense of Alessandra Grigorievich Eliseeva. I don't think he "did a terrible thing." I'm willing to believe that his girlfriend warned him of the impending arrest. I have about this is a good example: our kinsman Alexander E., Desfontaines stuck in Archangels ke, and suddenly his friend gausvik says: "Sasha, get out of here, come to arrest you". And he went with his family to the South of Russia, leaving his two young daughters from his first marriage to the relatives of his late wife Lucija Rudolfovna PEC. I am not surprised that Yeliseyev's sons kept revolutionary literature, many children of wealthy entrepreneurs and merchants were engaged in that. Not passed the Cup and our relatives, Desfontaines. I first learned about in 1992, when my distant cousin, Eugene G. Frazier, nee Scholz, I'm from Scotland wrote that in Arkhangelsk, in the house of Desfontaines she heard that two members of their family, it seems the girls were in some kind of revolutionary thing, and that for them it got.  Many years later, in Italy, her aunt Fanny Scholz confirmed it. And it was so. They were arrested, but the case was dropped and they were released. Fontanska the money they bought. After a few years my second cousin ASTA, Desfontaines remaining in the Arkhangelsk daughter Alexander E., mentioned, wrote about her grandmother, Alice A., born, and married, Desfontaines, the following: "My grandmother helped to smuggle Lenin's newspaper Iskra, which were transported by sea from the city of vardø in Norway to Arkhangelsk on the ships my grandfather, and my grandmother a letter in which this was discussed conventionally, intercepted /she was sorting the correspondence of his grandfather/ and told the movers, who were unloading barrels of fish, which of them, with a double bottom, was the newspaper. Thus, the newspaper got to Russia. About it is in archive, and I learned from the book which left in publishing house where I worked". But why go on about the brother of her grandfather, Vladimir Bogdanovich Pilecka, my mother wrote to me: "they Lived in Kiev and all, and he and his children, were red, just Communists." And returning to Yeliseyev, it would be interesting to know what kind of relatives came out to protect the children of the old man and after his" hamlet " threatened to hide in a madhouse?
Now, although it is to Yeliseyev has nothing to do, will say a few words about the mom Faith Burnacini and her sister Marianna, who married a prominent linguist, Professor Goedicke. Both of them I remember well and loved aunt Marianne, my childhood memories, it was kind of warm, soft. She was younger than my mother and she has preserved a wonderful library from a young age. She gave me books to read: Char Kai, Alex, Jules Berne, Mayne Reid, Fenimore Cooper, Gustave Aimard ... What she was not. Binder for children's magazines: "Sincere word", "Svetlyachek". Some "Hlybocchyny why", "Murzilki", "my Christ the Lord Fauntleroy", historical novels... my mom took her as long as I could to carry it to the house, and after reading, returned and took a new one. However, she generously gave books, which I read out to the holes, until came the more serious books: "War and peace", "Anna Karenina", Gogol, Chekhov, Turgenev — up to "Nana" by Zola. But all these books were in our house and stored in my grandfather's hunting closet. /Series Zola "Rougon-Makkari" I is why it was called "Rougon-Pasta"/. Well I remember the husband of the aunt of Faith — Dr. Durnikin, century high forehead, full, cheerful and good-natured. About him me I remember this episode. He was not averse to a shot or two that just did not like aunt Faith. When he came home, she kept hugging him, just in case, checking to see if he had brought a bottle with him.
No wonder that Dunakin was delighted when, somewhere in the mid-thirties in commercial stores, a "stark" in flat small flasks. "You know, — he said — I put it in the back pocket of trousers, and Vera alone even hesitate to hug me for this place. And then I hide in the bottom of our stand-up hours — it was dark, nothing visible, and Verina hand missing." Husband's aunt Marianne I have never seen, only know that the daughter of another grandfather's brother studied with him in College and always after his lectures were delighted.  I forgot to tell you that my grandmothers Beck had several brothers. One of them, Maximilian Geraldovich Beck was a Prosecutor in Tashkent, and in contrast his brother Michael was, as he wrote to mother," revolutionary and politician, his son is also revolutionary, and his daughter, actress Alexandria theater Kolosova was subsequently Secretary of Kollontai . In the same letter, the mother said:"About the family of the brother of my grandfather, Vladimir Oskarovich Palackoho, you never know, only heard that the family all the very best, almost all members of the Communist party. But among Lindes nor one socialist or Communist not was. However, in General there were no politicians — neither right, nor left, nor average, neither in Russia, nor abroad. In the list of honorary members of the Board of Trustees of the St. Petersburg commercial school, in addition to V. I. Gribanova, and many others, is also listed and state Councilor Alexander Grigorievich Elisha — perhaps a brother Grigory Grigoryevich, one of the relatives that had that effect.
In June 1941 my mother was in administrative exile in Borovichi, between Leningrad and Moscow. With her was dad's sister, I was in Leningrad, my little brother was stuck with relatives in Moscow.
With the approach of the Germans mom and aunt went to the East and got to the Kirov region, where he settled in the village of Klimkovo, Belokholunitsky district. In memories of my mother is an episode of the time, where she turns to 6рату, who there met — GL\.


We lived with you in Klimkova, One day comes to me a man with a big white beard, Chairman of the kolkhoz in Subulate — the whole farm – three older men and women, in 1944. And this old man says to me, " You, master Sha, all say a very just man, now, tell me, for Christ's sake, will the Lord God let me go of the sin, the grievous sin that I have committed? "And that's what he told me: Scary 37th year. Arrests-thousands, tens, hundreds of thousands. They miss everyone. Don't know what to do. Here's some sent to the wild places of the Vyatka, now Kirov region. Arrived a train accident in White month. It is necessary to lead them on. Ordered the farmers to allocate the carts. It was winter. Severe frost. This old man was with his sledge in the number of sent supply. On his car put a pregnant woman with a one-year-old child.
News had terrible Quickie in the forest, the place is absolutely uninhabited and hundreds of miles there is no shelter. People were planted, given axes and saws to build their own homes. Most died, but some still survived, and then they lived very well, his own economy, military service they could not be. Well, my " sinner "got this poor woman, as they say,"on a demolition." On the road she went into labor. Passed the village. The old man ran to the" Commissioner", who headed this motorcade, and began to ask permission to leave the woman to give birth in the village, but was refused. Let's go. Woman has given birth to in sleigh. The cold is terrible. Whom to save? One-year-old or newborn. The mother was unconscious. The old man took the newborn by the legs and threw him into the snow, a one year old pinned to the breast of the mother and the hungry, started to suck. So this sin tormented the old man. And I told him that sin was released, saying that he did the right thing, the Lord will forgive him, and that the child was unbaptized, it doesn't matter, he'll still get to heaven, it's even better for him. What happened to the miserable, he didn't know. But from me he is gone a calmer. I think no one will judge him or me.
\** The poor mother, the poor old man, poor long-suffering Russia? For what it all? After the arrest of my father Harald F. the Lindes, my mom is with me /I was 4 years old was sent to Bashkiria, where he stayed there for about two years.  Then we were transferred to the status of "minus 10 or 12", that is, in large cities, we could not live, and the deprivation of rights we have was still. So we appeared in the city of Slobodskoy, the Kirov region, and then in the settlement of Klimovka, Belokholunitsky area. The village was close to this magnificent river Belaya Kholunitsa. There was a steel mill here, abandoned because of the exhaustion of local iron ores. We rented two rooms in a nice log house. I went to first grade. Mother, who in the turmoil of the war managed to hide the fact of repression, taught in the same school. The first time mother sold earrings with diamonds for 15 buckets potatoes. So we lived through the winter. Then planted a garden, brought a goat, settled... on the outskirts of this village was a barrack, where they lived expelled Estonian women who worked in logging. This is a very hard work for men. One of the women, Alma I., often came to see us and mom with her friends. Around this village there were few villages. And those who were already dead. In one of these villages Shabalala lived the old man. He was the Chairman of the collective farm in such a village of dying — three older men and women. Later on there was a further ordeal, but about them briefly will not tell.\


With great excitement I read, and reread, memories written by a friend, such a native, mother's hand. And sometimes it seemed to me, we sit with her on the red grandfather of the Ottoman, and the mother quietly, deliberately, aloud, says, stops, takes off his glasses, sighs again and continues. And I'm with her and I want her still to ask, something to tell.. "Mom, who did you live after selling the house on the embankment? Probably, aunt, Mother, you've always been closer with her, although outwardly more similar to Lida. And With Mothers and her husband Moumou you much about being told you were traveling. In the last "peaceful" summer we visited Egypt, we wanted to go next year to India, where our aunt Olya Veselkova spent her childhood — because her father was an Ambassador there.
Jura, the son of the aunt of the Mother, often you remembered, loved you very much. I remember his long letter, it found us in the meadow, he reported to you, the very first of all, I decided to get married, that sort of Leah, the daughter of a priest? You probably lived in the rooms where the late Anna Nikolayevna Bazhenova, your great-aunt". And speaking of Bazhenova, I want to ask you, mother, what do you think she was so painfully trying to remember what your sister asked you to give? You know what I think mom is to tell you that I'm alive. When Yurina widow received a letter from my friend, who in 1944 decided to return from Finland to Russia, and whom I asked, if possible, to inform her that I am alive and well, poor Lida was so frightened that the letter destroyed and for many years no one said anything that you could not forgive her. But aunt Mate probably knew, but was afraid to write to you, referred, about that. And before she died in 1948, she asked you to give it to the only remaining loved one — his aunt Bazhenov. You think that's what mom was?» »
What mom-and-mom — remember, I am your childhood called, and it's very fond of, "Blüthner", which stood in Gribanovskiy the house, this is the same man who roamed with us from the Apothecary on a Stone, thence Petrovsky, where it was sold for a pittance, a few days before our links? How I got sick, despite my seventeen years, when, coming home, his already not caught in our dining room! It was kind of a turning point, before that I was in a world of fantasy — Papa let go, everything will be fine! And then realized: everything collapsed, no return — you, mother that I did not.
What am I doing? Yes, the "Blüthner". You told me that you only had a piano on the Apothecary, "Blutner" was standing in his grandfather's apartment on Bolshoy Prospekt, where Max lived – probably, he piano and took away property in the division, and said that after the departure of his grandfather, you somehow managed to convince some Commissioner that your husband is a musician and he needs a piano. And he was allowed to exchange your piano for a Grand piano. But, in any case, nothing other of the things my grandfather not to take. But while you were entertaining him with talk, dad and his sister slowly "started" the Blutner "with everything they could, including grandpa's" Kodak." As soon as the three of you pulled the piano down at the sled he was carried to the Apothecary and held it up to the fourth floor?»
But your friend on the Board, Lyubasha, I do not remember, though the name Steinberg evokes the image of some person, which for some reason sometimes appeared at our pharmaceutical — not the lawyer, not the criminal investigator, and as something associated with what to Eat, because there was such a girl I sometimes played? I think her father was a lawyer, lived at the Officer's, behind Mariinka, when I came back from exile, I went to him. He showed me his wonderful collection of stamps, but when he was called to another room for some reason, he asked me to go with him: "you know that a philatelist can not be left alone with other people's stamps."
"You know, mother, that I was particularly struck by? It means that on the eve of your wedding, your young stepmother congratulated you on the phone and sent a basket of roses with a messenger. This, after more than six months after October! It turns out that the phone still worked fine, and the shops sold roses!»
"Actually, mom, you didn't tell me much about your wedding, and maybe I just forgot. All I know is that you were married on June 22, 1918, in a Reformed Church in Moika Bay, from your niece Nina, I know that pastor Gelderbl crowned you, that it was a warm Sunny day. And who, except Nina Hartman, was at the wedding where you were drinking, if at all drinking — I don't know. You said you had a luxurious wedding dress made for you, but in my day it was sold a long time ago, there were only wax Myrtle-dots from your crown, which you kept in the icon, although we and the Protestants, but also in our bedroom and grandmother's icons hung.
And I remember how distressed dad about business cards, stitched it to the wedding, too, in order: "What in it good? Striped pants can still be worn, and only the artist will buy a business card". Probably someone still bought it, but I'm in it twice sported at the masquerade."
"And, mother, why do you say that you got married after much hesitation ? Afraid of a close relationship? After all, you're my whole life loved dad and only dad!
Mother, darling, don't cry!  Sorry, I forgot that as soon as you hear daddy's name! you just can't stop myself from crying! I'm sorry, I won't!»
I'd rather tell you this. Remember, you were surprised that the young Yusupov read the same novels, who reads all you? Let me tell you about the book, which is your bra that Ale gave the Grand Duke Boris Vladimirovich, and from him the book was given to me. In a embossed cover, on a spine with a gold crown, with initials of his father, Grand Duke Vladimir Aleksandrovich, with his exlibris and already less impressive round press "Iz kinig His Imp. Vys. Boris Vladimirovich."Next pencil, Velikoknyazheskaya hand, displayed:"Nach:1/14 August, 1910 on the way from Tsarskoe Selo to Paris. Con: August 3/16, 1910 in Paris." And you know what this book is? Vulgar French novel "Death in a loop"!  Uncle Al's life was proud of his acquaintance with the Grand Duke, all bow down to the aristocrats, and after his disgrace, nor what, was expelled from the Alexandrovsky Lyceum! No, dear mother, I will never understand or will be able!"And still mother... \ * No, such conversation didn't take place, wasn't it and couldn't be...GL\

Nina Edmundovna Pilecka – Lindes. Leningrad –Narva-Joesuu-Toila-Oru. 1968-1976гг.
Family des Fontaines: photography 1860 — 1863.
Front row:
1\ Anna Moiseevna des Fontaines (nee. Clafton) is the mother of all adult children (1810-1863).
2\ on her knees the girl in the hat Anna Bertha Pilecka (in marriage PEC).
3\ the boy in the striped jacket Alfred K. Pilatzke (? – 1830), physician of the military Academy in meditsinskoi SP\b.
4\ the boy with the hat in his hand – Edmund K. Pilatzke (1857-1935).
5\ Anna Abramovna Gribanova (Russian. Des Fontaines ( ? - 1906).
6\ Caroline Abramovna Pilecka (ur. des Fontaines), great-grandmother of Harald and Andrei Lindelow (1836-1886).
7\ In the hands of the Carolina Abramovna – Anna Vilgelmovna (marriage Shergold).
Second row:
1\ Zhanetta Abramovna Bazhenova (ur. des Fontaines).
2\ Fanny Abramovna Lindes (Tr. des Fontaines) – second great-grandmother of Harald and Andrew.
3\ Polina Abramovna Friedrichsberg (b.  des Fontaines).
4\ Edward Friedrichsberg.
Absent: Abraham des Fontaines (1800-1872) and Alexander des Fontaines (1838-1869).

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